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Posts posted by Longcat

  1. I have to say it slightly makes me happy seeing that other people are realizing I WAS NOT THE ONLY ONE AT FAULT FOR THAT SHINDIG.

    But still, Coin's a good dude. He meant well.

    This is something that none of you will never understand... no matter how it looked, it wasn't meant to fuck shit up. It was what us and others (And others includes you Church. >.< ) had thought was best. Yeah we went about shit wrong, and I know that. But dude. QQ more. sG is alive still and kickin'. Coin didn't steal 5 grand from sG. He didn't make dick moves. He always did what he felt and thought was necessary and what would be good for the clan/community as a whole.

    I was always actually really pissed that you got so much more blame than coinstar did. There was a strong effort to seize control from coinstar but his love of money prevented him from giving up the paypal, which we couldnt wrestle from his grip without catastrophic consequences.

  2. Dayum I guess nobody remembers when Coinstar tried to single handedly reformat the clan against everyones wishes last year and then held out on the paypal like a bitch when it backfired and everyone wanted him gone. Oh well, good job not dicking the clan over on your way out like P2, props for that. The new kids seem to like you so I guess you kept your nose relatively clean clanwise since I've been gone. Good job, I just hold a nasty grudge evidently.

  3. Creepy when you say it, but romantic when Jason Mraz says it? Man, fuck women.

    Haha she found it cute the next time I said it. She just hadnt heard it initially so it made it seem as if I was propositioning her to do a striptease on me like a week after we started talking.

    Live and let learn. Now I make sure to point out all of my pop culture references. Its kinda like Goldmember muttering band names under his breath.

  4. Not really related to the topic, but I'd like to tell you something that my girl told me last night. We've been dating for about a month now and I made her a mix CD near the end of January. We were watching the valentines day episode of futurama with the candy hearts last night and she turns to me and tells me a little story. We started talking a bit back before thanksgiving break and I had my clinicals time on mondays, the same night we go to ballroom dance club (where I met her). So I was going to get out of clinicals early enough to come to dance for a bit so I sent her a text. I had seen that she had a Jason Mraz song quoted on her facebook page so I was all like ooo, I know this awesome lyric from a song called Butterfly that she'll know. So I sent her a text that went something like this: "Yo, Getting out of clinicals soon, save me a dance. I'm takin a moment just imaginin that I'm dancin with youuuuu. I'm your pole and all you're wearin is your shooooes..."

    She didnt know the lyric. So that came off as one of the most perverted/overstepping the boundaries kinda thing I could have said. She and her roommates who also came to the ballroom club freaked out. They lied and sent me a text saying that they had left ballroom because nobody was there. To compound that, we were going out to lunch at Panera the next day and evidently she thought I was super shady.

    She didnt know that it was the lyric for a song until I put the song Butterfly on that first mixed CD. A portion of our relationship history was based on the misconception that I was a creep and a half.

    tl;dr texted ladyfriend a lyric from a jason mraz song, was misconstrued, and was considered mildly creepy for 3 months until she heard the lyric on a mix cd I made.

  5. While everyone is waiting for Niteice, I figured I would pose a question to him.

    Niteice: What have you done to deserve anyone's respect as an administrator on these servers?

    I asked myself this question long ago, before I ever had a staff position in this clan and the answer was always: Nothing. Even after I was JCS, the answer was still the same. I don't deserve the respect of a bunch of people I've never met. If people who I've played with for a while want to give me respect, thats fine, but I won't be forcing it upon anyone. I could care less what haters have to say, I'm not going to do anything because its just words. If they make the game unplayable, I'd punish it. But words? From some guy you've never even met before? Are you really going to be so butthurt about being called a bitch by an acne faced teen from across the country that you have to flex your e-penis and ban him? You're an administrator who is supposed to foster a fun and playable gaming environment for the server, not to exact your own vengeance because he bruised your internet ego.

  6. PIC_10-01-31_00-37-56.jpg

    Isnt she beautiful?

    This glider died tonight...I forgot to put down the lid on the toilet and she jumped in and drowned while I wasnt paying attention. I feel like the shittiest pet owner in the world now.

  7. It was actually a 3 way tie between Nevada, Hawaii, and Boise State. The WAC has no tiebreaking system, so head-to-head or overall rank don't separate them.

    I can't believe you guys have to play UConn. What a shitty lopsided game that is going to be.

  8. What's it been like, years?

    How's my little =(UV)= doing?

    Not as well as it could be doing...Pretty much as soon as I quit staff to be a responsible human being IRL, the trolls took over zombie mod and ran off all of the worthwhile players, remaining staff did nothing. Jailbreak ruined the clan...Counterstrike Source is slowly dying but this clan still can't expand into other video games...Not much else I can think of. Theres a lot of filler retardedness in there, too lazy to find it all.

  9. It doesn't matter if the agreement is bullshit or not, if you enter the server, you agree to the agreements, that's how it works. This means that Lt.Turbo agreed to the fact that he could get permanently banned from anything associated with sG if he griefed etc...

    I honestly don't care that you're forcing the agreement on players who enter the server, the agreement was overboard from the get-go and shouldnt be enforced to such a degree. Ban him permanently from minecraft, I dont care. But banning him from CSS and the forums is pure dumbassery. You honestly don't see how retarded this agreement is? If you honestly do not, there is no knocking sense into your head and I'd like to talk somebody who was gifted with common sense. If you DO see how stupid it is and just refuse to admit it, then I'd like to talk to somebody who was gifted with less pride and stubbornness.

  10. We had a prior agreement between each other (all 20 or so community members) that if one person was griefed, he would be banned on all of sG. Unless these type of agreements are covered under the sG Guidelines, then his agreement was the reason why he was banned on everything. The Umbrella rule didn't apply necessarily. Any person who plays on Minecraft can tell you the agreement they agreed to prior connecting to the server, and he just happened to be the only one who would be retarded enough to be banned by it.

    This doesn't even account for the fact of his general community disrespect on Ventrilo, his "failtroll" on forums and his admin abuse seen on Jailbreak. This is just the tip of the iceberg for the shit he has done - I'm simply doing damage control.

    I understand that the agreement was made, I am just saying that the agreement is bullshit and doesnt make sense when shown next to the rest of the body of rules for this clan. I'm basically arguing to have the agreement that you made be declared "Unconstitutional" due to its outrageous nature. I'd say it falls into the unusual part of the "cruel and unusual punishment" statement because of its unusually long duration and coverage. And yes, I know that the Constitution isnt the ruling law here, but it is a good general body of laws to model ourselves after.

  11. So, I'm really tired so excuse my bad English.

    You all know me well, I don't deal with bullshit. Turbo was griefed by people two days ago, but I (and others on the Minecraft Community) have no idea who did it. So we let it be since we had no evidence or witnesses who could attest to who did it. Earlier this morning, Turbo decided to take the matter into his hands by griefing my stuff. "Griefing" on minecraft consists of fucking shit up that isn't yours. Think of it as I made a lego building with other people, and he decided to change my lego building in substantial ways that I didn't want it to be changed. THE PRIOR AGREEMENT before joining that minecraft server is IF YOU GRIEF ANYONE ELSE AT ALL, YOU ARE PERMA BANNED. Turbo agreed to this and so did the rest of the players when they joined the game. We had MANY witnesses come to me this afternoon in Vent saying that Turbo griefed my stuff, I double checked on the server and yeah, it definitely was him (putting some jokes he used to attempt to"troll" me). I handled it simply by just dropping him after confirming the story with a couple other players on the server.

    This had no bias at all, considering how he decided to fuck my shit up when I just let him be is pretty funny. But I was told by the people who made the Minecraft server that we had no tolerance for griefing, so I followed through with that policy.

    If confirmed indeed with persons who witnessed the griefing, I am fine with a ban. You may want to get a couple of them to come in here and say "hey yeah I saw it". The rest of this post is assuming your sources were correct and he did what he is accused of.

    I am not fine with the length/severity of the ban. You may ban him permanently in Minecraft, minecrafters take their shit seriously and I'm ok with that, even though it is massive overkill. But to ban him permanently from all of the servers and the forums, based upon an incident consisting of switching around some blocks in a house in minecraft, is overkill and a half. In my opinion, this should not fall under the umbrella of Jason's "Banned on one, banned on all" ruling. This was a single, isolated event in a server which does not at the moment have a written set of rules, much less a section of the forums for itself.

    I would see this situation as similar to cade breaking in ZM. You built something with your time and efforts, somebody came by to fuck it up. Saw it all the time. Did I ever give a player a permaban for it the first time they did it? No. That would be stupid. If you'd like to tack this ban onto his total towards his six, that would make sense since he griefed your shit in minecraft. Saying that griefing in minecraft is worth a permaban while griefing in CSS is only worth a few hours is also just plain stupid.

    It doesnt matter what kind of agreement you had, that agreement was misguided and unjust. It doesnt mean you are less of a man or that you're caving if you change it to a temporary ban now, it just means that you're being an efficient leader who is capable of reevaluating facts to ensure that he is making the correct decision.


  12. Or instead of being secretive, you dumbasses could be above the table with your dealings and let the community know whats going on with this ban. There should be no reason to keep it secret. If you're afraid of backlash from the community because most players probably wouldnt consider it legitimate, then you probably shouldnt have instituted the ban in the first place. If it is as cut and dry legit as the two of you seem to agree that it is, let it be known so that others don't make a similar mistake.

    Lets stop herpin our derp up in here.

  13. What? God no. I meant the WAC.

    Oh ok, I believe I misunderstood, my bad bro. Definitely agreed that Cam Newton should be higher, but I definitely dont believe Kellen Moore would put up such numbers in a larger conference like the Big 12 or SEC as he is getting in the WAC. Hell, Boise barely beat Virginia Tech, who went on to get beaten by James Madison.

    This is like how everyone was discussing Jimmy Clausen as one of the best QBs of his class. He really wasnt that great and rarely had good games against Notre Dame's few decent opponents. I hope we will get to see Boise take on a good Automatic Qualifying team in a bowl this year. I'd rather not see Boise play TCU, because that doesnt prove anything for either one of them.

  14. I agree that Kellen is a good QB but his image is tarnished, simply because of his teams schedule. I don't know if he would or would not due just as well against a conference with higher prestige. I think he would but who knows. I'd give him a 2nd place vote just because Newton, although the allegations, is an unstoppable QB. He has as many passing TD's as Moore and as many rushing TD's as James, I believe. I'd vote for him, whether or not he got paid. As far as on the field talent goes, he's the best.

    - An honest Crimson Tide fan.

    Nevermind, misunderstood :D

  15. Do none of you faggots realize that by buying these Call of Duty and Halo games year after year, you're contributing to turning the FPS genre into Madden‽

    Every year, they put out the same game. They change a couple of things, find some new names and BAM NEW GAME. Just like Fallout New Vegas, except you know without a well developed story to make it worthwhile. Too much of a hassle to innovate.

    Find some other way to acquire this game if you want to play through the single player campaign(Not advocating piracy, you could rent it I guess...). You arent missing anything by not being able to play online. That is unless you dont have COD4 or MW2. In which case you should go out and get COD4.

  16. Take it from a person who has actually had a pussy on his dick. Shave it. Ladies love it and it increases your chances of getting a blowjob by about 3x. A clean shaven dick is a beautiful dick. You'll stare at it for a long time to admire your work if you've done it right. And then you'll have trouble not telling other people about your artwork.

    Shave it the first time to see what works for you. You may want to only trim it at the points where your legs meet the area where your scrotum begins to descend, this area becomes inflamed and painful if you get stubble there.

    Important parts:

    Shave the pubic triangle, as close as possible. If you're feeling really daring, trim it first and then try to shave everything while leaving a star pattern right above your crotch. You may be able to get away letting some hair grow here, depending on what you discuss with your prospective partner.

    Shave the balls, as close as possible. If you get a fresh razor, you should have no problem with this. Just draw a bath (shower works fine too if you dont have a tub) and wait for your balls to get in that really loose state. Stretch and shave. Don't be afraid, it isnt any more difficult than shaving your face. Not once in the 2+ years that I've been manscaping have I ever nicked my scrote.

    Shave the taint. Get rid of that shit.

    Trim your asshairs. Don't get rid of them all the way because that will A. Cause stubble rub and B. Make your asscheeks super sweaty together and, as Zachmanman knows, make your farts move up and down the crack like a gerbil with no escape.

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