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Posts posted by Longcat

  1. This reminds me of January Twenty Oh Nine. The GREAT ice storm! We had been hearing reports all week about some snow and were super excited.

    Then it came. 2AM-5AM it sounded like a warzone. Branches snapping under the weight of the ice sounded like gunshots and mortars. When the sun came up it was still overcast and sleeting. No power. My car had a shell was incased in a shell of ice 3/4ths of an inch thick . Had to break it with a hammer.

    It continued this way for some time. No heat, no access to extra food because the grocery stores were all dead. No cell phones because the ice snapped the towers in half. The city descended into a primitive land. Every day a man in a truck would come by and drop off about 6-8 gas powered generators in the parking lot of Lowes. The chaos and scrambling made me anxious that the city would soon descend into looting and violence. For a week or so we lived in this nightmare land. Reports of restored power were few and far between and promised salvation no sooner than a week and a half off. We knew we had to get out.

    South. The plan was to head south. At least for the rest of my family.

    They took as many as they could and left for my grandparents in Florida. I went east. To my girl. I hadn't heard from her in two weeks. I didnt know if she had power, had left Louisville in the wake of the storm, or if Louisville was even still standing. But I had to try. So I ventured forth on my 1/4th tank of gas, hoping that I would find a gas station with power before I ran out.

    I found a Thornton's gas station that was operational in Evansville Indiana. It had a line nearly 1/4th of a mile and was rationing gas to 10 gallons per vehicle. That was enough. I worked my way down the interstate, weaving in between the downed trees. I saw maybe 10 other vehicles on the way.

    Louisville was in similar shape to home. Most businesses were closed. A Taco Bell here, a KFC there.


    I heard the familiar chirp of my phone that triumphantly alerted me to service. I wshakily pulled my phone out and called her apartment. Ring...Ring...Ring.........

    To be continued.

  2. It's still the same principle, and Jared made a good analogy for it. People laughed so obviously they were enjoying their selves. There were 3 other players who thought you were hilarious. They also happened to be the 3 most spamming players besides yourself.

    I didn't realize the global rules changed per server. They dont, but their enforcement changes admin to admin. I dont care about racism because it hardly ever impedes the game, but I get really annoyed by griefers and spammers.

    Nobody was mic spamming, people were just laughing and having fun as we normally would-until we're all muted. Even though I don't logically see how muting everybody in the server equals a warning to me that I could be banned, still, nobody was complaining unless laughing is considered complaining. Your delusion of hilarity is just that, a delusion. The fact that everyone was muted shows that not everyone appreciated your sound clips. Admins are people too! We didnt appreciate all of the yelling, screaming, and sound playing. We asked for it to stop, we muted everyone, we said no spamming, we caught you spamming as soon as the mute was lifted. If you can't connect the dots between "Entire server muted" and "Maybe I should shut the fuck up" then your logic is flawed.

    Let me correct this for you (since you didn't read the thread obviously.)

    Did you play clips repeatedly over mic and annoy people-N - if people weren't complaining and were laughing how were they annoyed?
    I was annoyed. Army was annoyed. There was another guy who said "Can you people shut the fuck up"

    Were you warned-N
    Yup, you sure were. Every time you were muted and when army said not to spam when the mute was lifted. You are obviously just too stupid to understand that you were included.

    Were you and everyone else muted after it continued for a short amount of time to get it into your head that you should stop-Y - the whole server was dead silent and boring for 3 minutes.
    Oh nooooooo a peaceful round! Somebody call the spammers so we can't hear ourselves again! It is more fun that way!

    Did you continue using your mic after the mute was lifted-Y - which is why people use their microphones in the first place.
    They use the mic to communicate with other players. Your sound clips were unnecessary, unfunny, and annoying.

    Did everyone else use their mic after mute was lifted-Y - is there something wrong with talking?
    Nope, something wrong with spamming your sounds just to be an annoyance though!

    Now of course people are going to complain for a few seconds after the mute, but:

    Did you complain-N - during the mute perhaps

    Did you play more clips after being warned not to- I wasn't warned
    It has already been established that you were. Good effort.

    Once again, please read the thread before accusing me of something I didn't do. I did not play music. It was a sound clip of someone talking.

    If that's the case then I guess admins have the right to ban everyone on the server, no questions asked, because I didn't break a rule.

    Well as of this point I have more proof then them (see screenshot).
    Your "proof" shows that army muted you and I banned you. There is no proof of any wrongdoing in your entire argument. This entire thread is he said she said with you being down 1-2.

    That's all great and dandy and I agree with you completely. If I had broken a rule then I guess you could use that against me. To the last sentence: my screenshot says otherwise.
    Your screenshot encapsulates a whole 15 seconds of server time. It doesnt even catch the unmuting. Good job censoring out all relevant information for your complaint though.

    Personally attacks longcat? If nobody questioned the actions of admins they could ban anyone for any reason and turn the server to shit. I've played this server for a long time (a lot longer than you) and have not had problems until recently.
    I'm all for being questioned. If you take a look you can see that I was once banned for admin abusing a kid named Sykokiller666. He complained on the forums, I was guilty, I was banned for a period of time. I punished MYSELF for that because I knew I broke admin rules.
    I did nothing wrong here, Army did nothing wrong here.

    Your complaint is entirely baseless and without reason or logic. A mute is a warning that further punishment may come if mic spam continues. Don't forget it.

  3. if im saying i dont did that all what you mean then i dont did that why i should cheat or anything if im on lvl 1300 i dont need all that shit and i dont see any white frames or what is this

    I think I speak for everyone when I say: wat

  4. I'm not complaining about anybody talking shit. I'm just tired of being banned for the stupidest shit because admins can do what they want. I am pretty sure, no absolutely sure, that you said we were talking shit about you in your first post. Our admins are actually fairly well policed. If you were to post a legitimate admin abuse complaint, it would probably come out in your favor.

    I never played music. I didn't know words automatically translated to music now. Bullshit, not only did you play it when I banned you, you also played it when the stupid "Rap arena" was going on. I didnt mute for that, I am just proving that your statements cannot be trusted.

    That's really funny because in the MOTD it says this:

    "Do not spam your microphone or radio messages. Doing so will result in a mute. Avoiding a mute will be punished with the administrators discretion. You can play a clip/song as long as nobody asks you to stop, although once asked, STOP." You were ORDERED, along with every other player, to NOT MIC SPAM when the mute was lifted. Did you listen? NO!

    Nobody asked me to stop. You do not get this? We blanketed every single player in that server, including you!, with our "Hey dont mic spam when we take this mute off." Nobody is going to take the time to tell every single player on the server "You. No mic spamming. You. No mic spamming." You arent special. Furthermore, when everybody was unmuted, I recall 6-7 people on the microphone, not just me. In which I still wasn't spamming. Your sound was continuous and the one that went on the longest. If you hadnt kept it going, we wouldnt have been able to single it out from all of the others. It would have been lost amongst the rest of the 6-7 voices. That is why me AND army picked you out. What are the chances that me AND army would have picked YOU out of the mass of people who spoke right when the mute was lifted? Slim. You definitely werent my highest priority with the mic spammers. You can ask Jared about this. I would have banned Kitty, Rasputin, or Jared himself before I banned you. But they didnt go on long enough to stand out and for me to be certain that it was that one of them who was speaking, much less call it spamming. You did.

    prove it. you can't, because it didn't happen. I witnessed it. That is two players recollection's against one.


    No problem man. He's fucking with you.

    Anyways, admin is not a position where you are out to play super-cop, sit in spectate, and ban as many people as you can. It is a privileged to take action when necessary and the server is being effected by it. I banned one person, Lucky you! The server was being AFFECTED by it. You couldnt hear yourself think because of all of the players mic spamming. Luckily your banning helped quiet it down. Thank you for your services!

    So here we go.

    1. Everyone was muted.

    2. Everyone was told not to spam.

    3. Mute was lifted.

    4. You played a clip.

    5. You were banned because you cannot listen.

    Any questions?

  5. How about you hop off of Kai's nuts. That wasnt the first time you were muted.

    You were warned. You were warned at least 3 times along with every other player in the server when we had to mute EVERYONE because there were 6-7 people talking at once for minutes on end, you included. Army said, right before we unmuted you guys again "Now I am going to unmute you all now. Do you think you can behave yourselves? No spamming when I lift the mute." and as SOON as he lifted it you came in with the sound spams. You were muted, you were warned, yet you still did it.

    You may not have been singled out, but you were blanketed by the statement not to abuse the mic. Not our fault that you were too stupid to listen or realize that "hmm the entire server just got muted, maybe I shouldnt spam my shit."

    So after you so willingly disobeyed an order from an admin, why shouldnt Army have remuted you when you came back and started playing audio files?

    Here is a global rule to back us up:

    Playing music over the mic is not allowed. Only in instances where the server count is low(below 8 players total), and everyone in the server agrees with the playing of that music will any music be allowed. We will be lenient with other sounds but you must stop playing them if asked to.

    If talking shit is what you call it when we explain why you were banned, then hell yeah I shit talked you.

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