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Posts posted by Longcat

  1. Just like Anthony Davis got 100k for his commitment to UK? This reeks of poor journalism, unsubstantiated rumor, and attention mongering. ESPN is not to be trusted in any college sports scandal matters. This smells like a butthurt Mississippi State alum who is attempting to sully a team during the height of its success since they didnt get Cam Newton.

    "We don't deal in rumor and innuendo," Sankey said. "We deal in facts."

    ESPN is the exact opposite.

    I won't pass any judgement, and neither should anyone else, until the NCAA has finished any full investigation it may launch. Seeing as Newton's dad basically submitted to an NCAA audit over a month ago and Auburn has still yet to be notified of an investigation, I'd say the chances of this fading away are pretty good.

  2. We did have it like the old ZM. Plain and simple ZM. No props, no classes, fewer skins.

    To insinuate that the 2008 propmenu days were "Old ZM" is a slap in the face to everything that is =(UV)= Zombie Mod.

    Henceforth, propmenu will only be known as "Derp ZM". So if two of you were talking about the progression of ZM you would say

    "So we used to have ZM. Back in the good old days (07) it was pretty great and a lot of people played. Then Bios fucked with it and ruined the server population. Then they decided to try to bring it back with gimmicks and abilities that completely ruined the game."

    "Ah yes, the derp days"

    "Yep the days of Derp ZM. Thank god that shit never caught on. And then we had a good run in which we had another regular ZM server that was pretty popular, at one time breaking into the top 100. But then the trolls ruined that and instead of punishing the staffmembers and members involved and trying to revive it, they just got rid of it."

    "Damn shame."

    "Damn shame indeed."

  3. A good arbitrary cutoff for oldfags is if you joined before 2008. After that, everything has been downhill.

    The perfect cutoff would be about 2 months before ZM was mutilated, ie given classes and propmenu. Summer of 2007 was the greatest time in the history of this clan.

    If you've ever referred to propmenu as "The good old days" then you are a retard with no sense of history, and I would probably file you as worse than a JBfag.

    Also, if you can tell me who the best, most legendary JCS ever was, I will count you among the old. I will only take the first correct answer. Take care though, for if you get it wrong, you are automatically a newfag.

  4. When I was in staff I tried as much as I could to encourage discussion and democratic resolution to any changes we were going to make. Then coinstar did his whole "I control the money so I'm the boss thing" with Renji and Chaos and tried to assert himself as dictator but that fell apart because he was useless except for paying a few of bills and couldnt control the clan without Jason and a bunch of the rest of staff. We actually tried to kick him out but of course he controlled the money so he held it hostage.

    It would seem that he is once again attempting to control things he isn't around enough to understand or adequately assess. My advice to any staff members who may read this is this: Coinstar can't manage this clan on his own. He doesnt have the time to devote to it like Oracion and the advisors, and doesnt have the knowhow to manage vbulletin like Jason or the servers as efficiently as Klark. You guys can exert more pressure to get stuff done in a community manner, or you can just let it slide and let coinstar lord over everything like he wanted to.

    I'm not saying that this Lopez thing is a drastic situation in which everyone needs to put coinstar back in his financial manager place, but you have to draw the line somewhere.

  5. so nobody on staff said anything when he just went ahead and promoted lopez? sounds like a similar move.

    That is my understanding of it and Coinstar doesnt seem to be denying it. Many of his posts have been encouraging members to leave the clan.

    I'm on the outside though now so I dont have all the deets. Seems it wasnt discussed, though there are many staff members opposed/on the fence about it.

  6. This is old news. Remember when Coinstar tried to overthrow staff and insert Renji and Chaos without telling anyone else? Only reason he got to retain his position after that fiasco was because he alone held the paypal and we were unable to force him out of it. I dont recall there being a single staff member who was on his side. Church was in the middle trying to hold shit together but that was as close as it got.

  7. Oh sharkmage only someone as esteemed as you a loyola student would argue any such point. I would of just told him to come to the gym and sign up to box me if he wanted to settle this physically. After he was on the ground I would feel extemely satisfied I put a redneck down. As you are thinking of more weapon oriented violence I would avoid it assuming you are in fact not a boxer like myself or have any fighting knowledge. Calling the cops is a little much, but that is your call he really should just learn how to park.

    Yeah I didnt call the cops, I didnt want their involvement unless he assaulted me or vandalized my car. I sent the info on the truck to the Parking Services so they could ticket/tow him and they must have forwarded it to the campus police, against my wishes.

  8. just because u know where the vital arteries are doesnt mean ur a ninja and have the skills going around slicing them and getting "humiliation" (quake voice) on people you got a problem with. but thats just my opinion. also update us on what happens

    Doesnt take a ninja to catch or dodge a 5'6" redneck wearing jeans and cowboy boots. I saw him the first day I put a sticker on. I'm not saying I am a surgeon, just that I have the knowledge if he starts it and the opportunity presents itself.

    Agreed with Foh. People park and drive like douchebags everyday being a trucker I get to see it more then most it would be nice if they didn't but that is not how the world works :). Imo just let it be. <3

    It shouldnt be the way the world works. This asshole knows what he is doing wrong and when somebody called him out on it he puffed up his chest and is trying to intimidate. Not going to just take that lying down.

  9. Have you looked in his truck? I know a lot of rednecks in my area and almost all carry a shotgun.... Redneck+shotgun>Paramedic+knife however if redneck+alchohol+shotgun<anything...just call the campus police just cause you could get him an inch from death and keep him alive doesn't mean you should, but it is pretty awesome.

    Windows were tinted so I couldnt look in. I would be absolutely shocked if he didnt have a firearm in his car.

    I sent an email to Parking Services detailing the situation and got a reply back from the captain of the campus police lol. I had even told them that I would prefer if it didnt become a police matter. Oh well. He asked when and where the vehicle would most likely be found. As many police as they have roaming the campus, I wouldnt be shocked if he were to send somebody to watch around the time that I stated.

  10. Obviously you arent an angry redneck though or someone who cares about the appearance of their vehicle. I hate people who even use a single bumper sticker, its clutter that doesnt belong there.

    You can stop raging now. The bumper stickers use low tac adhesive which barely even stick on the vehicle. They arent paper, but instead a vinyl which doesnt leave any pieces behind as a sticker on your dvd from blockbuster would. I wouldnt put them on a vehicle if they would case damage, that would be vandalism! I inspected the area where I placed the stickers today before I placed the notes, they are spotless except for all of the dirt caked on.

    My bad on the double post lazzy, I was considering posting it in the Debate and Serious talk thread but I guess I accidentally submitted it.

  11. This. And honestly, call the cops on a non-emergency line, tell them you've been threatened, and just ask for advice. That way, if he does anything, they already know the story. My neighbor threatened me, and we nearly got her arrested, but we got what was essentially an impromptu restraining order - if she as much as walks on our lawn, she can get arrested.

    Don't fight the guy. That's just stupid as shit. Just get his goddamn truck out of the way.

    Mhmm I won't unless he starts it. The parking lot is usually pretty crowded right before my class so I should be fine. But luckily with the note he left me, I have forensic evidence for motive if he assaults me or vandalizes my vehicle. However if he assaults me, he will be in for some hurt. As a paramedic student I know the location of every major artery in the body and could cut him in ways that would make him bleed out in the parking lot probably in less than a minute. Not that I would, I'd just do enough damage to incapacitate him.

  12. Two days last week I put an "I park like an idiot" bumper sticker on a big ole Dodge Ram truck which was grossly parked over the line at a parking lot on my campus. This is normally not a huge problem but he was in one of the nearest parking spots and managed to take up half of the aisle which you are required to drive down in order to exit the parking lot.

    So today he did it AGAIN. I decided that instead of wasting another sticker on him that I would leave a note detailing how annoying it is and how very unspecial his vehicle was since it was obvious that his parking was by no means a mistake.

    I come back from classes and find a note for me too! Evidently he had been watching and left me this note:

    "Keep your hands off my truck. Your stupid little bumperstickers and notes aren't oging to change anything. up until now I haven't known who the dumbass was who was being a pussy and fucking with my shit. If you got a problem, leave your phone number and we will settle this like men."

    So i'm going to leave another note and try to get parking services to ticket and/or impound his truck since he is in violation of two regulations. Any other suggestions?

  13. Two days last week I put an "I park like an idiot" bumper sticker on a big ole Dodge Ram truck which was grossly parked over the line at a parking lot on my campus. This is normally not a huge problem but we was in one of the nearest parking spots and managed to take up half of the aisle which you are required to drive down in order to exit the parking lot.

    So today he did it AGAIN. I decided that instead of wasting another sticker on him that I would leave a note detailing how annoying it is and how very unspecial his vehicle was since it was obvious that his parking was by no means a mistake.

    I come back from classes and find a note for me too! Evidently he had been watching and left me this note:

    "Keep your hands off my truck. Your stupid little bumperstickers and notes aren't oging to change anything. up until now I haven't known who the dumbass was who was being a pussy and fucking with my shit. If you got a problem, leave your phone number and we will settle this like men."

  14. Pretty great. I went to a club on friday called Bakers 360 with some friends and the 8 of us were pretty much the only people there.

    Yesterday I went to a carnival and then went to my buddy's house and chilled there for a while.

    And today we chilled, grilled, and watched dead alive.

  15. I love how people think they know more about backdooring than other people. The only way to get a backdoor on the system is to put a shell on the system, And even then the computers Antivirus (You should have one) would delete it. GG.

    Did I say I know more about backdooring than you? Nope. Why would I EVER be so AUDACIOUS as to even THINK that I know more than this GODLIKE HACKER.

    Couple your blind assumptions and anger with your ego(Yeah I read your intro thread), and it really isnt too far of a stretch to think that you really did have a malicious ulterior motive. GG to you, good sir.

    Wow, you eliminate one step

    Lol you forgot the part where he added in another step to replace that one and deducted a bunch of the usefulness of the previous step.

  16. You're all reading the OP and not what else I'm saying, the only reason im making it is so it's easier for people to ban someone (Staff is who im talking about) without having to go through source bans.

    OK so now we're talking exclusively for staff.

    Sourcebans REALLY isnt a problem. It isnt convoluted, it is easy to navigate, and is just all around a great database system. It can do everything that you are suggesting, but right here in my browser. I wouldnt have to open up your application to do it. What you are suggesting is a rube goldberg device. You're trying to add extra steps to a system that is great right now. Matter of fact, sourcebans has more capabilities than your application would. With sourcebans we can often do one or two CLICK rebans and unbans right from the ban list. Whether you want us to use your system so you can create a backdoor and attempt to manipulate the servers, you're just not understanding, or some other reason, this is unnecessary and isnt going to happen. It would just make the banning process more difficult.

  17. It is impossible for this NOT to be abused. The way we have it is that only staff can use admin commands when not in game. This is done through sourcebans and we do it because we're given proof that shows that somebody deserves to be banned. Staff is allowed to do this because we're trusted (for the most part) to be impartial and fair about it (hey they try). If you do something as stupid as this, you get people banning players based on the word of their friend who is in game, not reviewing a demo/screenshot/etc. without ever entering the server.

    Ever notice how theres a login feature for sourcebans up at the top? Staff sets up your account with a random ass password that you dont get to know, but if we wanted you to know it and thought it necessary, then we could enable users to ban and unban and do all sorts of stuff through sourcebans (AKA not through CSS, just like you are suggesting). So you see, if this was a good idea, we could have done this way back when we first got sourcebans.

    Just have players gather their proof and post it to the Complaint Department. Remember that every player is innocent until proven guilty and the staff is the judge. In a case where an admin wasnt there to see it, the players who were need to come and present their proof to staff in the CD so that they can give their fairest judgement. We just can't trust all 160 admins enough to let them loose with this.

    tl;dr it would create many more problems than it would solutions.

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