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Posts posted by Trashcat

  1. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Mr. GoodKat @ Jan 7 2009, 05:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

    I'm not going to deny the fact that one reason I'm removing it is because of you blatantly being a douche about this whole thing, and that people won't stop complaining about you.

    Easiest way to do so is to remove the race. Good day.

    It is not because I don't get my way, I don't play the race now It wont bother me that I still wont play it. Its the fact that the potential of the race has been noticed by other servers and simply suggested it to you. But in your infinite wisdom you think only your opinion matters and not someone who "should climb the ranks" before giving an opinion.

    Give me a name and a date as of who has complained lately. I have literally played wolverine maybe 1 map daily, since the server reset. People even ask me to play the race to balance out the teams no admins wish to fix. I do not whore it anymore so your point is invalid. that's another reason why i don't really care if it is removed. Drunken did not at all say it had anything to do with people bitching about me, him and i simply talked before i contacted you. Are other races not being fixed because they aren't fair? I am all for nerfing the wolverine, just fix it don't totally remove it.

    As far as you removing it because of me specifically makes me lol at the immaturity of the statement. A race shouldn't be removed of a certain person. You are not willing to fix it because of me, but will fix the other invulnerable race. I am very dissapointed in the way you're handling this.

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Mr. GoodKat @ Jan 7 2009, 05:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

    Don't be a little bitch and come crying to the forums. Way to take care of shit on your own.

    Is this not the way things should be handled? As far as I've been told, complaints should be here. Trust me though I can handle myself, I just don't want the real side of you to be hidden. At face value you seem really cool, push a couple buttons and you're an ignorant power pusher.

  2. here's an xfire conversation. Went from being hilariously funny to goodkat threatening to remove a race just to piss me off. just going to post it to see what others think. I like the fact that he's working to change the server with the shit that needs to be changed, but being completely ignorant and acting as he did is unacceptable.

    Edit: I know im currently apping to the clan, and am hoping people have the integrity to keep it separate. If not, im not bowing down to people like this just to make my app go through. I have more morals then that. If anything people who threaten to remove a race just to piss someone off are those I seek to remove, and a reason I want to join.

    Trashcat^: dont take out my wolv

    Trashcat^: fix rapscallion

    Trashcat^: dont touch the 10k longjump

    Trashcat^: :)

    Trashcat^: it should be all in drunkens list

    Trashcat^: but heed my wishes

    Trashcat^: or suffer the wrath of trashcat if you do not comply

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: I suffer no wrath.


    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: Me > You.

    Trashcat^: DO NOT TEMPT ME

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: /tempt


    Trashcat^: ...anything?

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: Not yet.

    Trashcat^: give them a couple

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: /remove Wolverine

    Trashcat^: GIVE THEM SOME TIME

    Trashcat^: they've been on break

    Trashcat^: they're pretty lazy

    Trashcat^: i think ceiling cat passed out

    Trashcat^: i can hear him snoring

    Trashcat^: DAMNIT

    Trashcat^: you had to tempt me at 4:30 in the morning

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: Only 1:30 here.

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: L2livewestcoastnoob.

    Trashcat^: you ever look at the trashcans on the westcost

    Trashcat^: eastcoast cans>westcoast cans

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: <--- Doesn't deal with trashcans.

    Trashcat^: only cultured cats do

    Trashcat^: so im not suprised

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: I'm a world class assassin, fucktard.

    Trashcat^: you ever meet raptor cat?

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: (Direct quote from the movie)

    Trashcat^: he may be shunned by his peers

    Trashcat^: but he's my top hitman

    Trashcat^: he'll take you anyday

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: He's got nothing.

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: Me = Banhammer.

    Trashcat^: do you want to know why he's shunned by his peers?

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: Him = Silly interweb threats.

    Trashcat^: because everyone he knows...dies

    Trashcat^: DIES BITCH

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: Pics or it didn't happen.

    Trashcat^: HAHHAHAA

    Trashcat^: he doesnt leave any traces

    Trashcat^: you cant take a picture if you wanted to

    Trashcat^: he wants you to think it didnt happen

    Trashcat^: so you sir are a prime target

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: <--- Doesn't care.

    Trashcat^: oh play that card

    Trashcat^: once you're beat you don't care

    Trashcat^: thats alright

    Trashcat^: im not calling off the hit

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: <--- Is ignoring you.

    <Invalid / command. Type /help for help>

    Trashcat^: /ignorebeforegoodkat LOL ROFLSTOMPED PWNED

    Trashcat^: i ignored you first

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: <--- Is still removing Wolverine.

    Trashcat^: :( just change it

    Trashcat^: take out the anti knife

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: Negative.

    Trashcat^: and change the ultimate to 3 seconds

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: <--- Is removing Wolverine.

    Trashcat^: WHYYY

    Trashcat^: a;ksdf;akhdf;klajd;fkljadf

    Trashcat^: asdkfasd;klfja;kdslfja cds

    Trashcat^: fawejfr;kqwhe; kfljse

    Trashcat^: f asdfkhasdkjf hasdf

    Trashcat^: adfjkadf

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: <--- Is just messing with you.

    Trashcat^: ...hates you

    Trashcat^: on a side note if you could fix rapscallion i probably wouldnt care about the wolv thing

    Trashcat^: rap would be my fav race

    Trashcat^: the seeing through walls completely makes the race useless in combat

    Trashcat^: its a sit in one spot and pray someone comes race

    Trashcat^: if you just change it to like the burrow animation

    Trashcat^: that'll work

    Trashcat^: i dunno if thats easy

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: Nah.

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: Rapscallion is fine.

    Trashcat^: not with the seethrough shit

    Trashcat^: its terrible

    Trashcat^: im sorry it just is

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: See through?

    Trashcat^: the seethrough walls shit

    Trashcat^: its ultimate

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: Nothing can be done about that.

    Trashcat^: you cant change the animation?

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: Unless I remove the sfx.

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: But that's what makes it unique.

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: Tough shit.

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: Play it better.

    Trashcat^: are you dumb?

    Trashcat^: what makes it unique is the ability to dissapear in the heat of battle without anyone in another room being able to see where it stealthed

    Trashcat^: i've played rapscallions that are the exact same except for a different animation

    Trashcat^: and they're so much better

    Trashcat^: they're actually fun

    Trashcat^: not fucking retarded, and are easilly found

    Trashcat^: you should see me play it, then tell me to play it better

    Trashcat^: code it better

    Trashcat^: other people have apparently

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: <-- Doesn't really care.

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: Rapscallion stays the way it is.

    Trashcat^: you would

    Trashcat^: if you want to make the server better

    Trashcat^: listen to the people who play it more then you

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: Don't lecture me.

    Trashcat^: dont tell me to play something better :)

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: I've played it plenty enough to know what I'm doing.

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: You want it changed, learn to code, climb the ranks, and change it yourself.

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: Until then, you are nothing but an opinion to me.

    Trashcat^: oh you're so high and mighty

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: No, you are just trying to whore another race.

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: Rapscallion is designed to sit and wait.

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: If you can't do that, don't fucking play it.

    Trashcat^: so then why isnt it like that on all the other servers i've played

    Trashcat^: ?

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: It's not a charging race then go invisible.

    Trashcat^: i never said charge

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: Then go play on those servers.

    Trashcat^: its definately a race that has to wait

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: I don't give a shit, Trashcat.

    Trashcat^: but to see that shit through walls

    Trashcat^: is just fucking stupid

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: You obviously enjoy this server enough to play here.

    Trashcat^: i do

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: Suck it up, and enjoy the game.

    Trashcat^: but you're looking to make it better

    Trashcat^: im giving oppinions

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: You're lucky I even respond to everyone.

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: I could be like Espy and ignore you completely.

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: But I'm not.

    Trashcat^: i dont care if you change shit

    Trashcat^: but if your'e going to change something

    Trashcat^: change the right stuff

    Trashcat^: i've been on this server through a couple changes and im still here

    Trashcat^: obviously i was alright with it before them

    Trashcat^: i'll be fine

    Trashcat^: im just saying

    Trashcat^: you should change the right shit

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: I'm not changing Rapscallion.

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: The race was designed to sit, and wait.

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: Not rush and go invisible.

    Trashcat^: dude

    Trashcat^: i even explained that

    Trashcat^: i never said it was a rush and go invisible

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: And I already told you that I'm not changing it.

    Trashcat^: haha you're an ignorant pos

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: That's how this is going to be?

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: You don't want to go down that road.

    Trashcat^: oh noes

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: I will just remove you and my problem is solved.

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: So watch the attitude.

    Trashcat^: OH NOES

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: Sigh.

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: And here I thought you were better than that, Trashcat.

    Trashcat^: i thought the same

    Trashcat^: i thought you were going to code to make the server more balanced and correct

    Trashcat^: but you only care about what you want to code

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: It is balanced.

    Trashcat^: obviously not if you need to fix stuff

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: No one else has complained about Rapscallion.


    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: The race works as intended.

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: Whoever coded it put that sfx in to make it UNIQUE.

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: Not my fucking fault you want it gone.

    Trashcat^: from all the other raps?

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: Like I said.

    Trashcat^: whoever coded this rap obviously thought different then the others

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: You want to play Rapscallion so bad like that, go to another server.

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: There is nothing wrong with it.

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: Therefore, I'm not fucking changing it.

    Trashcat^: i never said there's anything wrong with it

    Trashcat^: it would just be better

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: End of story.

    Trashcat^: whatever

    Trashcat^: be like that

    Trashcat^: i still think you're ignorant

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: And you're just someone who likes whoring races.

    Trashcat^: how?

    Trashcat^: i used to whore wolv

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: I may just remove Wolverine to piss you off.

    Trashcat^: i barely play it now

    Trashcat^: you retard

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: Because I can, and because people complain about it all the time.

    Trashcat^: then remove it

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: So don't fucking test me and have an attitude problem.

    Trashcat^: i really dont play it half as much as i did

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: Then you won't miss it.

    Trashcat^: if you'd remove a race just to piss someone off

    Trashcat^: then you're more pathetic then i thought

    Trashcat^: and just like the shitty people who shouldnt be doing this shit

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: Read what I said you fucking idiot.

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: Because I can, and because people complain about it all the time.

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: Because I can, and because people complain about it all the time.

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: Because I can, and because people complain about it all the time.

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: Because I can, and because people complain about it all the time.

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: Because I can, and because people complain about it all the time.

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: Because I can, and because people complain about it all the time.

    Trashcat^: dont throw it away

    Trashcat^: fix it

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: All I hear is people complaing about Wolverine and you using it.

    Trashcat^: a long ass time ago

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: I ignored it until now.

    Trashcat^: =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: I may just remove Wolverine to piss you off.=(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: I may just remove Wolverine to piss you off.=(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: I may just remove Wolverine to piss you off.=(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: I may just remove Wolverine to piss you off.=(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: I may just remove Wolverine to piss you off.=(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: I may just remove Wolverine to piss you off.=(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: I may just remove Wolverine to piss you off.=(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: I may just remove Wolverine to piss you off.=(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: I may just remove Wolverine to piss you off.

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: No, I was on the server when you went 16-0 with Wolverine.

    Trashcat^: rememeber that one too?

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: Yeah.

    Trashcat^: =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: So don't fucking test me and have an attitude problem.

    Trashcat^: and that?

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: Yeah, what about it?

    Trashcat^: you pasted your point a couple times

    Trashcat^: and you also said you'd remove it to piss me off

    Trashcat^: so dont fucking me with shit you contradicted

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: I will.

    Trashcat^: do it

    Trashcat^: be a bitch

    Trashcat^: do it

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: I never said I didn't say that.

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: Lmao.

    Trashcat^: seriously

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: You are so pathetic.

    =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: I'm done with you, have a good night.

    Trashcat^: you're pushing your status around

    Trashcat^: =(UV)= Mr. GoodKat: Because I can

    Trashcat^: dont call me pathetic buddy

    <High latency detected between you and the server. Your last few messages may not have been received.>

  3. Before you read! Notice what time i wrote this so fuck off if it completely sucks. I'm on winter break and haven't written something this long in a couple weeks. Take what you can from this.

    On the warcraft #2 server there's a rule put in place that if you're ratio is 3 kills to 1 death and you're on a maxed race you have to get off. All this rule does is give shitty players a better shot, and the good players a highly limited selection at races and highly limited time on certain races. Speaking as a good player, to play the races i want for a full map, I would quite literally have to smack my face against the keyboard to stay under the 3/1 ratio rule. I've played on this server long enough to be able to push a 3.0 ratio with a lot of races. Hell my total ratio on my kdeath is 2.2(not bragging just using it as a stat) even after leveling most of the shitty races. This rule just punishes good players.

    Issue #1 if you start off to well in the first round you're shit outta luck

    The first round is mostly pistols only. If your race utilizes pistols, gives you weapons, or only uses knives you have a pretty good advantage. If that advantage gets you 4 kills that automatically gets you a nice head start on getting you kicked off the race. Killing a couple people a round after that will get you a quick kick off.

    Issue #2 The point of maxing a race is to use it to its FULL potential

    Scenario: you're getting shit on as you level a race, it happens. Eventually you get your race leveled and you have a much better chance at killing more people. Its the end of the map and you just get the last level for the race with the cash the admins give you. You get all giddy watching your loading screen say "sending player info". The map starts and you're ready to blast some noobs with your finally maxed out race. You shit on a couple people for a couple rounds and BAM HAHA MOTHERFUCKER GET OFF THE RACE. The class you just worked on getting maxed to actually be able to kill people is now off limits to you for the next 25 rounds. With this rule in place you don't even get to

    play the class you just worked hard to level.

    Issue #3 Some people have preferences on what power ups they like

    Certain races are why some people even come to play in the server. Personally nothings more fun then a really fast race with a gun. I couldn't give a rats ass if it has cool levitation or whatever. But the reason people come into warcraft servers is to own people with awesome power ups, not to level every race. I know i don't come into the server just to see what shitty races i have to level because I'm too good, i come to kill and have a good time talking to people. Why would you play a game to have a shitty time playing crappy races. It's literally torture. I swear goodkat put gilles or some of the mages just to laugh as the "too good" players have to level them.

    Issue #4 Play to get better

    some people who come in the server have literally played counterstrike for maybe an hour. Asking questions about how to pick up weapons. Others have spent years on the game. So what do we do? we make a rule so that the people who have no idea have a better chance, and punish those who've been practicing for months on counterstrike if not years. You play a game, you get better, you should be rewarded not punished. If you suck, KEEP TRYING!!! you'll get the hang of it.


    This rule should either be modified or just eliminated. If modifying is more of your taste put a minimum ratio on it. Like at least give the person 7 deaths or a certain amount of rounds you can play as that race before being checked or kicked off. This still will get the person off the race they like, but it gives them more time to play and more time for the game to balance out.

    Or You could change the rule completely so that one individual can only play a certain race for the full duration like once every 3 maps. So it forces them to play other races.

    Or we could increase the ratio. to like 5. 3 is way to easy to get

    Or We could just eliminate the rule completely. If the admins were actually on their toes with balancing teams(which they normally aren't...sorry its true) One player isn't going to get a huge ratio, and they'll be able to play the races they like. All we need is some admins who know what they're doing, not just ones who just spam cash all the time.


  4. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (kelso @ Oct 28 2008, 02:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

    There's somethng strangely compelling about your name.

    this name is known to give orgasms just by reading it once. Three times and a unicorn will take you to Narnia where the Pigeons are fighting a war against the United Rodent Army (URA). A battle that has raged on since Jesus walked the land of Philidelphia. Say it at your own risk

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