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The Real Xlite

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Posts posted by The Real Xlite

  1. been in and out of the hospital past 6 months, can't manage to stomach down anything more than ~1000 cals a day.

    Lost 45 lbs since december of last year.

     That's not healthy at all mang, like I eat above what I should but I never put on weight, I can't imagine being any thinner than I am currently.

  2. Your 6' 2" and you weigh only 160 pounds... Think about eating a sandwich


    5'11", 115 lbs.

    fight me.

    Never personally played, but it's somewhat popular in my area which has a lot of posh private schools that are into it. It's a fun sport it seems.

    I was going to reply saying I'm 6' 136 lbs but Turtles got me beat, wtf dude.


    OT: Great friend of mine played lax all the way through High school, he played goalie and would always have huge ass welts on his legs, they look pretty nasty.


    By the way, it's Lacrosse not 'lacross'

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