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Posts posted by O.G.

  1. Man, that sucks.

    I used to get dreams but the worst was my night terrors in like 6th grade. I would get these night terrors where I would wake up screaming so loud my neighbors woke up.

    My dreams were along the line of me waking up and seeing some knife laying on the ground next to me and myself covered in blood. I would freak out and look around and see our dog, Kai, dead. After more exploration I would find things of mine in the family bed rooms and all of them dead. Then I would turn and see myself looking at me with the same bloody knife and the other me would stab me in the chest.

  2. I also think tardyman needs a leason, all he does is complain and when you ask him to stop he'll say stuff like" wait what? you like dick in your mouth?"


    He is bitching

    Me: Tardy, stop complaining please for the love of god.

    Tardy: coulndt hear you, take the dick out of your mouth.

    Shit like that pisses the fuck out of me.

  3. Nah I really, REALLY don't think I'm going to listen to you. As far as I know, you have done things like this in the past. Really, I think he deserves a second chance, but that's not what has got me mad, what pissed me off is that most of the stuff you have said is flaming and shit like that, truly, we don't need that around here it just tends makes everything worse.

  4. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Mr Clickerson @ Dec 28 2008, 06:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

    Aww... How cute- he's trying to make it look like he's the victim and he's trying to better himself with all this pressure. Hannibal, it's not like you're being screwed over by a bad economy and being hit with bad news after bad news and your life is shitty, yet you still manage to "keep a smile on your face".

    You're a kid who has screwed over a clan you want to be in over twice, and you're "being hit from all sides of the ring" was caused by yourself, and all you're trying to do is make yourself look more admirable. Grow up, kid.

    Oreo created this thread, not to help anything or make anything worse, but to make it so everyone had only one place to go on the subject, instead of making tons of different threads. It's a matter of simplicity, not trying to help you, you ignorant bastard.

    Wookie, it's not just P2- Hannibal is trying to get in, and he kissed P2's ass to do so (likely reached into his parent's pockets for it), and he's trying to make himself look like the victim so he can get his way. Simple as that. P2 can be foolish, but it's Hannibal that started all this by showing up.

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Mr Clickerson @ Dec 28 2008, 06:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

    Perfect example of your bumbling stupidity. My post explains it perfectly, ya' dumb bitch. Get over it. You've lost this "battle", and you can end the blows "from all sides of the ring" if you just leave.No one wants you here- P2 just wants your money. He's using you like a cheap whore. Let's leave it at that.

    Seriously Clickerson, shut the fuck up. I bolded obvious flaming and im suprised admins havent said shit about it. Grow up. People deserve another try, and for me coming on a clean slate, beleive that he should be allowed in given time. If I'm sticking my head on the chopping block for older members, but I have seen nothing but good things from him so far. I think that the only reason he didn't get into graphix was foh dislikes him, not based on his ablity. If somebody could PM me the reason for all the flaming I would verry much appreciate it.

    All in all, he should wait a little while before applying, and if you see fit not be given a leader position. Bu Clickerson, you are out of line so grow up.

    Edit. Fog, I over stepped myself there and for that, am sorry.

  5. Ok you guys are saying that with these bright colored mofels he is legit. thats like saying i could retexture me walls in my maps to make them see through. because its the exact same thing. its re textureing a model to make it easier for you......

  6. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! some one told me that they had a screenie of him money spamin at like 4 in the mornin.

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