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Posts posted by Clamps

  1. honestly i was going to write a long serious response, but then i remembered that you do not accept any sort of help, so go ahead and push yourself over the fucking ledge with your "depression." Also you can't use ADHD as a fucking reason to be autistic and watch a tv show for under-aged girls


    now time to make this thread worth the time of anyone reading it 





    I have no idea wtf is going on in this thread, but this just made it worth reading...





  2. STEAM_1:1:7131104



    He mass FK'd in JB.. I banned him for 1 mo, 1 wk, 1 d, 13 hr, 55 min. 


    Apparently I can ban for more than 360 minutes and didnt realize it. Usually I'll just ban X (a bunch of numbers) and it'll default to the max 360.




    Seeing as it was his first offense according to sourceban, my ban might be just a wee bit excessive...


    Sorry about that..



  3. nothing really


    Mitch quit, Toxy quit. Made a clan, recruited people from sG. The people they recruited starting talking, staff got screenshots of this. They demoted the people who were talking about doing stupid shit. The people that were talking, then raged about how we took what they typed out of context.


    Think that's it.



    Dont forget Avery hacks JB too...



  4. I can't wait to see RHCP and Metallica. And to kick Hoestomper in the ass lol

    Awesome.. Went last year in AC. Was really pissed when they announced it was going to be in Detroit this year because the spot they held in at AC was perfect. Was still going to go, but really wasn't impressed with the lineup and i'm not much of a RHCP fan. Would've rather had Metallica both nights like last year..


    Hope you got the MetClub passes.. This was my view last year.. Got a drumstick from Lars too!



  5. Honestly what needs to improve is the level of respect Staff shows to the normal Community members and Non-Members. Some Staff believe that they are better than everyone and they don't need to provide any sort of justification for their actions to the "peasants" who are the rest of the sG Community. 



    To expand on this slightly, really anyone that represents the interests of sG should be held to this standard. From Staff to SO to Paidmins (*cough*), everyone should treat community and non-community members with a certain level of respect, as your actions will in one way or another factor into how someone views sG as a whole. 


    I'm aware my thoughts hold pretty much no weight seeing as I haven't been a member of this community for very long. Unfortunately my job doesn't allow me much time to browse the forums or post on them, and when i'm not working I'm usually playing JB or trying to learn how not to suck at TTT. But as a relatively new and lurking member of the community, this little spat really doesn't change my opinion of sG. I enjoy spending what little free time I have playing on the servers or lurking the forums..And fuck you to whoever implemented the arcade.(not really).  People grow up and their preferences and tastes change. There's no one to fault or blame for it. Granted from the details that were given, the departure of the SiJ members probably could have been approached better by those who decided to leave, but its over and done with. No point in harping on it anymore. 



    Sorry for the rant, Ivanns hit the only type of improvement I think could be looked into. Hopefully this incident can be moved past soon enough and this community can move forward and continue to thrive.



    ..Aright I'm done. 

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