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Posts posted by Dead-Pool

  1. My Yukon has about 250000 miles and theres no problem with it. the only down side the the engine is a little tired out. all that maters is its turns on with 1 crank anf fires up ands its got enough power to get me out of all the shit i thought id get stuck in. Iv dealt with Hi mileage fords as well they seam to burn oil after a while.

  2. oh u meant gas as in retarded not as in gay/lesiban. I like Sir Elton John, but theres lots of bands the have Gay/Lesbian as musicians ( Judas Priest, Queen, Joan Jett and the blackheatts ect...)

  3. how the people where i live break it up is

    Asia = imports/tuner

    Europe = Exotics

    North American = Domestic

    But there are excptions for each in my opion. (ie WV is mor like a tuner ans Saleen is more like a exotic)

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