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Posts posted by lokijc

  1. Yo guys, Loki is back after like 1 or 2 years, I left because I quit CS:S, and decided to play WoW. Now I've decided to re-install CS:S and play again while maintaining both games.


    =(UV)= LoKi

  2. Name and ID: "(̶̳̅)̅Nigger Slayer [5000]" STEAM_0:1:6928492"

    SS LINK; racistie0.jpg


    I caught this guy when he came with "(̶̳̅)̅Chink Slayer [5000]" then changed it to "(̶̳̅)̅Nigger Slayer [5000]", I warned him to change and no response.


  3. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (-P.Cock:Tifa @ Dec 28 2008, 04:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

    It's a White Xbox 360 (not arcade) with the 30 GB one. I'm not going to sell it with my xbox 360 controller since I'm getting a new xbox but it comes with everything else. On xbox.com it's about 300$ but for the 60 GB. I'm thinking around 150$---250$ around there. Any opinions/considerations?

    I'd sell it for $200 bucks. That's my suggestion.

  4. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Eaglewonj @ Dec 28 2008, 12:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

    We are gathering critical data from the community. We need your help! The time has come to review our server and community situations. Part of this involves reassesing the server location as it pertains to our community.

    We need lots and lots of data on this one. We would like all of the forums regulars to participate and we would especially like you to go out and get the SERVER regulars to register on the forums and vote so that their voice can be heard. This will allow us a more accurate picture of the server population. All of this data will allow us to make the right choice in the future regarding server equipment and location. Please be sure to include any additional comments in your posts.

    Thank you for taking the time to participate in our survey, the data is valuable and will assist in the decision making process!

    *Remember to recruit server regs to vote here and voice their opinion*

    I think this survey will help us with the server location etc. I took the survey and I'm happy with all the locations. I get not too bad with Washington DC so I'm alright with these locations. I will try to invite some regs into this survey.

    =(UV)= LoKi!

  5. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Clay @ Dec 27 2008, 10:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

    AMD Athalon 6000+ X2

    Foxconn mobo

    Resistance 1

    $75 in Wal-Mart cards

    $75 cash

    2 kick arse shirts


    PS3 (It was an early gift)

    Blank DVDS

    The Dark Knight (look at the disc name on your PC for lulz)

    A new bookbag

    Kick ass coffee mug

    The Simpsons Movie

    Endwar for PSP (it's win)

    PSP headset

    HDMI to DVI converter (PS3 on my monitor now!)

    That's it I think. I'd say I had a good haul this year. Better if my PC parts worked...

    Wow nice shit. I envy the PS3 =DDD

  6. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Clay @ Dec 27 2008, 09:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

    Here's the story. I got a new mobo and CPU for Christmas. Installed it, and test ran it. No video. Tried onboard VGA, PCI-E card's VGA and DVI. No dice anywhere! So I took out everything but the cpu and RAM, booted, and nothing still. I'm con-fucking-fuzzled. I'm thinking it's using the onboard DVI-D port, so I'm testing that tomorrow at a friends. Anyone got any other ideas?

    Aw man that fucking blows... I hope you get your comp back post haste. I got no ideas for this.

  7. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Eggcracker @ Dec 27 2008, 04:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

    amen, started to rain this past week in toronto :)

    although i'd rather it snow then rain... :(

    I wish for rain, I hate snow it makes a mess and it's a pain to remove it.

  8. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Nuka-Bill @ Dec 26 2008, 09:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

    hai everone, its bill i was able to find a local internet cafe and thought I would checkup on the fourms. Damn space bar is sticky fuck and it is really hard to press space. Anywhays back home i drive a ´64 chevy stingray V8 that thing flies ;D. Needs constant mantenince tho.

    Would send a pic, but I`m in Cuba at the moment and my Car is back in Canada.


    What part of Canada do you live in? Nice I live teh Stingray.

  9. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Death Wish @ Dec 23 2008, 10:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

    Hey guys I had viruses and whatever other nonsense on my pc so i reformatted and reinstalled windows and everything is working. I installed and updated all of my drivers but CSS wont run the same. It seem unusually laggy and I have gotten "Buffer Overflow in net Message" errors everytime I have tried to play.

    Someone please help me out :)

    You most probably gotta reinstall the drivers for your computer list me your rig so I can see what we can do.

  10. See I jsut want an external just for my music I don't care if it has a bulky thing. How much would a 120GB external HD cost? I would love getting because I don't feel like losing all my music every time I reformat my computer.

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