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Posts posted by cloudrunner34

  1. Anyone else have this game for xbox360? I want someone to join me online and whoop my ass :3 i'm so bad at fighting games but it's so much fun.

  2. Not true. We had a server wide reset.

    You just brought even more confusion into this topic.


    That's odd cause it still kept my rank cause I was pretty high ranked until I quit. And I still had all my points from when I left I just lost all my race levels. I mean unless you start playing on the server with points in the high 10000's then it didn't reset my rank.

  3. 35-40 is retarded high. I like the idea of 10 hp so you know to go oh crap mirror damage race run away. Even with 10 hp you'll die to any gun shot from pretty much any gun except maybe a glock through a piece of wood or something.

  4. Fine MoD will not be categorised as an hp item.

    But at least now you don't have to go round asking whether it was mask or hp. :)

    Huzzah no more lame mirror damage deaths...... maybe.

  5. So is Lurker not being able to buy mask of death a bug or did you change it :(? Everytime I buy one it says cannot buy hp with this race or speed boosts but I can still get boots of speed. Lurker without a mask of death will kinda of suck if this changed.

  6. Its buggy cause they're able to pick up guns now. And for some reason that makes their knife invisible so when they toss the gun they're 100% invis not even a floating knife :(

  7. it is >:(?

    Lol never really looked at it like that. but im done playing private servers now :P

    Well if you're playing something for free that the company wants you to pay for monthly then i'd have to say that's kind of illegal.

  8. I've seen other people that have had that much damage on an aether before. I don't know how it happens but 100 damage for a body shot is pretty retarded. I wish mine would do that :3

  9. Me and a friend bought it like 2 days ago. Wow its so much fucking fun most of my time has been spent running around killing everything and bowling people with cars :D Guess I should do more of the story.

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