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Posts posted by twochainzz

  1. Well it was a situation between me and a other admin, it wasn't problem as in interrupting anything. How ever it was a glitch that people well get stuck on and admins well simply teleport them out, but how ever this admin thought it was approptaite to slay 40 seconds while incident happed when last CT took place. 

  2. Is it abuse when an admin helps someone out or him self, while they are stuck? While its just a blink out of the situation or just a noclip to get unstuck from the location, just leaving the location three feet away from the spot. Does an admin have the right to slay someone for that?

  3. Please don't troll...

    You're practically asking for it here.

    but i'll play along:

    Please don't troll...

    You're practically asking for it here.

    but i'll play along:

    Please don't troll...

    You're practically asking for it here.

    but i'll play along:

    The video mad me sad at first because he had no hugs ;c
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