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Posts posted by Swed

  1. On 5/29/2016 at 4:47 PM, Face said:

    Updated for the last 2 weeks, added some new columns as well.


    • I still dislike how much of a staple tome of xp is (63% of all money spent on the shopmenu goes to tomes :()
    • Even tho ammo resupply changed substantially for the better, it's popularity did not change much.
    • Even tho Ice Totem is super strong and people complained about that, nobody buys it.
    • I still think people are really undervaluing prismatic signet and holy shield

    One tenet in game design is that if you automate something for the player because it isn't fun, then why have it at all? Obviously this isn't a realistic suggestion for War3 because leveling is a huge aspect of the entire mode, but could possible replacements for tome be discussed and considered?

  2. 2 Questions:

    Do the textures you see through give you an advantage?

    Are you skywalking?


    If the answer to both of these are no, then I generally don't care about where a player is.

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