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Posts posted by Arrkham

  1. So, I am wondering what you guys think is the best video game ever. Honestly, I think Arkham City is the best (considering im a huge Batman fan) or the Halo series. What do you guys think?

    Personal best games-

    1 - Batman Arkham City

    2 - Halo (series, cant pick between one game).

    3 - God of War 2

    4 - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarnia of Time

    5 - Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    6 - Left 4 Dead 2

    7 - Forza Motorsports 4

    8 - CS:GO

    9 - Portal 2

    10 - Star Wars: Rogue Squadron

    And do you agree with number one in this link? I think not.



  2. The screenshot is showing that t's had won 8 rounds. Usually it would change the second they won 8 rounds. So I was confused. And I did notice that when a map was voted for, it wouldnt change to the correct map, before the changes to the server happened.

  3. Campaign was awesome. I loved the story line. Completed it legendary solo. Took forever. Spartan Ops is fun and playing online ranks you up faster. Now war games is a different story. COD and Halo 4 online feel like the same gameplay. And it has bored me to the point where I dont really play Halo 4 alot anymore. I was at level SR65, and then just got bored. The maps suck compared to the other Halos. Even Reach had better maps. The promethean weapons are OP. Suppressor can kill way fast, boltshot can become a shotgun, scattershot is way OP and is instakill, lightrilfe has long range and is as powerful as the DMR, and the binary rifle it ridiculous. 1 shot kill. Way long range. OP against vehicles. Oh, and the shield system in Halo 4 (your own shields) seems to do nothing for you and take forever to recharge.

  4. Oh, and I hate both Halo and COD online. It seems like all the 10 year olds who play their brothers game, or parents that buy their kid a brand new Xbox for christmas at 10, just fill up the xbox servers. Little kids who think they are so badass because they are a higher level than you, which means nothing to me. And when they use mics, its annoying. Thats why I like JB. Little kids can shut the fuck up and get off ct!

  5. I like infection now that you are a zombie. I do think the Prometheans are fucking badass, and the graphics are intense. Almost cried at the end because of Cortana. Been playing Halo since the beginning. I do think the ending could have been longer and more like Halo 3. In a warthog, everything blowing up behind you. Thats the Halo I know. The gameplay was probably to be more interactive, but it was unoriginal and a ripoff of COD. I think Halo 3 is overall my favorite, but I am excited to see what Halo 5 delivers, especially without Cortana. Maybe she comes because or is remade. You never know. Im excited, but 343 needs to get rid of the interactive gameplay, and stick with what has always been Halo. The loadout system is more like COD, but not. It is its own thing. And I like it better because I prefer certain guns for certain gametypes. Oh, and where the fuck did Arbitor go? Maybe he will come back. Hopefully. I have high expections from Halo 5. Cant wait.

  6. I recently havent been playing alot for 2 reasons. Wardens always do the same thing. Kill half the ts with climb and hot lava, then a few rebel, do odd man in for lr or trivia, and round over. What ever happened to more creative games than climb? Plus I got Dota 2. Which is boss. Playing as ct is boring because you just shoot people and its boring. Decided that freekilling would be bad and make people angry, but it would sure make me laugh my ass off! Then we would have some fun as cts in JB for once!

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