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Posts posted by 0c!

  1. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Nifer @ Dec 3 2008, 05:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

    Ok than make a demo and post it here and we will discuss about it.

    Don't say to us omg ban him when you guys have no valid proof

    Well that's actually not what I said but ok lol.

    And honestly, there's no point in me taking a demo because (no offense) but none of your admins could spot a waller if their lives depended on it. Hence why so many of them are still un-banned in your wc3 servers. I've come to accept it and I have fun in the server regardless and I don't say anything because I know it won't get me anywhere.

    And S3X, being good doesn't help you to drop down from about 50 feet above someone who is completely invisible and then headshot them. Like I said, I know it won't get me anywhere so I'm not going to bother wasting my time. Probably shouldn't have said anything to begin with because I knew those were the kinds of responses I would get; but sometimes it gets a little old.

  2. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (fatb0yHAZE @ Dec 3 2008, 03:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

    the molecule's bubble is an ultimate, the necklace protects against ultimates that affect you. like roots or something like that.

    keeper of the grove's ultimate is longjump, and the longjump doesnt turn off if you have necklace.

    Fair enough.

    And I don't care what name you want to call him by, Noire, Space Cowboy, whatever, he still walls.

    I'm not just some random narb that goes around calling everyone who kills me a "hacker." I've been playing CS for about 6 years now, I've had admin in countless servers in just about every form of CS (1.5, 1.6 etc) I like to think I can spot a waller.

  3. Why is it that Necklace of Immunity doesn't protect against Molecule's ultimate?

    I mean, that IS an ultimate is it not? Kinda defeats the purpose of having the Necklace of Immunity if it's only going to protect against SOME ultimates.

    Also, how you guys allow Space Cowboy to continue to play in your wc3 server when he CLEARLY walls is beyond my realm of recognition, but for now I'll just stick to complaining about the Necklace ;)

  4. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (SWAT Oppa @ Nov 19 2008, 12:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

    I like to say, I was there when the first incident happened.

    I would like to also say out of my few weeks/months playing here, I notice that 0c has quite a mouthful of words to say to others.

    I agree that all players should be respected, even the most annoying. As much as I want to go in detail, I have a personal grudge with 0c because he moans and groans about me race whoring and spams mic with it, where I must tirelessly goto player list and mute -_-

    IMO Listen to Evil, stop while you're ahead, blow out your candles, you're 4 yrs old. Gratz

    Please don't even start with me Oppa.

    Don't make insinuations about people growing up and then say things like "you're 4 yrs old. Gratz." Just shows your level of maturity.

    And, sorry but you do race whore. You start to get a bad kd ratio and you just change race to your lvl 202 or whatever and just teleport around with a pump. I mean, you can use whatever race you want, I don't care. All Im saying is, how is it any fun to just use the same race over and over again?

  5. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (CLuBZ @ Nov 19 2008, 12:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

    it wasn't a flame. It was a question thats all nothing meant by it. I might have gotten mad at the end but yea i was pissed.

    First of all, for you to say it was just a question is BS. You were trying to instigate, you wanted me to feel like "Oh he has power" or some crap like that. There was no need to even bring it up, it was in the past.

    Secondly, I NEVER said to you, "I dont need to listen to you, you're not an admin" what I said was, every admin has different rules in this server so why should I stop. And honestly, its true. Thats all I said.

    In any event, Im done arguing about it.

  6. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Evil Llama @ Nov 18 2008, 11:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

    One thing you need to remember is that it is not your job to understand the point of admins on our servers, and blatantly disrespecting UV members when they specifically tell you that buying long jump or anything that changes your speed on zombie is a no go as it is stated in our MOTD on the WCS servers. I will not stand for any disrespect toward members nor will I deal with someone exploiting the races when it does say that you may not do certain things in our MOTD at the start of the map. Maybe if you actually read this page instead of clicking ok and playing you would not miss interpret these "rules and will not have issues playing on our servers. You really need to also check into the definition of admin abuse as the things you are speaking of are not that. I realize we have an issue when there are multiple admins on at once and it seems like you get a lot on money and map change a lot but you also need to just play. I banned you for 5 min. You did disrespect a UV member and then made sure to make a point of it and flame with him again as I was listening. Wait out your 5 min and stop tiring to start shit with members. Respect all players and please try and have fun.

    I'll have fun when your members stop trying to instigate things with me and can let things in the past be just that, things in the past. I can admit fault, but I am not 100% at fault for this.

    I think should have a "talk" with your members as well about respecting all players.

  7. I'm sorry but, you have too many wreckless admins in the WC3 server #1 that don't understand the point of having admin.

    They abuse it to it's fullest potential when the purpose of admin is to "MODERATE" a server, not control it.

    Maybe 2 days ago one of your admins and I got into an argument about me using long jump with the zombie race, he said it wasn't allowed, I said I'd never been told not to before and every single admin in the server has different rules (which is true, even says so when you enter the server.) He doesn't have admin so why should I stop? Technically he's just a UV member, not an admin, so he doesn't get to make rules IMO, but whatever. So he goes and gets an admin, admin asks me to stop, and I do.

    Now today he comes into the server, I'm peacefully playing, not bothering anyone. And he decides to say "So 0c, do you agree with me on the no longjump with zombie now?" As if to rub it in my face with his "see I told you so" attitude. Honestly, so I responded and told him to stop being a whiner about it and just drop it and I don't need his told you so attitude; and I used some choice words as well. To which he requested an admin ban me, and they did. Sorry but I don't see the just cause. You're obviously trying to instigate something with me because we've had discussion on the matter before. All I'm asking is, a little control from the admins would be nice. And maybe some set rules so that EVERYTHING isn't up for interpretation depending on what admins are in the server; IE: Whats skywalking, whats not, what can't you use, etc etc.

    PS: It's not just the kick Im mad about. Look at the logs if you want. Constantly giving people 16k every 2 rounds, changing the map left and right, just ridiculous stuff. Total admin abuse.

    Anyways, I guess I just wont say anything to anyone anymore because no one can take criticism without asking for me to be banned. Sorry. If you could unban me please I just wont talk anymore, thanks.



  8. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Ã&Ğ @ Oct 8 2008, 11:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

    They prolly do but he doesnt know the way to control the server with his powers. We have had a few reports about him now. Hes very agrressive.

    I'd say "aggressive" is an accurate word to describe him. He abuses admin, then gets defensive and extremely aggressive when people call him out on it, or if people don't agree with his point of view.

    I also think he mis-understands the concept of an admin. Admins are just supposed to be moderators, fixing problems, not creating problems or using their admin abilities just for fun or in his case, to just play whatever maps HE wants to play regardless of what the other 15 people in the server want.

  9. One of your admins "yami" was purposely cancelling RTV votes by people in the server (who obviously don't want to play a certain map which is why it was RTV'ed) then creating his own votes with maps no one wanted to play so that we would continually have to play on shit maps.

    And when I called him out on it he muted me. A little control is all I ask. Or maybe let the majority of the people in the server play the maps they want to play otherwise. You make everyone play maps they don't want to play who's going to come to the server?

  10. Seriously, the criteria for getting an admin in your servers should be more than just play here a while and be willing to give us money.

    I was banned today for being in a spot on the map I didn't know I couldn't be on (Not skywalking either). I was asked to move so I tried to teleport but didnt get through an invisible wall, then had people shooting at me so I shot back and I was banned. Id say no more than 10 seconds after I was told to move.

    Absolutely ridiculous. I've seen blatant hackers in your server who remain their for hours but I go 10 seconds behind a fence "off the map" and I get banned. Give me a break ..

    Here's my steamid so you can unban me:


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