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Posts posted by Marvin

  1. Voting Yes, and for an increased gather at night.


    A couple things will happen as a result of that change:


    More pvp, as people will have more resources to fight with, bigger raids, more guns (and HQ), bigger bases to raid etc. Adding an incentive to gather at night will add risk/reward as it's harder to see enemies/animals but you'll get more resources.

  2. Up for trade is a C4 Blueprint. Great for blowing shit up.


    Want: 4x scope (BP or fully repaired)


    HQ Metal


    Other offers will be considered.


    If you wish to make an offer, please private message me the offer and post here that you are making an offer.

  3. Airsoft is a lot cheaper than paintball, a case of paint usually cost me about $30 (I was sponsored, that's why it was 1/2 off) when 2000 pellets cost dramatically less. There has always been some hate in between the two sports but some people just can't afford paintball


    Yeah, just try it out and get the feel for it. I know people who bought all this gear and shit before playing and then when they played they hated it so be aware


    You honestly don't need all that top level gear, it just gives you a look which is kinda cool I guess. Also for an indoor facility I would get just plain black unless you want to go dressed up as a tree or something. When you get hit don't be "that guy" and not call himself out. I've yelled at so many kids trying to do this when I was practicing (paintball).

    It's less about looking cool and more about functionality. When I've gone paintballing in the past I would stick my pods in my belt and they fell out all the time, once spilling on the ground. A vest is a nice place to put mags and whatever else without fear of my shit falling and breaking on the ground.


    There are other places to go as well to buy equipment. Toronto Airsoft is alright for equipment but not a big selection.


    Another place you can buy from is Airsoft Depot (http://airsoftdepot.ca/catalog/)  or you can look on Airsoft Canada's Classifieds (http://www.airsoftcanada.com/forumdisplay.php?f=48) (You will need an account but age verified is only needed for the guns. You can buy gear without AV).


    There are some paintball fields that host airsoft games. Sgt. Splatters and CQB Tactical (Both in Toronto respectively) are a few places.


    Let me know when you do go to Ultimate Airsoft (UA), I might come down and play as well.

    Will do, thanks!

  4. So I've got some serious non-troll experiences and advice for you Marvin.

    I live in Toronto and a friend here lent me some of his guns to play once indoors and once outdoors.


    Do you plan on playing outdoors mostly? That makes a big difference in your choice of garb, especially if it's for tactical decisions.


    "Multicam" is the way to go outdoors btw. For dirt, mud, bushes, trees, etc. Of course you're not invisible, but at long range and almost zero movement, maybe you can be misleading.



    I got some more advice about shit but I'm kinda drunk so I'm losing ma focus I'ma post this quick


    I only know of one indoor field in Toronto. There are other outdoor fields in the surrounding area but are kinda out of the way.


    The one I'll be going to is http://www.ultimateairsoft.ca/home.htm

  5. Alright, I thought this might have been the case, which is why I commented on your eager preparation.

    Airsofting is a pretty expensive but fun sport.

    Also, paintball master race.

    No worries bro. I've played paintball a few times and I loved it, but it's also expensive. I don't mind renting guns at all, but the paintballs themselves are really expensive. You can't bring your own and a case of 2k is at the cheapest $60.

  6. Normally this effect is coined the "child's first gun" syndrome but you take to it surprisingly quickly as well.

    What in the hell makes you think you'll enjoy airsofting and want to right off the bat drop $700 on something you played for 7 hours? I've known so many people that "love airsofting so much" that they get decked in equipment and then stop playing after a month.

    Though good on you for preparing!

    Never said I'd buy this stuff right away or at all...I have to try this out first and IF I like it and IF I can afford it then yeah. I"m taking this stuff down more as a note of how much of an investment it will be. Just like any hobby you need to price it out before you begin so you know what you're getting into.

  7. Vest: http://www.torontoairsoft.com/ACM-Heavy-Modular-Tactical-Vest--Multicam_p_929.html


    Gloves because knuckle shots hurt like a bitch: http://www.torontoairsoft.com/ACM-O-Tactical-Gloves--TAN-Large_p_1074.html


    Dropleg holster for my sidearm which I already own: http://www.torontoairsoft.com/ACM-Universal-Hurricane-Style-Drop-Leg-Holster-right-only--BLACK_p_2935.html


    Pads: http://www.torontoairsoft.com/ACM-9mm-Tactical-Pad-Set--Coyote-Brown_p_677.html


    The vest has loops for shotgun shells (I'm buying one eventually, they're pretty cheap <$100 ) and the belt to attach the holster to.

  8. So I plan on trying out Airsoft for the first time soon when I have the cash. Assuming I like it and want to pick it up as a hobby (I probably will) I'm going to be buying some gear.


    Vest, gloves, knee pads, etc.


    I'll be buying from http://www.torontoairsoft.com/ as it ships from Toronto.


    I'm kind of hung up on one thing though, what color scheme do I want to go with? Tan, olive green, woodland camo or black? The gun I'll end up buying comes in a few colors including tan. The facility I'll be playing at is indoors.


    The gun and goggles will be purchased from an actual physical store, for fitting purpose for the goggles as I wear glasses. The gun I"m looking at getting is the G&G CM 16 Raider-L for roughly $200.

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