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Posts posted by Seabagz

  1. I would probably be persuaded to actually get dayz if this happened

    I'm just thinking wouldn't it be better to wait for the stand alone title to come out first though?

    If you buy ARMA II now, you get DayZ and ARMA II which is a great game.

    Too bad I am too poor for that, running around with a bunch of sGfags sounds like fun

  2. Since you guys started up a TF2 division, I just figured I'd put up a few fun/great custom games for server ideas.

    An obvious one is the zombie mode. There are a few servers for it around, basically zombies are either scouts heavies or spies and everyone else plays the other 6 classes, if you die as red you become a blu zombie.

    The other one I'd suggest is WarioWare, it's a series of short games varying from some jump puzzle type stuff to "simple math trivia" to "knife everyone else while not getting knifed". It's really fast paced and a lot of fun.

    TF2 rocks, hoping to see more of it!

    Oh, and I thought of one more: FortWars! In FortWars, each player gets a certain amount of money which they can use to buy props to build a fortress to protect their briefcase (briefcase is a flag in TF2), then a standard capture the briefcase game ensues after the buy period.

    Fuck that if you want another tf2 server do the hidden

    Lolnecro inb4 negrep

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