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Posts posted by Dylan

  1. Poor icha reminds me of a video guy landed on the knife but it moved to a MP7 skulls field tested he started to dance then the tears rolled down his face.

  2. Just cause you won a game of league with it does not mean it is good unless you swapped bot lane with top lane. You can play any champ on any roles like with soraka jungle/adc/mid/top/support and still win. But you normally want to play champs on their specific role to optimize their skills. There are champions that just does better than Fiora bot lane. Typically Fiora, if I remember, is one of the best 1v1 champion in the game so why not go for what she does best lol.


    Games aren't won with having just kills in your lane. You gotta think about late game and your team composition. An example would be Vayne vs Caitlyn. Caitlyn wrecks Vayne early game, but starting late game Vayne just wrecks Caitlyn and the entire team by herself, but her early game is shitty and so even if Vayne dies to Caitlyn 5 times in lane, Vayne can still win the game as the game progresses. If you are replacing Fiora with adc, you are most likely going to lose late game or if you play her as support she will be completely useless late game. If it is low elo, then yolo play however you want, but you will notice how much it matters starting around high gold+ players.


    If you are playing league for fun play however you want. If you want to play more competitive, then be familiar with your role and about winning the game instead of worrying about your kda.


    Also, Amumu support, what... lol. Did I miss a lot in league in the past 1-2 years. Not really up-to-date with league since I haven't played for a long time so my bad if I said anything wrong, but I still have friends as my sources that still play and they are all Plat/Diamonds and I usually hear them bickering about league now and then.

    Eh amumu orignially is mid/jungle thats why I was getting fed low levels. I mainly play with with level 30's but since I was with low levels I was trying something diffrent and usally when I fiora top darius is top Aatrox is a good top champ also he is one of the best 1v1 lanes but the only way I will usally die from darius is his ulti which fioras ult screws his over i usally jungle jax or bot lane draven.

  3. I played fiora on bot last night got a double kill pre-game before 1:50 and and was 30/17 and we lost because my team fed yi (jungle) and shyvanna top lane but fiora is a top lane mainly but she dominated bot lane against ashe and amumu.

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