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Posts posted by Dylan

  1. Another terrible poll that shows what people were interested in years ago. If whatever server won the poll and was created that server would have population the first weekend it was up. It then may continue to the 2nd weekend then sit dead when everyone goes back to their regular servers/games. 


    Scoutknives might work if it is rpg style or something better or unique compared to the other tons of scoutknvies server already in place.


    Also, ZE didn't get delete sadly there is just a lack of support for it.

    I was talking to someone on a SK server, he said he really missed RPG S&K from source so it would get alot of population.

  2. Anyone happen to know why my mic aint working in this game? its not muted, i activated the option to enable mic, the symbol pops up to show it "should" be working - but not one can hear it.

    The mic sounds horrible in game we all use teamspeak to talk

  3. Is unturned worth downloading? The only reason I haven't is because lolcatz has spammed me to get it every day.

    Yes, it's Rust but runs 10 time's better. Everyone is also against lolcatz if that helps your opinion. 

  4. SOUP!

    Is that Campbell's soup?

    I saw vegetables so I'm going with Progresso. Campbelles just got noodles and chicken.

  5. The beauty of it is that it's got that dayz style without the serious consequences. when someone picks u off across the street you just laugh and start over. When the same shit happens in dayz you get mad and rage quit because it took you like 4 hours just to get some decent gear.

    I feel it'll be pretty popular I normally have 2-3 people on my list playing unturned.

  6. I can vouche, fun times were had by all. If we could get more people notified and give it a shot, I think this would be cool, thoguh it might end up like Minecraft server

    Yeah but on minecraft you wont get scared and run from zombies and kill all your friends. and hosting with crap internet is annoying so please.

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