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Posts posted by Dylan

  1. I am new to the community and I was told to make a thread in here so I am (I am not to new). My name is Dylan I have been playing on the servers for about 5 or more months I was not very Active past Couple months I have been playing Minecraft And it was starting to get really addicting so I took a break. But I am back and playing CS:GO CS:S And Gmod I Adore the Servers Some of the Cts on jailbreak need to Learn To SeaTea But I use to play on CS:S Bunnyhop server it was really fun but i don't Think It is up anymore, So now I am playing JailBreak And sometimes GunGame If you have seen me on the servers then You know me.

    Now when I am not gaming I like to read Manga Play MTG(Magic The Gathering) And watch Anime.

    My Name is Dylan But Call me Vexer

    I am 15

    I love sG and being with friends

    And I love spending money on Cards And manga books.


  2. We should've done like a bundle, Kgame + Sweetrock

    Humble Bundle Janitor Project!

    Donate any amount of money to sG and sG will ban the most annoying of people. Brilliant.

    We should test this fine Sir.

  3. I believe he's trying to say that someone stole his MC account and he's worried that the entity might use his account authorization privileges as a citizen on our MC server to fuck shit up.

    Good guy vexer for warning us.

    thank you for explaining for me couldnt get it out right for some reason.

  4. Please demote the citizen ship of mrtorp if you did give it to the account. I was reading applications and MrTorp is my MC account but I can still get on it so that means someone else is using my MC Account. So is there anything you can do?

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