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Posts posted by cloudabove1303

  1. Probably the admin banned him for shooting back when he was in an illegal spot. But players should wait or atleast watch him die cause once he gets passed that wall there is no way he will survive unless he's like a fire dragon

  2. wtf? how many people do u have in your league to have that many good players? I play on the yahoo fantasy football heres my team:

    QB: David Garrad

    WR: Marvin Harrison

    WR: Chris Chambers

    WR: Devery Henderson

    RB: Reggie Bush

    RB: Fred Taylor

    TE: Jason Witten

    W/R: Sammy Morris

    BN: Reggie Brown

    BN: Sidney Rice

    BN: Maurice Morris

    BN: Darren Sproles

    BN: Donald Lee

    BN: Matt Ryan

    K: Ryan Longwell

    DEF: New England

  3. I can help, I now play linebacker, we only run a 2 set, Mac(Also known as Sam, slower person) and Will(faster person).

    I would advise you work on the hook-to-curl, basically if you are on the right or left, your outside foot drops back and you run back looking for the pass. Also, when you are in your stance, keep your head low, and focus in on the running back's thigh/hip, always trust the hips. If you want anymore help, xfire me.

    By footwork he could have meant when you tackle, when you do, shoot you're arms through to the back, and wrap around and grab some cloth, keep your feet wide, and drive him back, when you go up to tackle, DO NOT slow down, faster you go, the less it hurts and the more effective it is.

    Aight Thx, I usually go on the strong side during the game. I think I am a Will witch I believe was the fast one wasn't it? Anyways thx for the tips, I'll be sure to work on the hook-curl, good lookin out :)

  4. Well, I would like to take this time to apologize to my clan about me not being present for the past few weeks. We started football and I start on Varsity and JV (cause JV's don't have many players). Anyways it's been a lot of work, starting practice right after school (3:15pm) and ending around 8:00pm. I also got 2 games a week cause I start both varsity and JV. Then also comes homework lol, basically I don't have any time to play (some of you may like that lol) except like on the weekends.

    Anyways, on to topic. I was a lineman last year and my coach decided to bump me into a Outside Linebacker (Cause I was really fast like 3rd fastest on my team). I had my 1st JV game today and we tied it. Later on I asked the coach what I could improve on and he told me my linebacker footwork. I was a lineman so basically I have no idea what it means. I had 2 Interceptions and about 18 tackles (combined since I played both Nose Guard and Outside Linebacker). So, if any of you football players know what this means and can help me improve it, I would appreciate it if you would tell me.

    Thx :)

  5. Wait...I thought azile0 was a girl...That's what everybody said anyway.

    Probably because he sounds like one over the mic. But that video would be addicting if you were a techno lover. Sadly I'm a hip-hop/R&b guy lol

  6. Pretty sure if I stayed in the clan, and kept playing UV servers, I'd be a little higher than veteran.

    with 156 posts lol jk anyways this is gonna be a lot of work to do lol cause we got a ass load of members in this clan

  7. I mean why have more ammo if you're just going to blow mself up right away?

    Cause there are many different ways of using certain races

    Also you are able to avoid the Jihad ability, either you use warden or don't rush until you are certain the path is clear. Also the people using the Jihad are pretty predictable, what's almost 100% sure is that there gonna rush so just keep your distance and when thye pop up you shoot them

  8. I don't even have a cooler and I'm usually around 55 celcius.

    Btw PCock, are you talking about the StealthXStream OCZ 600w?

    No, the OCZ GameXStream 600w is the one I got cause it had better reviews than the StealthXStream 600w

    Also the reason my graphic card runs pretty cool is cause I used Rivatuner to change my fan speed. The default fan speed for the Evga 8800 GT dual slot cooling edition was at 30% and I bumped that up to 60%

  9. My PC Runs 50 C avg with my Evga 8800 GT Dual Slot Cooling Edition and 58 C during games playing it maxed settings. (By the way I ordered that and a OCZ 600W Power Supply wooo)

    Sadly I reformatted my pc, i even Installed windows xp Pro instead of Home and still didn't fix my nv4_disp infinite loop :( Maybe it's the motherboard... anyways I still can play but occaisionally I get the errors.

  10. unban.jpg

    pretty decent VictiM lol

    Isn't there a rule about warning someone with text and voice? Cause in some cases the guy who gets banned possibly had everyone muted because of some reason. Also, there are players that don't read text so I was j/w if there was a rule about warning them with both text and voice

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