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Posts posted by waffles

  1. Is it just like a mini gaming computer or what is it?!

    From what I understand it would be a steam console, that would be portable and allow other people to play games using your steam library.

  2. I will add that CTs that want to learn to warden first understand the T side very well, understand the maps (if its a new map I always join T and then ghost away so I know what games are available and yada yada). Also, this is how I warden:


    **edit** for those who can't see, I have a .txt file titled JB Games that I have open next to my windowed CSGO

    Pretty nerdy but whatever, I can never remember all the games, and everytime I hear or witness one I like I add it to the list. This helps me not to always do trivia or odd man in when 3 left, keep it fresh and DIFFERENT each round, and not sit there and be like 'uhhh ummmmm uhhhhh' when thinking of what to do

    That's pretty impressive that you put that much work into it for the good of all.

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