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Posts posted by Neur0

  1. Just because you failed by watching such a fucking terrible movie doesn't mean you have to come here and share it with us.

    Thanks asshole, my appetite is spoiled.

    EDIT: I lied- just had an all american jack at jack in the box. Fuck yeah.

  2. However if you guys are going to abuse it, I will start issuing infractions/bans for it. From now on, only threads in the "Donations" sub forum are real donations that are confirmed by me or Marvin. Also note that the threads are not created automatically, as I don't have a way of doing that yet.

    Infraction would have been much more appropriate.

  3. You definitely won't be getting staff votes if you ever do apply for sG.

    He's not missing much. Just sayin'.

    I find it increasingly comical that LOPEZ still holds a staff position. Bowser could have pulled it off much better, undoubtedly, but it's not worthy of a ban.

    Just goes to show...

  4. wtf is with ya'll niggas deleting my threads n shit, all I wanted to do was post a hawt picture of some fine lookin bitch, and you niggas comin all in and delete my thread

    fuck you niggas

    love you bro

  5. [20:13] sG | niC-talker: http://img638.imageshack.us/img638/5162/n500267409725094343.jpg

    [20:13] wookie: :DDDD

    [20:13] sG | niC-talker: http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/2653/n500267409723854723wat.jpg

    [20:13] sG | niC-talker: :)

    [20:13] wookie: KITTY :3

    [20:13] sG | niC-talker: if your gayness got any gayer

    [20:13] sG | niC-talker: i'd pretty sure it'd be gay

    [20:13] wookie: D:

    [20:13] wookie: dude

    [20:13] wookie: kitties dun maek u gai

    [20:13] sG | niC-talker: i wasnt call you gay or anything

    [20:14] sG | niC-talker: i was just saying

    [20:14] wookie: you impliedriedered it

    [20:14] wookie: :(

    [20:14] sG | niC-talker: no

    [20:14] sG | niC-talker: i said

    [20:14] sG | niC-talker: if your gayness got any gayer

    [20:14] sG | niC-talker: like

    [20:14] sG | niC-talker: you might be straight

    [20:14] sG | niC-talker: and not be getting any gayer

    [20:14] sG | niC-talker: but i was just saying

    [20:14] sG | niC-talker: if you got any gayer

    [20:14] sG | niC-talker: which would be gay

    [20:14] sG | niC-talker: you'd be gay

    [20:14] wookie: im not on the verge of being gay either

    [20:14] wookie: mr logicfuck

    [20:14] sG | niC-talker: okay asshole

    [20:14] <This user is now offline>

  6. I had this nice poem typed up, then my computer decided to crash this tab, so I lost it all. I had it all typed out and everything. I'm going to try and recreate it from memory now, just for you. Here's my Steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/junzou

    All I know about Alison Brie is what I learned from the faces that you post here on the forums

    Let's forget about that time I banned you for spamming, mmk? ^^ It wasn't personal :3

    I'll be honest, I found it kind of annoying at first...

    But after a while, she began to seduce me with those tempting eyes. Now I can't refuse her

    Rarely does that happen

    I don't know what it is, she's just so...

    Everywhere. The range of emotions she shows and the perfect times that you post them is awesome


    Utterly entrancing, that's what she is

    Could it be her perfect face, perhaps, that is so entrancing?

    Kryptonite to my Superman, that's what she is

    Sadly, you don't post her face that often any more :(

    Do you want to make a deal?

    If you buy me BlackOps, I will ignore all of your spam posts <3

    Certainly that's reasonable, yes? Don't do it for me, or for you-- do it for her.

    Kayaking with her is how I would spend my last day alive, fo sho.

    You're fat.

    You're lonely.

    You'll never get laid.

    You have a degree in psychology (3 years at that...)

    You're addicted to mac and cheese like a nigger on turkwise koolaid.

    You pray on little girls that join the clan.

    Like my poem?

  7. It's strange, I always imagine sG as a community of immature people who only ever discuss things for shits and giggles, but it's really beautiful when as soon as someone is in need of support everyone rallies together to help them

    Shut up, kike.


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