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Posts posted by SOSBrigade

  1. Like I said, I have been procrastinating this for awhile, probably 2 months now.

    That honestly had nothing to do with it.

    I was going to quit soon enough.


    I'm pretty sure I was on a 4-6 month hiatus at one point... and some little 2 month breaks here and there.

  2. Assuming you lean towards main-stream animes, the listed above are good suggestions.

    Also, based upon what I've heard about Seikon No Qwaser it'll probably be pretty good for you too.

  3. More players = More money for the cash store. - Maybe it might just work. Just like how maplestory is run. It's f2p, but you can buy things with NX.

    NX? I think someone has been playing too much maplestory.

  4. Only problem is when people get smart enough to know to counter you. Like for instance I was trying the speeling/bling pressure against his marines and marauders and was forcing him to waste a lot of his money until he started countering.

    +1 armor if they get tanks. Add infestors when possible if they're aggressive, otherwise try muta harass and some spines.

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