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Posts posted by IntoxicatedDog

  1. That toshiba laptop seems like a much better deal than the rest. I have a toshiba and the only 'problem' I have is the 'bloatware'. It's not really bloatware, it doesn't get updated and doesn't take much space in your hard drive at all and since I mainly use the Desktop Win8 I never see it. The toshiba is cheaper and seems to sport the better hardware for the price. However it is pretty big for that small ass desk you have. MSI laptops are hella nice though. You seem like you don't have much of a price limit.

  2. I don't particularly like vests. As noobzilla said chest rigs provide more movement and IMO look better. But it's entirely your purchase and your call so get what you like. Later on, depending on how much you like it, you might want to look into some plate carriers.


    I'm also not a fan of pistol leg holsters. Hip holsters seem to work a lot better for me. Also, typically the slings guns come with are total shit so you may want to look into getting a better sling depending on how many points your gun has for them.


    More magazines is a definite, preferably mid caps. Shotguns are usually pretty crappy so make sure the one you plan on buying is really worth the money.


    http://www.airsoftgi.com/ is a site I used to pretty much buy all my gear. They have just about everything you need but they're located in California which might be what you are trying to avoid.

  3. "Taser just needs stricter admining"


    a.)When the taser abuse occurs, all the admins on tolerate it. 


    b.)What about late night TTT when no admins are on?

    Demo it. Post a ban complaint if you're that worried about it. The more people start getting punished for the taser the less people that will be left to abuse it and people will be less likely to abuse it.


    What murs said. I mean it doesn't even do damage. We might as well remove guns because sometimes people are killed wrongfully. Really, get over it.

  4.  He has no footing in international politics and has little respect from other countries. Either way, he got called out by not only the people but his own party, which the majority of refuse to support him bombing anything close to Syria. If he's smart he would've just gone to the U.N. and asked for sanctions or action through them,


    He did go to the UN and each one of them refused to sanction an attack. I wouldn't say it was anything Carter level considering he actually hasn't done anything yet other than threaten and make himself look a bit foolish on national television. Now he's trying to cover his ass by saying a diplomatic solution is really what he wanted, ha. In a few months I doubt anything will happen and 90% of the population will forget everything about what he said considering they knew in the first place.

  5. There is a complaint department for this shit which you posted in as well. Just delete this thread or something.

    Junzou speaks the truth. Also even looking at the pip policy it doesn't even state saying first name is against it so MG should really come here to provide proof.

    It seems you finally read the damn policy after accusing everyone of breaking it.

  6. Please god no voice radius.


    Keep the taser, just be more strict with it.


    Remove Galil, SG552(I think thats the really slow automatic one that doesn't do much damage), and the famas. They're shitty and no one uses them. Perhaps find an RPK, LA85, FAL, F2000 or anything else people will actually use.


    The leaderboards seems pretty cool. Not sure how it would work with our weapons like the bat.


    This is assuming global voice is getting disabled, because I really hope it is. It takes the mystery away when I can hear a guy 200m away yell out who a traitor is...

    These ARE NOT assuming if there was global voice disabled, it has been disabled before and that's exactly what happened.

  7. remove the taser


    whenever someone uses it (even on a T,) they glitch the person into the map so they can't move, and then kill them


    that is an exploit as far as I'm concerned....

    And that's why you kill them, not really an exploit then. It's not like they're tasing them and putting them outside the map to glitch out like I do.

  8. Entire vote system needs an overhaul. If there's a tie between two maps, the map that is a place ahead always wins. Pretty lame. Should just be that the two maps enter another voting contest and you vote for either of the two.

    Agreed. Previous voting system before the GMod 13 update was much better but I believe they creators can't get it to work. Completely forgot what it was called.

  9. 1. You can't spell.

    2. These have nothing in common with the shows he prefers.

    3. Angel Beats is not particularly sad, as it was rushed. That being said, it's my favorite.

    Tries to give the man some show suggestions, fuck him ,right?

  10. Please do, the spawn is what everyone bitched about. It's a little messed up I think the hatch that would suck people out of the plane glitched people outside of the plane sometimes. With the spawn fixed and that fixed I don't understand why people have a reason to hate it. It's well made, fun, and has plenty of T traps.

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