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Posts posted by Bryan

  1. #1 people should not be doing this at all, kinda abusing the system.

    #2 There is a 20 second at the beginning for a reason to allow other people to join.

    #3 Getting tired of respawning people cause of this shit


    There is a bug

  2. I did not say he fixed angel of light, face worded really long and complciated basically saying it suppose to work that way

  3. Wouldn't be a map suggestion thread without crackhouse

    It would like adding dolls back basically


    Yo dolls is the shit. It's classic assault that needs to be brought back.

    Assault, just play pudge, exalted sorc, etc any aoe ability = sided since it close to the hostie etc

  4. 1. Remove dolls

    • Decrease the server population when it changes map about 50% server population leave cause its just dolls
    • When dolls is done all the people will come back

    2. Add Night maps

    • Gives more "spice" to the gameplay its dark harder to see, the only problem i can see is the invisible races could always reduce the invis only on night maps
    • Bigger map rotation
    • Impluse 100 has a good use finally

    3. Add Westwood

    • It was gone only for the event

  5. It isn't that much of a problem. Sure, in instances of less people, say 2v2 or 1v1, it's easy to escape danger and then recompose yourself in returning to where enemies are. Like most classes however, if the impetus is the one being attacked by surprise, there should at least be some damage done to the impetus if not being shot in the head a couple of times. Not all marks are in safe places as time goes on, you're likely to teleport into enemies after pressing the panic button. I don't think the ultimate is too different from say Selune in those regards. I could understand wanting to nerf the ultimate as a way of not directly nerfing the scout dmg/knockback (which seems to be the most concerning aspect?).

    Selune is limited to two time going back to base unlike impetus has no cd and can be spammed multiple times

  6. Add a 2 second cooldown to impetus ultimate, you can get shot then ultimate, then ultimate again if you are going to get shot again. The only counters are alistar ultimate and dunpeal, but you have to be nearby to silence him by the time you are close your dead cause of the stupid knock back. Basically an escape plan on never dying unless you are going to get silenced.


    TL:DR As impetus just keep spamming +ultimate to live 24/7

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