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Posts posted by MrCoolness

  1. Hey, I haven't read the entire thread so don't blame me if I repeat someones idea ><. Here's my ideas on what a balanced expertise for each race would be.

    NOTE: The first level e.g. 80-89 (the 80) is the level that the 1% or whatever starts on.

    Human Alliance:

    Description: A human never leaves his house without his trusty pocket knife

    Level 120 -> Free m4a1 on spawn on every round after 2nd round (3rd round and on).

    Undead Scourge:

    Description: They are undead after all...

    Level 85-99 -> 1% chance to respawn per level, 15% at lvl 99.

    Orcish Horde:

    Description: Orcs may not be smart, but given they use their lightning enough they can still get better.

    Level 100-130 -> 1 ft/10 levels of ult from 18 ft -> 22 ft at lvl 130

    Night Elf:

    Description: A night elf knows his way around.

    Level 122-160 -> 1% movement speed increase / 2 levels -> 20% at level 160

    Flame Predator:

    Description: After years of chasing prey you learn your skills improve.

    Level 60-69 -> 1% movement speed / level & 1% chance for enemy to drop weapon, 10%/5% changes his move/drop to 50%/45%

    Nature Spirit:

    Description: A true natures spirit tends to others as well

    level 110-150 -> 1 hp / 4 seconds to allies in a 6 ft radius per 10 levels -> caps at 5 hp / 4 seconds at 6ft

    Blood Mage:

    Description: Your constant use of blood magic has made you healthier

    Level 75-99 -> 1 hp / level -> 25 extra hp at level 99 (125 hp total at start)

    Archmage Proudmoore:

    Description: Your earthquakes now cause tremors.

    Level 110 -> When hitting an enemy with an earthquake any enemies in a 5ft radius of the one hit with earthquake suffer from a shake for 2 seconds as well.


    Description: You're used to being shot.

    Level 70-88 -> 1% damage reduction to all shots / 2 levels -> maxes out at 10% at level 88

    Ranger of the Woods:

    Description: Your barkskin hardens

    Level 120-148 -> armor absorbs 1% of damage / 2 level (same thing as boreas of the north wind) -> 15% at level 148.

    Crypt Lord:

    Description: Putting your enemy in a crypt releases your powers.

    Level 150 -> Killing an enemy resets your ult timer.

    Keeper of the Grove:

    Description: Your practice longjumping has increased the strength of your legs.

    Level 70-88 -> 1% / 2 levels reduced gravity -> 90% gravity at level 88

    RPG Race:

    Description: All great heroes buy equipment from the shopkeeper.

    Level 100 & 200 -> at 100, 1 random item from weapon section of shopmenu. At level 200, an extra 1 defense item from shopmenu excluding talisman of evasion and ring of protection. Total of 1 attack and 1 defense item from shop excluding talisman/ring.


    Description: Dust in the eyes can cause permanent damage.

    Level 140-149 -> 1 dmg/level from ult. 10 damage at level 149 (was thinking maybe level 154 max and 15 damage, lmk).

    Those are all for now I'll keep posting more and let me know what you think please.

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