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Posts posted by Clay

  1. framerate=/=tick rate. Tick rate is what is solely responsible for which shots register and which shots dont and which body part it hits everyone has been complaining to valve to use 128 tick for MM but they wont.


    "So, having a lower framerate than the tickrate set on the server will cause view lags. The client will experience a choppy and inconsistent game-play. It is recommended to have an FPS_MAX greater to the tickrate when playing. So playing on a tickrate “64″ requires half the required bandwidth/cpu usage/gpu usage then playing on 128 tick."

  2. LOLOLOL Sean you dont have a monitor capable of displaying 150-200fps as most monitors are only 60hz which is a hardware limit hard set to 60fps then unless you have a 120hz monitor then it would be 120. Anything past your monitors refresh rate is wasted and only perceives the game as being more smooth.

    CS isn't a game you can play with a low framerate. Optimal FPS rates are 65+ on Valve servers, and 130+ on 128 tick servers. Having less results in shitty reg.

  3. />/>

    Clay do you still have my sig from the .ds forums where when you worked at bestbuy screaming into the walkie" there can only be one"

    Not anymore. :(

    Edit: Someone give me FFA. Please and thanks. 8)

  4. So does this confirm your sub-forums death?

    How's that 2013 reg date treating you?


    Sup bro

    Hey buddy. :3

    Its more like round 27...

    Its somewhere in the teens.

  5. wttvvd.png


    See also:

    Any other game with a pre-purchase notification on Steam.




    Yeah, that's what I thought, fucker. Just email Gabe your goddman wallet already."

  6. anyway, while notch may know what he is talking about, he needs to prove it, because the only show of his graphical skill is a game that is famously hideous


    As Dojima said, I don't see any reason why it couldn't be real. His explanation of how it works makes a lot more sense than him just throwing out a video and saying, "THERE ARE OVER 100 MILLION ATOMS ON YOUR SCREEN RIGHT NOW LOL" and expecting people not to be confused. Hopefully there's another major progress update by the end of next year.

  7. GL Lopez. Kinda disappointed that it came down to this though; people told me you were more involved with ds back when you tried to first step down and you told me they were lying, that it was a personal thing between you and them, so I gave you the benefit of the doubt and asked you to stay on.

    I want to take this time to apologize to the people that came to me a few weeks ago for taking Lopez's side on this.

    I don't even know how to respond to this. I guess I could start off by saying you have no idea what you're talking about, follow that up with LOL and then go back to being the reason sG is finally updating their shit. Or is that just a coincidence? Must just be a coincidence. Oh well.

    I'm going to go back and wait for the buttmad to reach critical mass.

    But seriously. You guys aren't mad. It's just us. We're the ones lynching our own members like it's the Salem Witch Trials and shoveling blame around because no one can man up. AND THEN THE CLAN WARS RAGED ON FOR ONE THOUSAND MILLENIA AND MANY WERE LOST IN THE BLOODBATH THAT ENSUED.

    u gaiz r maed bcuz we haev teh hailender.

  8. janitor project nominee? I for one am tired of his 2 month long period. Srsly, someone buy this man some tampons

    I actually have some sitting right next to me. I have to change them every 15 minutes.

    about what? haven't been following member dramas at all =(

    That's what I want to know, actually.

    Anyone that clicked my link has complete downs.

    goatse.domain/goatse.jpg is pretty blatant.

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