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Posts posted by Clay

  1. Hey Jinn, (off-topic) how do you run Counter-Strike off of Linux (Windows VM, Cedega, Wine...) , what distro do you use, and how does Counter-Strike run on your machine?

  2. That sucks. I hate when that happens. But, off-topic. I feel so bad for you and your 360.

    The only thing I got, is try installing a codec pack. I can't see what format the tracks are in since the torrent is rar-ed. (I highly recommend K-Lite)

    Then, if that doesn't do it. Re-extract, force recheck on your torrent, and if none work... give up. :(

  3. Myspace is turning into FaggotBook nao too. They added in applications. I think that's reason enough to consider them copypasta f4g0ts.

    Also, I used to like FaceBook before they removed the networks. It was cool when everyone belonged to somewhere. I joined up right after they added in High Schools, seeing as how I'm only 16.

  4. I've been playing on UV servers for a while now, and I really like everyone I play with. The admins are cool (which is surprising, seeing as how most admins are asses). I really like playing on the Zombie Mod server and I hope that I can continue playing for a long time!

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