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Posts posted by Clay

  1. > Feign apathy

    > Post multiple paragraphs.

    > Implying that you need to feign apathy to act like you have more important things in your life than a gaming clan.


    Wish I would have saved that Steam convo. Suckle my taint, you brown-noser.

  2. Dude, I was just wishing you good luck, no need to get hostile.

    Well, until you post a rank application, you won't receive any rank benefits!

    I'm not getting hostile, I was saying it like it is. I gave Level 2 so many benefits, I'm going to receive all 0 of them. :D

    No, but seriously, why haven't you guys given Golden staff yet?

  3. What? I have no idea what you're talking about. Just like I didn't see Clay try to take another shot at me a few posts ago in a thinly veiled attempt to draw me back into a trollfest.

    Where? Troof != trolling.

  4. Running out of thanks...

    You know, you could always try for trolling and see how long you can go without getting infracted. Or get a staff position so that when you troll people you can't get infracted.


  5. See that green name? You're one of the common folk now, so all that doesn't matter any more. Pull up a chair, rest your feet, and enjoy a good pint of humilty for once in your life, because that's all you'll be gettin' from here on out. You best get used to it.

    Oh god, I'm shaking in my boots. What ever will I do? I've been a regular member before. I spent most of my time as a member.

  6. You had your shot at getting SE, but you blew it with your temper tantrum in the staff forum when two people said they wouldn't support you having it because you've ragequit the clan four times and wanted to go by your most recent (re)join date. You actually had majority support until your last post.

    But I digress, good luck with your new job.

    Ahaha, you're funny. I technically still have majority, if you really want me to ask around. Since when is stating the truth trolling? Oh wait, I'm not allowed to troll fatboy or else he cries to you and Jason, and I can't do anything about that, now can I?

    I wasn't getting it and you know it. Nice face save though.

    junzou's sig links to a black dick

  7. So yeah, I'm out homos. Gotta do some RL shit, so I'm taking an indefinite LOA. I just got a job recently, so I have that to deal with, as well as the rest of my summer courses. The semester is going to be starting up before I know it and I don't want a repeat of last year. I'll be in and out of the forums every now and again, and maybe on the servers, but no guarantees. Most people I talk to have me on Steam/Facebook, so just talk to me on there. sG has had it's ups and downs, and it is what it is. I mean, when you help out, you think you'd get a little recognition, right? Guess not. But I'll let the powers that be have their minor victory. You're welcome for the rank system, by the way. I don't think anyone ever thanked me for that. You guys just did some edits and passed it off as your own.

    But I digress: Fuck all of you, jailbreak sucks.

    Currently taking a staff tally of votes for me:

    Staff members:





    fatb0y - Against


    Guitar Guy

    Jason - Against

    Junzou - Against

    LOPEZ - For



    Oracion - For



    Super Novacaine

    TimeToDie - For


    Zach - For

    And one that wanted to remain anonymous. So, I'm +2/10 at 3 AM EST.

  8. I've had a RAT 7 for awhile, and I just got a Deathadder, pretty confident it would be better.

    It is.

    How much for the RAT-7?

    Shelling out more than $20 for a mouse is stupid.

    Unless you want a good mouse. I use 2300 DPI almost all the time with my mouse. I also got mine for 40% off, but IDGAF. It's amazing.

    Logitech G9X, come at me.

    Thank guyz for r ur feedback

    i know what mouse to get now



  9. We were on beachstrike and I was first zombie. Some noobs holed up in the kitchen in the 420 house, so I wrecked their cade and helped them rebuild it. I !ztele'd out.

    One of the noobs was first zombie next round. I HEHS spammed him until he died.

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