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Metal Militia

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I had really wished I would never have to post in this particular part of the forum, and I am pretty sure that me doing this will bring nothing but hatred from all of you but your Co-Leader Metal Militia was abusing his administrative privileges in the Zombie thread no more than 10 minutes when he came in in the middle of a match and banned a good half of the players in the room before getting to me, one of these being a clan member, Boriscoolman20. He had no justification for this and anyone who has ever played with me can attest to the fact that I am a fair, just, and law abiding player. I know there will be little if any action on Metal but I just wanted to let this be known to all of you.

No evidence because I was banned too soon. You will have to believe me and Boris.

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Stealing Donations? As in embezzling from the clan? I understand trying to cut down on traffic but at this rate you may kill the clan if nobody can play.

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Militia you have no life. Go to play in your WoH servers. Why are you taking out your hatred on other people? You were co-leader anyway, so what if he stole donations, why should you care, you had power in this clan. I dont understand why people like you anyway.

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