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Guest Drunkentig3r

I Love You Chris Rock

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Guest Drunkentig3r

Man summarizes everything I essentially believe. I don't consider myself a blatant racist, but lets face it, we all have a little bit of racism within us. Its just how the world functions. Chris Rock is right though-there's a difference between Black people, who are educated, informed, responsible and contributing members of society, then there are the so called niggers. Its time to let the ignorant, inferior ones slowly die out. Its Darwinism at work. Its the same for any race. Caucasians make up the bulk of this country, yet do they go out of their way to care for the trailer-trash redneck hicks in the Rockies? No. I'm Korean-American, yet don't confuse me with that bald fuck who is running a sweatshop in downtown LA, running his illegal immigrant workers to death, or the assholes who care for nothing but money. Same idea in effect here.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7G1R3UISvSw]Chris Rock on Women and the difference between Blacks/Niggas[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpLdnNbh-EA]Blacks vs. Niggas cont'd.[/ame]

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