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IdentityZero's Speech.

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Understanding your arguments is easy. I don't understand the attitude behind it. It just seems to me like you are calling the kettle black.

Rurkis, it was a good attempt to apologize for your stupidity. Apology accepted by me. Just try the maturity gig. I promise you'll like it when you have it.

wait...my stupidity? nothing i said was stupid when i was in the clan it was all true my friend. it had attitude (a shitty attitude behind it, when i said it though). It was my huge ego that was talking for me. So i guess ego's are stupidity now. <_<

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I obviously grasp the concept, I just don't apply it to my life.

Honestly, if half the fucking idiots on here grasp it...then I probably do as well. Ya dig?

Really though, do I come off as stupid or something? Identity Zero is not the first person to respond to me in that manner.

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Guest starscream
Hm... continue masturbating to Polis or go play power rangers with the chick... man this is tough.

Hmm. someone needs a testosterone boost. Play Power Rangers with POLIS, and punch him out so he can't get in the way when you start to masturbate with the CHICK. not rocket science here.

EDIT: please dont feel harassed here or anything chaos, this rule should be applied in this situation to any female, not necassarily you. its just logic.

::EDIT: jesus christ on a cross with the spaces Foh. also, stop being a fagmonster and start EVE again kthxbai

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Actually I almost believe that I understand what you are talking about better than you do. I can name what you are describing yet you failed to give it a name at all (it was just some magical knowledge you were trying to impart). Its called loss of self or loss of ego. It is one of the final stages of a lot of Asian religions.

I know you grasp the concept. im telling you Rob does too. just because he couldnt give it name like you did, does not indicate that he understands these ideas more or less than you. Looking at your post i can see that you are not sure if he knows more than you or less than you.

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I obviously grasp the concept, I just don't apply it to my life.

Honestly, if half the fucking idiots on here grasp it...then I probably do as well. Ya dig?

Really though, do I come off as stupid or something? Identity Zero is not the first person to respond to me in that manner.

No it’s just the way you post. You are very smug and kind of stuck up. But Identity wasn’t much better about going at this. I'm pretty sure 90% of the people that post on these forums are somewhat intelligent. If not, yourself,foh,Zeus, or someone else would have ran them off by tearing apart their posts and making them feel idiotic. I just don’t see the point anymore, if anything I come to these forums for good conversation, to see how the clan is running, and to maybe help a few people with problems in RL or Game. Not destroy everything they have ever thought/felt.

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So no one is up for Power Rangers?

Damn, I was gunna play in my birthday suit.


Quit Hijacking kkthnx.

No it’s just the way you post. You are very smug and kind of stuck up. But Identity wasn’t much better about going at this. I'm pretty sure 90% of the people that post on these forums are somewhat intelligent. If not, yourself,foh,Zeus, or someone else would have ran them off by tearing apart their posts and making them feel idiotic. I just don’t see the point anymore, if anything I come to these forums for good conversation, to see how the clan is running, and to maybe help a few people with problems in RL or Game. Not destroy everything they have ever thought/felt.

Very true, and you named them dead on too. They always try to flame someone and make them feel like shit. I wonder if that makes them feel better? like oh, im fuckin better than you, Which by then his ego has kicked in and hes like (ohhhh im the fuckin man) let me keep flaming this new guys thread, while i pound this little 10 year old boy in the ass, just like my dad did to me when i was 10.

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I just think all this fighting over some guys' farewell speech is a little absurd.

"while i pound this little 10 year old boy in the ass, just like my dad did to me when i was 10."

Btw. Nice Imagination.

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This is deep. I will play power rangers with you though, I'm hella bored and have no intentions of becoming involved with this one. Can I be the Red Ranger?


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honestly I dont particularly care about anything here. The community yes, but I've just noticed people say some dumb shit, and the internets has no equations that will ever resolve. Debating fine, it's all in good fun. But some of the immaturity is just staggering. You are all arguing points that no one wants to hear because we all believe what we believe. Name one time that someone's political, religious, or idealogical convictions have changed because of the internet?

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First off i would like to say, What IdentityZero posted was amazing.

I have the biggest ego on these fourms about surf server, and about life itself how i think im hot shit, and all this.

what Zero said actually gave me some sort of a reality check, almost if i stepped outside my huge ego (im the shit bubble). So I took from it what i could best.. that i shouldnt probably be a fucking dick head to everyone, and that i am indeed one of those selfish people he stated in his speech. and now that i think about it, i am one of those motherfuckers that brung people to my level and i made them feel like shit...So as i read his "serious talk" speech, my ego bubble kinda crumbled (i know this indeed does sound really gay, but it indeed did, im like what i am on the fourms, in real life also, thinking im the shit and all).

Secondly, I would like like to apologize to the Undead Vengeance Community as a whole, What i have said in the past to multiple people including Zeus,Waylon,P2,Foh, and i'm sure many other people that i said shit to when I was as self-centered as i was.

I would like to apologize to IdentityZero also, about that little arguement we had about blah blah blah, im better than you. all that shit. In the end it dosen't fucking matter, Its a game, that i indeed do care about ( lol in a fun way ) but not enough to go on the fourms and crash and smash people to the ground and make them feel like there a piece of shit.

Some of you out there like Polis may believe that words are indeed, just words. Well i hate to break it to you Polis but people are different, Humans are unique in there own ways. For some people with a huge ego bubble like you, words are simply nothing but letters that don't mean shit to you, cause your self centered around yourself, and nothing else matters, but to some other people that aren't self-centered pieces of shit, words actually can make a difference on there life.

<div align="center">

This is not meant to start a flame war. Please do not flame, this is a Sincere apology to the Community as a whole.

That took balls man.

Oh ya, so I was on StreetFire the other day, and was watching a Cobra a Z28 racing, and saw you where posting how sick that cobra was, I see you are being open minded now lol, I was suprised to see you one there.

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Guest Fohacidal
Hmm. someone needs a testosterone boost. Play Power Rangers with POLIS, and punch him out so he can't get in the way when you start to masturbate with the CHICK. not rocket science here.

EDIT: please dont feel harassed here or anything chaos, this rule should be applied in this situation to any female, not necassarily you. its just logic.

::EDIT: jesus christ on a cross with the spaces Foh. also, stop being a fagmonster and start EVE again kthxbai

I cant pay for it, I need moneh.

Quit Hijacking kkthnx.

Very true, and you named them dead on too. They always try to flame someone and make them feel like shit. I wonder if that makes them feel better? like oh, im fuckin better than you, Which by then his ego has kicked in and hes like (ohhhh im the fuckin man) let me keep flaming this new guys thread, while i pound this little 10 year old boy in the ass, just like my dad did to me when i was 10.

You just proved this is an act and Im not buying it, your still an asshole. I cant believe you try and lead us all to believe you discovered yourself, dropped the major ego and became a man. Your just about as self centered and offensive as you were before and you suck at hiding it.

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Guest Fohacidal

STFU Black Ranger, because he was the closest thing to representing a minority...

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That took balls man.

Oh ya, so I was on StreetFire the other day, and was watching a Cobra a Z28 racing, and saw you where posting how sick that cobra was, I see you are being open minded now lol, I was suprised to see you one there.

lol, i love streetfire.

You just proved this is an act and Im not buying it, your still an asshole. I cant believe you try and lead us all to believe you discovered yourself, dropped the major ego and became a man. Your just about as self centered and offensive as you were before and you suck at hiding it.

LOLOL its called a fuckin joke Foh, jesus. and dropping your ego = becoming a man?...thats kinda funny. concidering you were backing up polis' about not losing your ego. and all this bullshit.

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STFU Black Ranger, because he was the closest thing to representing a minority...

what about the yellow ranger fool!!!

fuckin Trini FTW....

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Hey screw you Project, I already called dibs on the Red ranger, you can be the awkward shades between red and pink if you like. Hot pink sounds nice, I can see it now, you between Chaos and I :P This will be one sexy ranger session. So what's the plan? Who's ass are we kicking this time?

-Audio (Red Ranger)

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