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GM to stop making trucks, SUV's

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Guest Fohacidal

We need sugar cane not corn, how do you think Brazil has become a World Power, because it can supply its own cheap ethanol, and its been doing it for the past 30 years.

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Guest VFighterX
That's a bit peculiar. Didn't read the full article, but is it straight up GM plants or Chevy and others as well? I think its a good idea, at least concerning SUV's. Fucking waste of a vehicle. There's no point in having a fucking huge ass vehicle with a truck engine in there when all you're fucking doing is hauling the kids to soccer practice. The trucks on the other hand might be a problem. Everyone eventually needs that bed space, and I'm not gonna go out and buy myself one of those fucking retarded avalanches or H2 trucks...

true, though the reason those soccer moms have an SUV is because they think that the SUV will safer for them.

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Guest famine

Fuck sugar cane. Use algae it's a much faster and easier to grow plant. Demands next to nothing except water and an abundance of light. Much faster and easier, the yield per pound of the plant may not be as high as corn but once you figure in the growing, maintaining, watering, fertilizers, pesticides, etc. Then it becomes pretty clear which one is the obvious choice.

1.) Grow a plant that takes months until it's ready to be harvested. Not to mention all the other funding that has to go into it before it can even be harvested. Like i said before fertilizers, pesticides, diesel for the tractors, combines, etc.

2.) Create large man made lakes/ponds to constantly grow algae in harvest it and continue on in the process.

And if you're curious to see how long it takes for algae to start growing get an aquarium fill it with water and leave the overhead light on 24/7 you should start seeing green within a few days especially if you're not treating the water.

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Guest some fag

They aren't closing all of them, only 4 of them- the axle plant's strike from a few months back really hurt their truck production and cost them lots of money.

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