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Paintball vs. Airsoft

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dude wtf are you smokign i never heard of a paintball gun that is as big as a shotgun even with the tank and hopper but he would prob stop the paintballer since he could do damage to property

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Paintball vs Airsoft:

they both have there ups and downs thought but, i comes down to the players

because the players are the ones who are going to win

there are those crazy upgraded paintball guns and airsoft guns, i own a Dye DM5 and a crazy upgraded TM P90 and Systema PTW

and im a paintball player and a airsoft player, i have to say that both of them are fun

and paintball and airsoft are never going to be looking eye to eye

i enjoy playing both, but airsoft apeals to me more, a little more on the cheaper side when to bb's cost so cheap, while the paintballs i buy for my DM5 are way to expensive

paintball has the best sound, the gun shooting and the loud popping sounds, yet when you shoot a airsoft gun they are nice and quiet. exept the Gas guns.

but i have to say in paintball vs. airsoft....

i comes down to what kind of equipment the players have, and how good they are....

the more experienced the players are, then the more chance they have of winning ^_^

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try a one of the DM series, they're expensive, but they are well worth the money ^_^

angel's are good too, my cousin has one and they are a joy to shoot :)

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Now that I think of it, you can't really compare it, I mean its likes oranges and apples, if you are talking about speedball not scenario.

Here I come Angel A1 Fly!!!

Well in the Mainland, airsoft is scenario more than paintball.

Here in hawaii, airsoft is played like speedball, and there is barely any scenario games over here.

Paintball players here in hawaii would have an easy to transfer into airsoft ^_^

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My fucking airsoft gun broke again!!!!!!!!

First the railing now the fucking gear box!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Btw I can tune my paintball gun up to 380 fps. Turnys only allow 320 max fps were I play for paintball guns.

But if I had to choose one I would pick airsoft over paintballing.

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My fucking airsoft gun broke again!!!!!!!!

First the railing now the fucking gear box!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Btw I can tune my paintball gun up to 380 fps. Turnys only allow 320 max fps were I play for paintball guns.

But if I had to choose one I would pick airsoft over paintballing.

what happened? gears? piston? motor?

i can try help, i fix my guns, cheaper than going to the airsoft shops and paying them $50 for them to do something that i can do

My team tried to get sponsored by Dye this year, but they said they had none left, and try again next year, so we settled for Angel and Redz.

Awwww man, my friends team is sponsered by Dye, and they got to challenge that team called Dynasty or something, it was a promotional game here in hawaii

Dye is an awesome company thought ^_^ lol, i wear the blue jersey when i go play airsoft sometimes lol

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what happened? gears? piston? motor?

i can try help, i fix my guns, cheaper than going to the airsoft shops and paying them $50 for them to do something that i can do

Awwww man, my friends team is sponsered by Dye, and they got to challenge that team called Dynasty or something, it was a promotional game here in hawaii

Dye is an awesome company thought ^_^ lol, i wear the blue jersey when i go play airsoft sometimes lol

Dynasty, Seriously? Like who Ollie Lang used to play for? And Ryan Greenspan currently does?


They used to be the powerhouse of Paintball, now Ironmen and XSV are.

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do you remember what the sound was when it broke?

a grinding sound = stripped gears

No sound (like everything stopped) or a clicking sound when you pull the trigger = the spring is stuck, the motor is losing power, or your battery was too low and the gears locked up lol ^_^

If you hear the gears "whizzing" by themselves = thats probably the piston, because theres nothing for your gears to catch lol

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