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sG Funny moments! Tell me what you think.

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So, I got bored and I had some fun videos in a folder, so I decided to make something out of it.

Tell me what you think, I might do more of these and put some more time in to the clips and edit.

I have quite a lot of videos left that I never included, so if you like it I will do more

First I wanted to make some kind of "frag movie" but then I mixed it up with some funny moments.

Hope you like it :)


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10 minutes ago, TotesMagoats said:


@Swed did you ever figure out the window?:lol:


Hehe, we figured out that the race was the problem since he got extra speed, but lets just ignore that FeelsAmazingMan


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Oh god I remember this. The window is small enough that Gray Man can't fit into it as it goes up the ladder with its speed. It was hilarious though.

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3 minutes ago, Don Juan said:

Im not in it, which means its Radical left Swedish propaganda, low tier video IMO KappaKappa

You are not funny enough Kappa


Jk, I actually had a clip of you telling taz he couldnt afford the TM symbol thats why he doesnt have it anymore but never included it in this video FeelsBadMan

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3 minutes ago, Hawk said:

You are not funny enough Kappa


Jk, I actually had a clip of you telling taz he couldnt afford the TM symbol thats why he doesnt have it anymore but never included it in this video FeelsBadMan

Hahaha That was a fun day. Maybe add it in the next one :P

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