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Guest Courtney's Turtle

I'm not in the Admin only chat...

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God created katamari, who in turn floated around the universe rolling dust into huge balls, this all culminated when he rolled all the balls into in huge gigantic balls and lit it up, thus the sun!

Ah, you know of the secret well of knowledge.. then you also know about "military economic and territorial subversion progress intelligence network" otherwise known as M.E.A.T.S.P.I.N.? Well hide your well well, well because they are out to capture all the knowledge for themselves.. be weary. Yeah meatspin, look it up.

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Identityzero, as i have stated multiple times. Come to surf server and lets have everyone watch how bad i will rape you. If indeed you think you are good enuff to sit here and talk shit bout how bad i am.

And really i sit in spawns and spawn kill noobs?...thats weird last time i check (stats,caboose,don,zen,and sir red) were all top 15....hum oh well guess were all noobs these days. =]

p.s thanks for taking time outta ur life to research my accuracy and my weapon choice =], which reinforces my morale that i am the greatest on surf... and ur hit is 76.11% not 80% sorry bud. l2 research

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Him, Contract, Identity, and Project really seem to enjoy that. The rest of us want to beat the shit out of them when they do it.

Nah dude, not bragging, but I'm ok with most of the people around here, with no drama, it woulod be boring, trust me, when Zeus was banned and Foh, no one ever posted. I only argue when A). Someone attacks another person for no reason B). When someone Rags on the 360 C). When they attack me personally.

To tell the truth, some people are hypocritical here, we know Foh starts alot of shit, but some of you guys carry it on or encourage him, I think he has a point he, 6 posts, joined in september, and never is on the forums, why would she need to look at the Admin section, we are currently trying to get more people active.

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Identityzero, as i have stated multiple times. Come to surf server and lets have everyone watch how bad i will rape you. If indeed you think you are good enuff to sit here and talk shit bout how bad i am.

And really i sit in spawns at spawn kill noobs?...thats weird last time i check (stats,caboose,don,zen,and sir red) were all top 15....hum oh well guess were all noobs these days. =]

p.s thanks for taking time outta ur life to research my accuracy and my weapon choice =], which reinforces my morale that i am the greatest on surf... and ur hit is 76.11% not 80% sorry bud. l2 research

Rurkis, like I stated above, I knew you would say something to that effect, I didn't say you were bad at the game, I said you were cheap. I didn't say any of you were noobs, you abuse your level advantage like mad. Last time I checked, you banned me for owning the shit out of you while you were trying to kill our team in our spawn.

Yes you really sit in the opposing teams spawn and rape the opposing teams, I didn't say they didn't do the same, I don't know if they do the same because I don't constantly play surf, don't bring other people into this hoping they will back you up because this isn't about them, I targetted you, and as predicted you still fail at defending yourself.

I was not refering to you're over all accuracy, I was refering to your headshot accuracy, and my headshot accuracy where REAL skill lies. Research? It's like 3 clicks? I was merely reinforcing my statements of how you use you abuse your levels, and you have no real skill, anyone can be the first out of the gates at the time of server reset and take a foothold on the server, or play so damn much that they over take by points.

Give it up, you are not even near the same page of me you egoist. Kinda like the foothold I have on you while you squirm because you have an oversized ego. Tormenting the fallacy of your ways. It's a sport for me, you can't even combat it with any real rational thoughts because you.. are in.. denial. I walk and talk the truth, and it pisses you off, so instead of coming at me, like I'm attacking you.. why don't you go "hmm, hes right, wow, never looked at it that way" and fix what needs to be fixed in your brain, and shut your ignorant mouth until you have something intelligent to say.

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Get your asses back on topic or I'm gonna have to close this...

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you know what i just noticed foh, you try to start a flame war with everything....seriously, learn to make a fuckin post without tryin to start a flame war. kkthnxbai.

Started to turn off topic, quencidence? I think not!

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Sadly, I think there are going to be a lot more of these...

Yep, he's set, we're closed. Thank You, Come Again!

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