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Trav No balls'd me

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2 minutes ago, Sith said:

If he needs to be banned to complete his GED, he has bigger issues.


Absence makes the heart grow fonder! @MistaChang think about how much rep you could get when you finally come back after completing highschool and then College!


Much Wow!

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7 minutes ago, Sith said:

If he needs to be banned to complete his GED, he has bigger issues. Never once have I ever decided to play games over completing what should be the bare minimum for every student. I'm glad to see he's putting in the work he needs but Chang needs to develop a discipline that he will not get if he relies on other people to push him forward.

I already completed my GED, I'm upgrading currently to be able to enroll into university. 

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9 minutes ago, MistaChang said:

I already completed my GED, I'm upgrading currently to be able to enroll into university. 


If that's the case, you need to be making major modifications to your academic life YESTERDAY.


It might be beneficial for you to enroll part-time, get a feel for what university classes require from you, and then work your way up to full-time. I'm not interested in telling you how to live your life but speaking for myself, I was an average student in high school and my shit got rocked my freshman year at Wayne State. I barely passed intro to Chem and I had to retake Gen Chem another time. My freshman year completely screwed my GPA AND my financial aid. Assuming you are receiving family contribution, this may or may not be a big deal. For me, being a son of a family with low-income and absolutely no family contribution, this completely wrecked my chances of finishing my bachelors in 4-5 years. Since then, I have been getting straight A's for two years and I still haven't broken a 3.0 GPA (I'm at a 2.9 currently).


TL;DR: Do everything right the first time. Make sure your priorities are in order, cause you need to be hitting University as an adult. If you're not, you are wasting a shitton of money and time. Get interested in learning and complete University with the wanting of improving yourself, not because you feel that society requires you to complete University.

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