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Aliens and God

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Guest Fohacidal
I never said that.

Lol Foh, Indiana Jones much?

What the hell does the 4th dimension have to do with Indiana Jones?

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Do not mention that movie. It sucked so fucking hard.

I loved Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, so speak for yourself, and i hope you hate me because of my opinion.

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@ Project (first post)

I told one of my freinds this question. And he said that " Well, maybe there are aliens that are more advanced than us and god. Maybe humans didn't live to his expectations. (how we treat one another. murder polluton etc)

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Projctmayhem9 (5:48:43 PM): God and aliens that are different and more advanced than us cannot co-exist if one religion is the "right" religion and all others are false.

By alien I mean extraterrestrial life.

God created us in his image:

Assuming the Bible is correct, God crafted us in his own image. Since God is the supreme, omnisicient being, humans must be the most advanced species. If aliens are real and are more advanced than us, then it is not possible for one sole God to exist. If God is supreme and we are crafted in his image, how could another species be more advanced than us?Aliens cannot exist if there is only one God (at least not aliens that look different and are more advanced). The one God most of Earth is familiar with is that of the one in Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. If we are all crafted in his image then the existance of aliens means one of two things.

Aliens are not real.

The idea of one single God is false.

Aliens are not real:

This is pretty self-explanatory. Aliens from "outer-space" do no exist and the main monotheitic religions are indeed 100% correct. They cannot exist if Christianity is correct because in theory they should not be more advanced than humans.

The idea of one single God is false.

From this central idea stem 2 main ideas and I'm sure other possibilites can be brainstormed. One is that there is no God and oce you die, you die. There is nothing else. No holy place is waiting for you. Polytheism is the other alternative to this. I do not mean polytheism in the normal sense however; such as in Greece and Rome (the different Gods are in charge of different parts of things on Earth). By polytheism I mean the existance of multiple Gods in the universe, each one creating its own species. If religion is to be correct as well as aliens, there has to be multiple Gods.

Projctmayhem9 (5:49:37 PM): Very interesting, i have never thought of it that way, looking at things differently though, it is possible for multiple Gods to exist in the universe.

Projctmayhem9 (5:49:44 PM): Dam,i never thought about it like this. . good find

zachattack936 (5:49:53 PM): its actually not possible for more than one God to exist

Projctmayhem9 (5:49:55 PM): im enlightening people

Projctmayhem9 (5:50:04 PM): yes it is

zachattack936 (5:50:08 PM): you cant have more than one supreme omniscient being in the same place

Projctmayhem9 (5:50:08 PM): u stupid faggot

Projctmayhem9 (5:50:19 PM): they wouldnt be in the same place

Projctmayhem9 (5:50:24 PM): and who says its not possible?

zachattack936 (5:50:28 PM): God is everywhere

Projctmayhem9 (5:50:36 PM): there are such things as parallel universes

zachattack936 (5:50:42 PM): because you can't have more than one creator, otherwise the creator would need a creator

Projctmayhem9 (5:50:47 PM): no

Projctmayhem9 (5:51:01 PM): each creator in charge of their own section of the universe

Projctmayhem9 (5:51:07 PM): but no supreme creator

zachattack936 (5:51:11 PM): haha

zachattack936 (5:51:15 PM): that makes no scence

Projctmayhem9 (5:51:21 PM): except it does

zachattack936 (5:51:32 PM): sense*

Projctmayhem9 (5:51:44 PM): how not

zachattack936 (5:52:29 PM): because there can't be two gods because by definition, God is a supreme omniscent being. the creator of everything, immune of time

Projctmayhem9 (5:53:20 PM): that would be the Catholic definition

Projctmayhem9 (5:53:36 PM): and who says catholicism is correct?

Projctmayhem9 (5:53:41 PM): some old man?

zachattack936 (5:53:44 PM): well then gods aren't gods

zachattack936 (5:53:48 PM): they are just another species

zachattack936 (5:53:53 PM): if that isnt the definition

Projctmayhem9 (5:53:59 PM): ok zach

Projctmayhem9 (5:54:09 PM): how does polytheism exist then?

zachattack936 (5:54:17 PM): its wrong...

Projctmayhem9 (5:54:21 PM): haha

Projctmayhem9 (5:54:29 PM): which is the fault of catholicism

Projctmayhem9 (5:54:35 PM): if they arent right, no one else is

Projctmayhem9 (5:54:41 PM): they arent tolerant

zachattack936 (5:54:49 PM): tolerant, sure we are

Projctmayhem9 (5:54:52 PM): haha

zachattack936 (5:54:55 PM): doesnt mean we follow other religions

Projctmayhem9 (5:54:58 PM): what excactly are the crusades?

Projctmayhem9 (5:55:19 PM): following another religion and saying its wrong are two completely different things

zachattack936 (5:55:27 PM): catholic response to muslims invading the holy land...designed to protect the peasants in catholic areas

Projctmayhem9 (5:55:39 PM): muslims were already in the holy lands

Projctmayhem9 (5:55:45 PM): tell me then

Projctmayhem9 (5:55:54 PM): what were the purpose of the subsequent crusades?

zachattack936 (5:55:58 PM): but the crusades may or may not have been a mistake...it wasnt an infallible doctrine made by the church. some pope decided to do the crusades, popes can make mistakes you know

Projctmayhem9 (5:56:02 PM): where they sacked a whole Christian city?

zachattack936 (5:56:14 PM): its was an ongoing war

zachattack936 (5:56:19 PM): im not trying to defend the crusades

zachattack936 (5:56:23 PM): i dont personally agree with it

zachattack936 (5:57:09 PM): read this

zachattack936 (5:57:10 PM): http://fatherroderick.sqpn.com/2008/05/13/...strial-brother/

Projctmayhem9 (5:57:28 PM): it was an ongoign war?

Projctmayhem9 (5:57:38 PM): they sacked constantinople for no reason at all

zachattack936 (5:57:40 PM): meaning it was a war going on for a long period

zachattack936 (5:57:45 PM): who? the muslims?

Projctmayhem9 (5:57:46 PM): because there leaders werent intelligent

Projctmayhem9 (5:57:57 PM): NO THE CATHOLICS

zachattack936 (5:58:12 PM): constantinople was a christian city ever since CONSTANTINE converted

Projctmayhem9 (5:58:22 PM): no shit

zachattack936 (5:58:23 PM): later the muslims invaded took it over and named it istanbul

Projctmayhem9 (5:58:29 PM): during the crusades

Projctmayhem9 (5:58:37 PM): the crusaders sacked constantinople

zachattack936 (5:58:37 PM): it had always been a christian/roman city

zachattack936 (5:58:43 PM): right to reclaim it

Projctmayhem9 (5:59:15 PM): zach

Projctmayhem9 (5:59:18 PM): during the crusades

Projctmayhem9 (5:59:31 PM): constantinople was in control of the Christians

zachattack936 (5:59:35 PM): correct

Projctmayhem9 (5:59:45 PM): so they werent reclaiming jack shit

zachattack936 (5:59:54 PM): not in constantinople...

Projctmayhem9 (5:59:58 PM): they attacked their brothers

zachattack936 (6:00:06 PM): what?

Projctmayhem9 (6:00:10 PM): they attacked other followers of Christ

zachattack936 (6:00:26 PM): the crusades was against the muslims, not christians

Projctmayhem9 (6:00:34 PM): yeah i know

zachattack936 (6:00:41 PM): ...

Projctmayhem9 (6:00:42 PM): do you not read?

zachattack936 (6:00:57 PM): u just said it was christian v. christian

Projctmayhem9 (6:01:04 PM): no

Projctmayhem9 (6:01:21 PM): i said the catholics sacked constatinople, a christian city

zachattack936 (6:01:31 PM): oh well yes

zachattack936 (6:01:36 PM): on their way to jerusalem

Projctmayhem9 (6:01:45 PM): lol

Projctmayhem9 (6:01:56 PM): so you think its justified they attacked an innocent city?

zachattack936 (6:02:09 PM): i already told u i didnt agree with the crusades..

Projctmayhem9 (6:02:21 PM): lawl

zachattack936 (6:02:32 PM): the crusades were political wars mostly

Projctmayhem9 (6:02:46 PM): lol

Projctmayhem9 (6:02:55 PM): i love how badly i owned you

zachattack936 (6:03:01 PM): how did you own me

zachattack936 (6:03:04 PM): im not disagreeing with you

Projctmayhem9 (6:03:09 PM): thats excactly it

zachattack936 (6:03:10 PM): so if u owned me, you owned yourself

Projctmayhem9 (6:03:17 PM): i owned you so bad, you dont realize it

zachattack936 (6:03:21 PM): haha what?

Projctmayhem9 (6:03:28 PM): because you think catholicism is supreme

zachattack936 (6:03:34 PM): supreme to what

Projctmayhem9 (6:03:43 PM): and you arent tolerant of other beliefs, theyre "wrong"

zachattack936 (6:03:43 PM): do i think its the truth? yes...

zachattack936 (6:03:51 PM): i am tolerant of other peoples beliefs...

zachattack936 (6:03:58 PM): you dont understand tolerance and following

Projctmayhem9 (6:04:05 PM): hahaha

Projctmayhem9 (6:04:19 PM): Catholics call all other religions wrong

zachattack936 (6:04:43 PM): so do all other religions

Projctmayhem9 (6:04:47 PM): no they dont

zachattack936 (6:04:52 PM): hindus and muslims cant both be right..

zachattack936 (6:04:57 PM): there can only be one absolute truth

Projctmayhem9 (6:04:58 PM): really?

Projctmayhem9 (6:05:05 PM): and how do you know which is right?

zachattack936 (6:05:06 PM): whether its no God, one God, or 14 gods

zachattack936 (6:05:12 PM): cause God told me so..

Projctmayhem9 (6:05:21 PM): are you fucking serious...

zachattack936 (6:05:23 PM): yep

Projctmayhem9 (6:05:27 PM): roflmao

Projctmayhem9 (6:05:32 PM): Case in point.

Projctmayhem9 (6:05:34 PM): Open your eyes

zachattack936 (6:05:53 PM): from pure reason you can prove that there has to be a god, and that there has to be one God...after that you need to use theology to move past there

zachattack936 (6:06:23 PM): matthew 16:18

Projctmayhem9 (6:06:24 PM): from pure reason there has to be only one god?

zachattack936 (6:06:24 PM): And I tell you that you are Peter,[a] and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.

zachattack936 (6:06:38 PM): Peter, aka the first Pope of the Roman Catholic Church

Projctmayhem9 (6:06:39 PM): lol you mean Catholic reason?

zachattack936 (6:06:49 PM): no i mean scientific reason

zachattack936 (6:06:52 PM): and logic

zachattack936 (6:07:01 PM): based upon the work of many great apologetics

zachattack936 (6:07:04 PM): and greek philosophers

Projctmayhem9 (6:07:06 PM): Science pretty much disproves God

zachattack936 (6:07:13 PM): no science actually proves God

Projctmayhem9 (6:07:17 PM): lol\

Projctmayhem9 (6:07:22 PM): cause he made it right?

Projctmayhem9 (6:07:28 PM): Logic?

zachattack936 (6:07:29 PM): hm?

zachattack936 (6:07:32 PM): h/o

Projctmayhem9 (6:07:39 PM): There is no logic in assuming theres only one God

zachattack936 (6:07:43 PM): ill read you one of the methods of st. thomas of aquinas

zachattack936 (6:08:51 PM): first u need to understand the principle of non-contradiction

zachattack936 (6:09:19 PM): basically something cannot be "blank" and not "blank

zachattack936 (6:09:22 PM): at the same time

Projctmayhem9 (6:09:42 PM): yeah

zachattack936 (6:09:42 PM): and something that contradicts something else can't be true while the other is also true

Projctmayhem9 (6:09:45 PM): its called doublethink

Projctmayhem9 (6:09:46 PM): lol

Projctmayhem9 (6:10:01 PM): if someone forces you to think something even if its wrong

Projctmayhem9 (6:10:06 PM): to you its right

zachattack936 (6:10:15 PM): right, so we know that cant be true

Projctmayhem9 (6:10:19 PM): b/c to say no would result in punishment

zachattack936 (6:10:28 PM): so once we've established that we're good to move on

zachattack936 (6:10:38 PM): ok im not talking about 1984

zachattack936 (6:10:39 PM): hah

Projctmayhem9 (6:10:43 PM): no

Projctmayhem9 (6:10:58 PM): but 1984 has a ridiculous amount of good, relative points to society

zachattack936 (6:11:04 PM): yes ok

zachattack936 (6:11:34 PM): but thats still not what were talking about. i just wanted to make sure u agreed with the principle of non-contradiction

Projctmayhem9 (6:11:56 PM): but something can be 2 things at once

Projctmayhem9 (6:12:02 PM): depends on perspective

zachattack936 (6:12:12 PM): as long as they don't contradict each other

Projctmayhem9 (6:12:17 PM): no, they can

zachattack936 (6:12:33 PM): so if Catholics believe in one God and hindus believe in 3 gods and atheists believe in no gods, they cant all be right

Projctmayhem9 (6:12:46 PM): obviously not

Projctmayhem9 (6:12:53 PM): neither is right

Projctmayhem9 (6:13:01 PM): because no one knows

Projctmayhem9 (6:13:23 PM): Catholics think theyre right. Islam disagress and thinks theyre right.

zachattack936 (6:13:28 PM): ok but do u agree that regardless of who is right, there EXISTS an absolute truth out there somewhere...whether known or unknown

Projctmayhem9 (6:13:29 PM): 2 contreadictory ideas

Projctmayhem9 (6:13:43 PM): both are rights in the eyes of the believer

zachattack936 (6:13:48 PM): yes

zachattack936 (6:13:53 PM): but im talking about absolute truths

zachattack936 (6:14:05 PM): meaning the true truth, not percieved truth

Projctmayhem9 (6:14:19 PM): Obviously there is an absolute truth. But it is impossible to determine and no one possibly can

Projctmayhem9 (6:14:36 PM): In human minds, taht is

zachattack936 (6:14:39 PM): why is it impossible to determine?

Projctmayhem9 (6:14:46 PM): You cant prove God

Projctmayhem9 (6:14:49 PM): And you cant disprove him

zachattack936 (6:15:04 PM): to a degree

Projctmayhem9 (6:15:09 PM): No

Projctmayhem9 (6:15:12 PM): neither is posible

zachattack936 (6:15:40 PM): you can tell God from his creations.. like i can't actually tell you are there writing to me, but i can assume you are by your creations(the text appearing on my screen)

Projctmayhem9 (6:15:53 PM): lol

Projctmayhem9 (6:15:55 PM): except

Projctmayhem9 (6:16:04 PM): how do you know God was the first to create

Projctmayhem9 (6:16:34 PM): There is no proof of God. There is no disproof of God. Some people choose to have faith, some don't. We will not find the secret to life or the universe, trust me on ths one. This debate is practically useless . Without proof or disproof, nobody will truly know whether God exists or not,

zachattack936 (6:17:05 PM): but there is proof....whereas there exists proof of things that cant be explained with pure science

zachattack936 (6:17:14 PM): there is the supernatural

Projctmayhem9 (6:17:15 PM): THERE IS NO PROOF

zachattack936 (6:17:34 PM): u need only peek into the bible to see tons of miracles that violate science

Projctmayhem9 (6:17:42 PM): ahahaha

zachattack936 (6:17:52 PM): and since then countless saints have performed miracles by the power of God

zachattack936 (6:17:55 PM): even recent ones

zachattack936 (6:18:02 PM): like how do u explain the stigmata?

zachattack936 (6:18:10 PM): experienced by countless men and women saints

zachattack936 (6:18:39 PM): padre pio even subjected himself to an exam by scientists to see if they could find any natural causes...they couldnt

Projctmayhem9 (6:18:43 PM): how do you know they cant be a medical disorder?

zachattack936 (6:18:49 PM): and when he died, as he had predicted, it all healed without a scar

zachattack936 (6:18:56 PM): impossible with pure science

zachattack936 (6:19:04 PM): scientists still cant explain it

Projctmayhem9 (6:19:05 PM): and you know this how?

zachattack936 (6:19:15 PM): padre pio was alive in the 20th century

Projctmayhem9 (6:19:21 PM): we cant explain a lot of things

zachattack936 (6:19:22 PM): so its not like a long time ago with things undocumented

zachattack936 (6:19:29 PM): im just saying thats one thing

zachattack936 (6:19:35 PM): that recently contradicts science

Projctmayhem9 (6:19:35 PM): so is AIDS a miracle if we cant explain it?

zachattack936 (6:19:43 PM): but we can

Projctmayhem9 (6:19:47 PM): We have no cure, that doesnt mean it contradicts science

zachattack936 (6:19:48 PM): if it violates the rules of science

zachattack936 (6:19:49 PM): then yes

zachattack936 (6:19:56 PM): correct

zachattack936 (6:20:11 PM): AIDS doesnt violate the rules of pure science, so its not SUPERnatural

Projctmayhem9 (6:20:18 PM): haha

Projctmayhem9 (6:20:23 PM): youre funny

Projctmayhem9 (6:20:59 PM): who says the supernatural exists? there is no proof of God. The bible is not proof. It can be interpreted in many different ways.

Projctmayhem9 (6:21:26 PM): roflmao

Projctmayhem9 (6:21:27 PM): The hagiographers say that it was during this time, together with his physical illness, that inexplicable phenomena began to occur. According to their stories, one could hear strange noises coming from his room at night - sometimes screams or roars. During prayer, brother Pio remained in a stupor, as if he were absent. Such phenomena are frequently described in the hagiographies of saints and mystics of all time, and according to modern psychiatry they are symptoms of psychosis or schizophrenia.)

One of Pio's fellow brothers claims to have seen him in ecstasy, levitating above the ground

zachattack936 (6:21:53 PM): thats it. science says the supernatural doesnt exist. but it does which is why the supernatural is SUPERnatural

Projctmayhem9 (6:22:11 PM): and how do you know it exists?

zachattack936 (6:22:11 PM): ok...

zachattack936 (6:22:15 PM): thats just another miracle

zachattack936 (6:22:19 PM): levitating

Projctmayhem9 (6:22:24 PM): its obviously bullshit

zachattack936 (6:22:41 PM): having holes in your hands and feet constantly bleeding is quite painful you know

zachattack936 (6:22:51 PM): i think screams are well-waranted

Projctmayhem9 (6:22:52 PM): wtf are you talking about?

Projctmayhem9 (6:23:10 PM): the guy had a history of medical illness

zachattack936 (6:23:20 PM): no he didnt

zachattack936 (6:23:26 PM): a doctor never diagnosed him with anything

zachattack936 (6:23:35 PM): i can scream at night, it doesnt mean im crazy

Projctmayhem9 (6:24:16 PM): sweet jesus zach

Projctmayhem9 (6:24:22 PM): We know from the diary of father Agostino da San Marco in Lamis, the spiritual director of Padre Pio, that the young Francesco Forgione was afflicted with a number of illnesses.

zachattack936 (6:24:48 PM): ok he may have had diseases...how does that relate?

Projctmayhem9 (6:25:00 PM): Projctmayhem9 (6:23:10 PM): the guy had a history of medical illness

zachattack936 (6:23:20 PM): no he didnt

zachattack936 (6:23:26 PM): a doctor never diagnosed him with anything

zachattack936 (6:25:20 PM): first we're talking about mental illnesses i thought, second father agostino da san marco isnt a doctor

Projctmayhem9 (6:25:21 PM): now youre being hypocritical

zachattack936 (6:25:31 PM): lol

Projctmayhem9 (6:25:48 PM): At ten he caught typhoid fever

Projctmayhem9 (6:25:53 PM): Symptoms

Projctmayhem9 (6:26:01 PM): You dont have o be a doctor to determine those

zachattack936 (6:26:08 PM): im not saying he didnt have any diseases..im saying because he screamed while with God doesnt mean he was crazy

Projctmayhem9 (6:26:22 PM): while with God?

zachattack936 (6:26:25 PM): ok so maybe he had typhoid fever, how does that relate to his mental state

zachattack936 (6:26:30 PM): with God aka in prayer

Projctmayhem9 (6:26:33 PM): are YOU SERIOUS?

Projctmayhem9 (6:26:39 PM): zachattack936 (6:26:25 PM): ok so maybe he had typhoid fever, how does that relate to his mental state

Projctmayhem9 (6:26:53 PM): If I had AIDS, I guess that wouldnt effect my mental ststae

Projctmayhem9 (6:26:55 PM): *state

Projctmayhem9 (6:27:05 PM): Im sure i wouldnt have problems and be scared out of my mind!

zachattack936 (6:27:06 PM): correct

Projctmayhem9 (6:27:10 PM): wow

zachattack936 (6:27:14 PM): ok but ppl that have aids

zachattack936 (6:27:18 PM): arent mentally crazy

zachattack936 (6:27:29 PM): i mean they can be...you and i can be, but it doesnt have to do with AIDS

Projctmayhem9 (6:27:32 PM): it can certainly drive you insane

zachattack936 (6:27:39 PM): so can anything else..

Projctmayhem9 (6:27:43 PM): LOL

zachattack936 (6:27:45 PM): you drive me insane sometimes

zachattack936 (6:27:45 PM): haha

Projctmayhem9 (6:27:53 PM): you just contraidcted yourself

Projctmayhem9 (6:27:57 PM): *contradicted

zachattack936 (6:27:59 PM): where

zachattack936 (6:28:02 PM): point it out for me

Projctmayhem9 (6:28:04 PM): You lose Zach

zachattack936 (6:28:10 PM): wheres the contradiction

Projctmayhem9 (6:28:21 PM): If you were actually good at arguing, you would know

Projctmayhem9 (6:28:27 PM): I suggest you look up Deism

Projctmayhem9 (6:28:31 PM): kthxbai

zachattack936 (6:28:35 PM): see this is how you close arguments...you just make up that ur right at the end

zachattack936 (6:28:40 PM): your a good debator...

zachattack936 (6:28:47 PM): im familiar with Deism

Projctmayhem9 (6:28:59 PM): Contradiction

Projctmayhem9 (6:29:00 PM): zachattack936 (6:26:25 PM): ok so maybe he had typhoid fever, how does that relate to his mental state

Projctmayhem9 (6:29:08 PM): Projctmayhem9 (6:27:32 PM): it can certainly drive you insane

zachattack936 (6:27:39 PM): so can anything else..

zachattack936 (6:29:20 PM): having typhoid fever doesnt have a connection to mental state

zachattack936 (6:29:25 PM): direct **

Projctmayhem9 (6:29:29 PM): omfg

zachattack936 (6:29:33 PM): its not like a fever that eats up your mind

zachattack936 (6:29:34 PM): is it?

Projctmayhem9 (6:29:35 PM): you just said anything can!

Projctmayhem9 (6:29:39 PM): zach

zachattack936 (6:29:49 PM): sure anything can, so therefore you cant draw relations between anything

Projctmayhem9 (6:29:51 PM): traumatic events and illnesses affect ur mental state!

zachattack936 (6:29:52 PM): from your point of view

zachattack936 (6:29:54 PM): i can say

zachattack936 (6:29:59 PM): he ate broccoli all his life

zachattack936 (6:30:03 PM): so he must've been crazy!

zachattack936 (6:30:04 PM): why?

zachattack936 (6:30:12 PM): because eating brocolli all your life can make u go crazy!

Projctmayhem9 (6:30:15 PM): zach that would be ur point of view

Projctmayhem9 (6:30:25 PM): zachattack936 (6:29:49 PM): sure anything can,

zachattack936 (6:30:32 PM): im using alternate examples to prove your connection is meaningless

zachattack936 (6:30:37 PM): because you can say that about anything

Projctmayhem9 (6:30:39 PM): Eating brocolli isnt a traumatic event

zachattack936 (6:30:45 PM): why not?

zachattack936 (6:30:51 PM): what if i say it is?

Projctmayhem9 (6:30:54 PM): Why the fuck do you think

zachattack936 (6:31:10 PM): typhoid fever really isnt that tramatic

zachattack936 (6:31:20 PM): im pretty sure my grandma caught it when she was young too

zachattack936 (6:31:26 PM): or some time of big fever like that

zachattack936 (6:31:35 PM): its a story, but it didnt make her go crazy

zachattack936 (6:31:54 PM): when you bring up a scientist quoting a direct correlation between typhoid fever and mental illness

zachattack936 (6:31:57 PM): ill say you have a point

zachattack936 (6:32:20 PM): but until then your just making meaningless arguments with no correlation or connection

Projctmayhem9 (6:32:38 PM): im debating off the useless things u tell me

Projctmayhem9 (6:32:41 PM): lol zach

Projctmayhem9 (6:32:41 PM): With an estimated 16-33 million cases of annually resulting in 500,000 to 600,000 deaths in endemic areas, the World Health Organisation identifies typhoid as a serious public health problem. Its incidence is highest in children between 5 and 19 years old

zachattack936 (6:32:55 PM): ok so its widespread?

Projctmayhem9 (6:32:59 PM): zachattack936 (6:31:10 PM): typhoid fever really isnt that tramatic

zachattack936 (6:33:03 PM): right

Projctmayhem9 (6:33:11 PM): more than half a million deaths

zachattack936 (6:33:12 PM): being widespread and tramatic arent connected

Projctmayhem9 (6:33:17 PM): surely the disease must be calm!

zachattack936 (6:33:20 PM): i mean if u die its tramatic

zachattack936 (6:33:23 PM): haha

Projctmayhem9 (6:33:23 PM): omg

Projctmayhem9 (6:33:27 PM): if it can kill you

Projctmayhem9 (6:33:29 PM): chances are

Projctmayhem9 (6:33:34 PM): the symptoms are very serious

Projctmayhem9 (6:33:37 PM): and no one wants to die

zachattack936 (6:34:09 PM): but getting a bad fever when ur ten doesnt make you crazy when ur 40

Projctmayhem9 (6:34:52 PM): At 17, after completing his novitiate year in the Capuchins, brother Pio was sent to a neighboring province to begin his formative study - but he suddenly fell ill, complaining of loss of appetite, insomnia, exhaustion, fainting spells, and terrible migraines. He vomited frequently and could absorb only milk.The hagiographers say that it was during this time, together with his physical illness, that inexplicable phenomena began to occur. According to their stories, one could hear strange noises coming from his room at night - sometimes screams or roars

zachattack936 (6:35:09 PM): ok...

zachattack936 (6:35:13 PM): so he was in pain

zachattack936 (6:35:32 PM): that just proves what i was saying....that the screams were the result of physical pain not crazy screams

zachattack936 (6:35:57 PM): most saints are, in part, saints because of the intense pain they've suffered

Projctmayhem9 (6:36:45 PM): ......

Projctmayhem9 (6:36:47 PM): you lose

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Okay that was just to much to read but i all i have to say is there are no aliens there is "ONE GOD" and thats that. I kinda agree with the guy that said God poofed us away and watched us evolve. But then the devil took advantage of that and made some humans(murders@more)go bad(I NOT SURE OF THIS DONT FLAME ME). I been taught that bad stuff like big storms and shit that kill people is b/c of bad people. So God punishes all the people. And i agree with this 100%. And why do u think more bad stuff are happing like hurracanes are getting bigger and killing more people. Mainly b/c of the war! Global warming is fake a bunch of atheist douche scientist make it up. And this thing that makes me laugh most is that were were once monkeys ahaa, we all picked bugs off each other lol. Just b/c monkey are kinda similar like us has nothing to do with us. Well i believe this b/c im catholic but any ways.

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Okay that was just to much to read but i all i have to say is there are no aliens there is "ONE GOD" and thats that. I kinda agree with the guy that said God poofed us away and watched us evolve. But then the devil took advantage of that and made some humans(murders@more)go bad(I NOT SURE OF THIS DONT FLAME ME). I been taught that bad stuff like big storms and shit that kill people is b/c of bad people. So God punishes all the people. And i agree with this 100%. And why do u think more bad stuff are happing like hurracanes are getting bigger and killing more people. Mainly b/c of the war! Global warming is fake a bunch of atheist douche scientist make it up. And this thing that makes me laugh most is that were were once monkeys ahaa, we all picked bugs off each other lol. Just b/c monkey are kinda similar like us has nothing to do with us. Well i believe this b/c im catholic but any ways.

I really don't want to pick out all the things I see wrong...

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Guest Fohacidal
Okay that was just to much to read but i all i have to say is there are no aliens there is "ONE GOD" and thats that. I kinda agree with the guy that said God poofed us away and watched us evolve. But then the devil took advantage of that and made some humans(murders@more)go bad(I NOT SURE OF THIS DONT FLAME ME). I been taught that bad stuff like big storms and shit that kill people is b/c of bad people. So God punishes all the people. And i agree with this 100%. And why do u think more bad stuff are happing like hurracanes are getting bigger and killing more people. Mainly b/c of the war! Global warming is fake a bunch of atheist douche scientist make it up. And this thing that makes me laugh most is that were were once monkeys ahaa, we all picked bugs off each other lol. Just b/c monkey are kinda similar like us has nothing to do with us. Well i believe this b/c im catholic but any ways.

Just get the fuck out of here, you give catholics like me a bad name

And project half of the things you said in that convo looked like you copy pasted them right off of wikipedia

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Wow sky, first off, natural disasters are the earths way of cleansing itself from overpopulation, although i do agree that Global Warming was created so people could profit from it, before you call me crazy, just think about it, if i tell someone, "You are all polluting, you need to buy electric cars, or hybrid cars" that my friend is why the term "Global Warming" was created, certain parts of the earth may be getting warmer, but it is a natural process that would occur whether we were polluting or not. Do not listen to what Corporate America and others are trying to tell you, their goal is to brainwash everyone. Secondly, for your own good i suggest you get off the forums because people here do not know how to respect other people's beliefs, they will only hate on you.

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Guest Fohacidal

This is rediculous, Im roman catholic and I understand the completely understandable scientific basis for why a natural disaster is, and how it became to be. The idea that god created Katrina because for some reason Jazz players are sinners is preposterous and even blashphemous.

Also, god created us in his image, however as most of you know Gods right hand angel, Lucifer, was eventually cast down to Hell, the first demon I think, and it is supposedly him, and other demons in the world who bring violence and wrongdoing, whispering thoughts and words into the vulnerable. I kind of believe this holds a lot of ground, however a lot of violence is simply attributed how a person is raised, where they are raised, mental complications, etc

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Wow sky, first off, natural disasters are the earths way of cleansing itself from overpopulation, although i do agree that Global Warming was created so people could profit from it, before you call me crazy, just think about it, if i tell someone, "You are all polluting, you need to buy electric cars, or hybrid cars" that my friend is why the term "Global Warming" was created, certain parts of the earth may be getting warmer, but it is a natural process that would occur whether we were polluting or not. Do not listen to what Corporate America and others are trying to tell you, their goal is to brainwash everyone. Secondly, for your own good i suggest you get off the forums because people here do not know how to respect other people's beliefs, they will only hate on you.


And project half of the things you said in that convo looked like you copy pasted them right off of wikipedia

And Foh half the things you post on the forums are retarded and you provide no evidence to back them up.

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Guest Fohacidal
And Foh half the things you post on the forums are retarded and you provide no evidence to back them up.

Way to troll

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Guest Fohacidal
Way to take a joke.

Sarcasm doesnt work on the intrawebz D:

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Guest Fohacidal
Maybe it wasn't?

Then joo troll!?

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Guest Fohacidal
Maybe we should stop?

Probably, but this is fun

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See this conversation is kinda dumb. We all know that people who follow religion are not open minded. Why are you not open minded if you follow religion? Because you have closed your mind to all other possibilities by believing in whatever you believe. You can never be convinced that someone else has good points because you have faith in your belief which prevents you from using logical reasoning. It's just the truth, now take your medicine.

And to add to the topic. Aliens must exist. They have to exist. The vastness of the universe just prevents most of them from getting here just like we can't leave our planet ATM.

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See this conversation is kinda dumb. We all know that people who follow religion are not open minded. Why are you not open minded if you follow religion? Because you have closed your mind to all other possibilities by believing in whatever you believe. You can never be convinced that someone else has good points because you have faith in your belief which prevents you from using logical reasoning. It's just the truth, now take your medicine.

You talking about the converation of mine with my friend?

Yeah he's retarded.

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Guest Fohacidal
See this conversation is kinda dumb. We all know that people who follow religion are not open minded. Why are you not open minded if you follow religion? Because you have closed your mind to all other possibilities by believing in whatever you believe. You can never be convinced that someone else has good points because you have faith in your belief which prevents you from using logical reasoning. It's just the truth, now take your medicine.

And to add to the topic. Aliens must exist. They have to exist. The vastness of the universe just prevents most of them from getting here just like we can't leave our planet ATM.

I hope your joking because this is the dumbest post I have seen on these forums, in a single sentence you single handedly stereotyped every theist on planet earth because your to ignorant yourself to check both sides. In fact that makes you a hypocrite as well...

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