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Alex Hirsch

Looking for some games to play

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I've been playing single player games my whole life but these are some of my favorites for PC Kappa


BioShock, BioShock 2, and BioShock Infinite - my top 3 if I had to recommend my favorites


Dishonored - fantastic FPS stealth game, I replayed it dozens of times when it came out. Best stealth game to come out in recent times along with Deus Ex: Human Revolution


System Shock 2 - very hard game from 1999 but the game that inspired the BioShocks, plus really scary too


Thief: Gold, Thief II: The Metal Age, and Thief: Deadly Shadows - great trio of stealth games from late 90s to early 2000s, but again very hard. These stand as the as-of-yet unrivaled best stealth games of all time, though, and though they take lots of strategy and intelligence to beat are a very rewarding experience. DO NOT buy the new 2014 Thief reboot, it's pretty lackluster and the first three games are far better than it.


Deus Ex, Deus Ex Invisible War, and Deus Ex: Human Revolution - the first two are fairly hard but worth the grind in my opinion, Human Revolution is one of the best single player experiences I've still had to this day plus the game looks fantastic for having come out in 2011. DO NOT buy Deus Ex: The Fall, it's a terrible port of a terrible iPhone game.


Battlefield: Bad Company 2 - greatest game in the BF series except maybe 3, but that one isn't on Steam so you have to put up with Origin. Besides the great single player it has a very, very good multiplayer mode with hundreds of players still active since the release in 2010. I recommend picking up the Vietnam DLC as well for the better multiplayer maps and whatnot.


The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion GOTY - my personal favorite in the Elder Scrolls series and the first one I ever played, I've sunk tons of hours in this just exploring and laughing at the funny voice acting and quirkiness of this game. Truly a stellar game, and still better than Skyrim but easier than Morrowind which can be really hard sometimes.


Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, and Fallout 4 - I've personally never liked Fallout 3 but it's still a great game; I just prefer the quirkiness and funny moments of New Vegas that define a true Bethesda game also like Oblivion. 4 is self-explanatory; great game that is very addicting.


L.A. Noire - lots of people hate this game but I loved its mysterious, threatening atmosphere. Again, it looks great for a game that came out in 2011 - and I still have yet to see a better game that takes place in a city in the 1940s or 50s except maybe Mafia II but that game has a made up city so it loses out to 1947 Los Angeles D:


Metro: 2033 and Metro: Last Light Redux - both very good survival-horror FPS games, can be pretty scary if you don't like that (or do >:D) but I still highly recommend


And lastly, Wolfenstein: The New Order and Wolfenstein: The Old Blood - both fantastic-looking and awesome FPS grindfests. If you want to shoot lots of things up and sneak around every once in a while, or just love killing hordes of Nazis these are for you.


This concludes my list. I love every single one of these games and I've played all of them for very many hours. I tend to like FPS games as you can see, but I really like stealth over direct shooting which most of these games offer the capability to do. I hope you'll like these as well if you try them KappaRoss

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