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Protein for Muscle Development

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You dont need the drinks. Just do your workout and dont drink to much soda and shit like that.. My best friend is VERY athletic and have a very nice body and he doesnt drink any of that muscle drink or that shit. You dont need them.. A chocloate bar every day and run and workout alot..

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Guest VFighterX
You dont need the drinks. Just do your workout and dont drink to much soda and shit like that.. My best friend is VERY athletic and have a very nice body and he doesnt drink any of that muscle drink or that shit. You dont need them.. A chocloate bar every day and run and workout alot..

Well, yes if you have a healthy diet then you don't have to use those supplements, but he is trying to get the most out of workouts and he wants faster muscle gains. Time is money and whey and creatine can be bought cheap.

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Guest starscream


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I'm not looking to lose weight, my fat percentage or something is like 8.5-10.5 I'm pretty sure, I really don't have much to lose, I just need to get the most out of my workout.

Sizeon by Gaspari Nutrition. One of the BEST muscle/mass building creatine supplements available. Not too pricey (about 50 bucks for a months worth) and it works wonders. Everything by Gaspari Nutrition is a quality product. I use Superpump 250 by them and it's done wonders for my toning.

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Guest starscream
Sizeon by Gaspari Nutrition. One of the BEST muscle/mass building creatine supplements available. Not too pricey (about 50 bucks for a months worth) and it works wonders. Everything by Gaspari Nutrition is a quality product. I use Superpump 250 by them and it's done wonders for my toning.

Superpump 250 is so fucking disgusting tasting. Not saying it doesnt work but i have like a 1/4th of a bottle still sitting in my cabinet. Hypershock is essentially the same and tastes quite a bit better.

Nitric Oxide is not really intended for toning, at least not in a direct sense. It is supposed to help deliver more oxygen to your muscle fibers when you are pushing them through the failure zone to help you squeeze out more reps to get more fiber rippage

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Superpump 250 is so fucking disgusting tasting. Not saying it doesnt work but i have like a 1/4th of a bottle still sitting in my cabinet. Hypershock is essentially the same and tastes quite a bit better.

Nitric Oxide is not really intended for toning, at least not in a direct sense. It is supposed to help deliver more oxygen to your muscle fibers when you are pushing them through the failure zone to help you squeeze out more reps to get more fiber rippage

Yes... yes it is. I just chug that shit as fast as I can. I actually sat there and trained myself to be able to down it in one swift gulp just to avoid the taste. But sadly, when I take it WHILE working out, I have to sip it between sets. No better way to keep the heart rate going between exercises than holding back vomit!

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what happened to raw red meat and eggs?

i never used that fake muscle shit. whey protein, protein bars, shakes. all bullshit.

be a man. eat a raw steak drink an egg and start lifting. PROJECT I SAID NO PROTEIN SHIT!!!!

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what happened to raw red meat and eggs?

i never used that fake muscle shit. whey protein, protein bars, shakes. all bullshit.

be a man. eat a raw steak drink an egg and start lifting. PROJECT I SAID NO PROTEIN SHIT!!!!

Here's the thing, I don't want to have a heart attack from filling my body with a week's load of cholesterol every day. Also, I do eat steak, but I cook it like a sane individual (seeing as I'm not a big fan of worms and disease).

And how is whey protein "bullshit"? It's protein. From whey. Whey is a natural dairy product. How is it bullshit? Whey protein is easily absorbed by your body, making for quicker muscle recovery then egg or soy protein. Creatine helps bring oxygen to the muscle tissue so you can keep pushing past your normal muscle fatigue, causing a MUCH more effective workout. Oh, plus creatine is naturally occurring in your own body, so it's not bullshit.

And the ability to drop a steak and eggs into a blender and drink it doesn't make you a man. It makes you "that dude" who idolized Rocky Balboa to an unhealthy extent.

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