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Simon says question

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In the Jb server their is a game you can have the t's play if warden it's called Simon says, as I believe when you are telling the table how to play and you tell them crouch command I believe you are able to tell the t's to hold the crouch for say 2 or 3 sec. I've never had any problems with that and I've seen other wardens do it. But told the t's they had to hold it for 2 sec and then uncrouch and 1 of the t's did a quick crouch not even a second long so I killed him. But then started to tell my I couldn't make them hold the crouch and and a SO also told me I couldn't so my question is can we do that in a simon says game or not?

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There shouldn't be an issue with you making them hold it for 2-3 seconds in order to see them actually follow the order. You can't force T's to stay crouched as in "all T's crouch and remain crouched no detours no delays." You'd have to have a vote for something like that (holocaust day).

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To help you understand why you can't force a T to stay crouch can maybe help you use judgement to see when it's okay

Ts only way of communication is through typing, and when they are crouched they can't actually type anything. So, in order to allow Ts to communicate, the order has to be reasonable to how long they must crouch.

5 seconds is a bit too long but I would personally not allow anything more than that.


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