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Making a jb map

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So i'm planning on making a jailbreak map and i've been wanting to for a long time. I was wondering if anybody who has experience would be willing to show me a few of the tricks to making one. I understand it will not be easy and will take a long time but I am willing to keep working at it because i plan on seeing it through to the very end. Also a link to the programs i will need would be great!  :)

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can you join ts or add me on steam i have a few questions regarding something on hammer

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Killer I can help you if need be. I don't know everything but almost everything you will need to know. msg me on steam sometime. I'm currently working on a TTT map too. :^)

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What I did back when was I learning how to use Hammer was watch TopHattWaffle's tutorial's on YouTube, decompile other JB maps and open them up in hammer. THW's tutorials to actually teach you the basics of mapping, and decompiling maps to see how other people made their maps and mini games.


At some point, the hardest part about mapping will be your own creativity not being up to par. Eventually, you'll find out that Hammer isn't really all that complicated of a program. It just requires some time to learn at first.


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Am i going to have to worry about the size of the map in terms of how big the file is? Should i limit the amount of dynamic items? 

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As requested on Cookies tttgo map I'm requesting a shrine to the all mighty funky.

On topic things I like to play and would like to see

1.surf(to the shrine lol)

2.some kind of an arena with multiple uses(knife,deags,scouts)

3.easy bhop so I can get better at it because I'm bad

this idea is kinda out there but is it possible just to make a button that a t could walk over or hit than tps them to like five random spots in the map like a vent, cell, healing station, or what ever else could be thought of.

Then again I'm just a surf player trying to think of JB ideas lol

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At some point, the hardest part about mapping will be your own creativity not being up to par. Eventually, you'll find out that Hammer isn't really all that complicated of a program. It just requires some time to learn at first.


Had planned for this so what I did was make a list and drew up a basic plan for how the map will be made and what games it'll have so I should be good on creativity lol and I definitely can agree with hammer is simple once you learn it. I got the basics down and plan to keep learning more about how to use it.

And yes break those cuffs is a possibility for a disco song. Also was thinking shiny teeth and me! By Chip Skylark

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Hopefully you finish it. So many false promises this year. How many marijuanas are you planning on hiding in the vents?


42 :lol: , and i plan on it i had jfk give me some pointers earlier

No no no pick me!



If you need some good music ideas, send me a message

 If i need music i'll ask you guys for sure =D

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