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The Impenetrable Wall

The Arnold Schwarzenegger's Approach to Bodybuilding/Tips

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    The Arnold approach to bodybuilding. His way of bodybuilding Is about control. In my opinion i believe that. I believe that control is key. I always see these guys in the gym that will just throw weights up and just let them drop, for example on a lat pull down machine i see these guys just pull the bar down and just let that bar go right the hell up into the air with no control, they just let it go flying up and almost lifting them up out of the seat that they are in. Arnold's approach is simply controlling your exercise, forget about how much you can lift just focus on controlling your exercises for example, when you are doing curls and your lifting that dumbell up and your about to let it down do it slow, work with a weight that you can control and can get about 8 - 10 reps with without struggling to lift the weight up.




 Another thing that Arnold does and talks about all the time is to "shock the muscles" another words don't keep on doing the same routine because eventually your body will get used to it, thus you will not be making the gains you were before. So say if you are doing incline benchpress and you have been doing 125 Ibs for ten reps each set for a month, don't keep on doing the same amount of weight, if you are going to atleast up your reps because this will make your muscles grow or help make them grow, but doing the same thing all the time will not help you do much, because your body will get used to that weight and reps that your doing and this will cause your muscles not to grow. Basically just change it up if you are doing 125 Ibs all the time maybe change the weight and up it and I'm not saying to up your weight by 50 Ibs! I'm just saying up the weight to maybe 5 or 10 Ibs, do something your muscles aren't used to. If you are at a standstill and can only do 125 Ibs and you cant do anymore with benchpresses their are exercises that you can do that will help you move up in weight. So if your at 125 Ibs for 2 months and haven't been able to do anymore that means there might be something wrong and should probably find a way to resolve that issue.



   So in conclusion all i am saying is to not do the same thing all the time, change it up, or you might not get the results you are trying to acheive. Also control your exercise, do it properly, and make sure you feel it in the muscle your working. Just don't do the same thing all the time whether it's upping your weight, or upping your reps, just do something different after awhile for the best results. Hope this will help some of you guys out. " ButThis is just advise do whatever the fuck you wanna do!" -hodgetwins

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