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So it's a book or....?

TL;DR version please Kappa

26 average-sized books, actually


there's literally a TLDR on the page I linked

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It was some sort of collaboration between <A> and <B>.  He’d been partially flayed, the skin stripped from his arms and legs and stretched over the walls around him.  His ribcage had been opened, splayed apart.  An improvised metal frame held each of his internal organs in place, some several feet from their intended position, as if they were held out for display, others placed on the shelves of the freezer.  Cases covered in a ceramic shell seemed to be pumping him full of water, nutrients and other fluids that must have been helping keep him alive.
His head was untouched.  He looked up at us, and he looked harrowed.  The look in his eyes was more animal than person, his pupils mere pinpoints in his brown eyes.  Tiny beads of sweat dotted the skin of his face, no doubt due to the warmth of the room, but he was shivering.
“Oh.”  My voice was a croak.  “<C>.”
I took a step forward, and he seized up, his entire body twisting, his hands clenching, eyes wrenching shut.
“Get back!” <D> gripped me by the shoulder and forced me out of the freezer.
“I- what?”  I was having trouble processing.  “Trap?”
<D> had a dark look in her eyes.  “No.  Look closer at the walls and floor.”
Numbly, I did as she’d asked.  They looked like hairline cracks, spiderwebbing across everything from the walls to the shelving and even the ceramic cases that <B> had set up.  Except they were raised, over the surfaces.  “Veins?”
“Exposed nerves.  Artificially grown, connecting from him to the rest of the room.”
I stared up at <C>, and he stared back at me.
There was no way to help him.  I couldn’t even get inside the room to try to comfort him in the smallest ways, not without causing him unbearable pain in the process.

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