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RIP Mr Brick

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sG | donald trump: hi
sG | donald trump: busy?
sG | Vex: somehwat y
sG | donald trump: We are taking part in a final of a CS:GO tournament, would you play for our team?
sG | donald trump: you can??
sG | Vex: can I have ur knife if so?
sG | donald trump: need traid
sG | donald trump: and
sG | donald trump: 1 game
sG | donald trump: prize good
sG | donald trump: map de_Dust2 or mirage we can chose
sG | donald trump: prize AWP assimov(FT) 5 awp for team
sG | donald trump: so?
sG | donald trump: you here?
sG | Vex: Yeah.
sG | donald trump: can now?
sG | Vex: Trade me your csgo skins and I will
sG | Vex: Sir?
sG | Vex: Would you like to trade?
sG | donald trump:
sG | donald trump: we all wait you in server
sG | donald trump: cs go
sG | Vex: Give me items firrst
sG | Vex: ok
sG | donald trump: trade after game
sG | Vex: Before or no deal
sG | Vex: ok
sG | donald trump: prize give admin if we win
sG | Vex: I want the skins
sG | donald trump is now Offline.
sG | donald trump is currently offline, they will receive your message the next time they log in.

R.I.P Popeyes

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fuck you: hey
fuck you: wanna play in a csgo tourny
sG | ISIS hacker [sO]: sup bby
fuck you: we need 1 more
fuck you: prize awp dragon lore
fuck you: 5
fuck you: sir
sG | ISIS hacker [sO]: brb making a post on the forums
fuck you: kak
sean`: hey bro
sean`: busy?
sG | ISIS hacker [sO]: nah fam
sean`: playing csgo tournament
sean`: need 1 more
sean`: prize good
sG | ISIS hacker [sO]: sure
sG | ISIS hacker [sO]: whats the prize
sean`: awp asiimov(FT) 5 for team
sean`: want?
sG | ISIS hacker [sO]: Ew , sleek offered me a dragon lore
sean`: who ?
sean`: i give u 2
sean`: need prize
sG | ISIS hacker [sO]: sure im down
sG | ISIS hacker [sO]: let me post it on the forums first doe
everyone getting phished

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