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Suggestion for new game mode

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Mafia (the usual party game)

For those who know the game, this can be done without having to create a separate map if there is a way to hide the chat so that all the T's are blinded and those who were chosen as mafias, angels, cop can be unblinded without everyone else knowing by not being able to look at chat. To choose the mafias, angels, and cops, trivia can be given and the warden can choose by typing in ct chat prior to giving the question. For ex: mafia= 3rd 4th 5th person to answer, cop=2nd person who answered, etc. To make this selection process fair, a simple trivia question can be given.

Olympics: group T's into teams and make them compete as a team unless they choose to rebel as a team

Relays: will be trying this tonight.

Similar to olympics with the addition of having the T's passing c4's as they complete specific map games. I believe Leoben can be the best map for this. By doing this, the round can be made diverse and fun and, hopefully, the T's will get the chance to play through every map games.

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