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I stopped posting because no amount of analysis, factual support, or frothing-at-the-mouth rage is going to influence how you feel one way or another. This isn't a debate, identity. For god's sake the sub-title of this topic is "Knowledge is power, and I'm here to make you stronger." That cinches up the real purpose of this topic: an attempted indoctrination of any weak-minded people. Unfortunately you ran into Foh and Junzou and four pages later here we are.

Just because we refuse to idolize a Don Quixote-like anarchist/politician and his beliefs does not mean that we are 'inferior' or incorrect.


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If it looks like a chicken, sounds like a chicken, tastes like a chicken, it's a chicken.

If you look at all the pieces, fit them together as a whole, you do see a not so nice picture. No matter how it's painted.

I think we need to fight to the death. Ok, we need apples with nails pressed into them, alot of them.

HA! You are wrong there buddy. The proof lyes in my school cafeteria on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Also, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, as such we will never see eye to eye on this issue. Therefore, I will resort to plan B and just laugh.



EDIT!!! You speak of not conforming to the popular majority or to the masses so much that I worry your views are skew because of a fear of being like someone else or a group you might not like. You type very well and can get ideas across, but your flaws still do shine through to me and they make it very hard to see your true meaning. You are human just like anyone else, you have lied at least once before in your life, you are not without sin nor are you better than anyone else. Also, you speak of proof and how what you say is FACT, yet the best you've given me to prove it is that you put pieces together to form a picture based off of information that you've been spoon fed through the media and different political groups that you have no honest idea what their intentions are or what really is going on on any level. Tell me, how much of this have you seen for yourself and know for a fact to be true because you made it happen? The awful truth is that no matter how educated you think you are or how smart or how informed or how much better you are, unless you are the one controlling it all, you can never know what is really truth and what is not.

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On one side, I have more hope and dreams for the world that most could ever imagine.

On the other side, I am sick of this world, and the way it is, everything unnatural and insane is here..

Flouridated water supplies. If I had the time to get my PhD and study this I would, fight with a certified voice other than the regular. Truth is in documentation everywhere. Effecting IQ by a margin of 20pts or so. Concentrating in the Pineal Gland, reducing DMT/Serotonin production causing depression and sleeplessness. (The fact that most anti-depression medication has Flouride / Flouride compounds in it doesn't help at all.)

Aspartame. Same difference, just different effects. Brain Tumors and a handful of other brain related medical problems.

Net Neutrality. big business wants a bite out of the internet they had nothing to do with creating and only supplies the cables as which to run. Business will bite, and keep biting til it's just like TV and the majority of radio now.

9/11, finding out the truth once and for all, considering the amount of manipulation and rules the 911 commission had to abide by and things left uninvestigated.

Crap that have been pushed through the legislature. PATRIOT, LOST, etc.

Foreign policy pushing us into even more debt.

Sacrificing liberties for security.

The Private Federal Reserve.

Draw you're own conclusions on alot of these topics but this world is becoming a psychological, emotional, physical, and metaphysical time bomb.

As beautiful as you try to picture the world (Yes it is a beautiful place), take a closer look at what IS making it less beautiful, and take a closer look at what YOU can do to make it stay beautiful.

We are standing on the edge of something, nobody knows what it is, but it's creeping closer and closer, all I want is everything to be good in the world, everything make sense again. Everything work in harmony, with no treatury, no twofacing, no backstabbing, no death, no starvation, you name it, better in every way.

Bill Hicks said it pretty good...


I'm not insane, yea the ideals in comparison to what we have to work with may look insane.. but if you really think about it, it's not.. keeping up some of the stuff that we are doing.. is more insane.


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On one side, I have more hope and dreams for the world that most could ever imagine.

On the other side, I am sick of this world, and the way it is, everything unnatural and insane is here..

-sigh- Maybe if I humor him he'll shut up.

Flouridated water supplies. If I had the time to get my PhD and study this I would, fight with a certified voice other than the regular. Truth is in documentation everywhere. Effecting IQ by a margin of 20pts or so. Concentrating in the Pineal Gland, reducing DMT/Serotonin production causing depression and sleeplessness. (The fact that most anti-depression medication has Flouride / Flouride compounds in it doesn't help at all.)

If you were to get your PhD in chemistry you would realize that whatever crap you're reading is just that- crap. Just because fluoridated water caused a lower IQ in a lab rat does not mean it's going to do the same for a human. Fluoridated water contains approximately .7 to 1.2 ppm of NaF... The lethal dose of NaF is approximately 155 ppm. In short, you would need to ingest 5 to 10 grams of pure NaF in one 8 ounce glass of water in order to get Fluoride Toxicity, assuming you were of average weight (155 lbs). That's more than 15,000 times the amount of Fluoride in regulated water.

Now let's move on to skeletal fluorsis. In order to get a MILD case of skeletal fluorosis, you would need to ingest water with approximately 5 ppm of Fluoride for 10 years in order to develop symptoms. A survey of X-rays from 170,000 people in Texas and Oklahoma whose drinking water had naturally occurring fluoride levels of 4 to 8 ppm revealed only 23 cases of osteosclerosis and no cases of skeletal fluorosis.

On to cancer... http://www.fluoridealert.org/health/cancer/

Lovely website, posts nothing but second-hand digestions of academic research. If you actually want to access any research, you have to subscribe to something, they don't host it on their website. I would imagine you have dozens of journal articles saved somewhere, being the self-righteous media hating guy that you are, why don't you upload and post a few here, hm?

Thus far, the only studies I've seen in regards to osteosarcoma (bone cancer) and fluoride state that "Since Fluoride is a mutagen, and mutagens can cause cancer, and fluoride deposits in bones, Fluoride must cause or contribute to cancer." I'm sure an educated person like yourself can realize a logical fallacy when you see one.

Some studies point to the fact that cancer is caused by Fluoride in rats, but they don't adjust the Fluoride levels for rat ingestion, and they get pwned in peer reviewed journals. Feeding a rat with 1.2 ppm Fluoridated water and trying to compare that to a human is stupid. A human would have to ingest thousands of times more Fluoride to get the same results.

Aspartame. Same difference, just different effects. Brain Tumors and a handful of other brain related medical problems.

Again, same problem. Causes cancer in rats, but with obscene Aspartame to weight ratios. A human would have to ingest a shitload of Aspartame to put them at a heightened risk of cancer.

Net Neutrality. big business wants a bite out of the internet they had nothing to do with creating and only supplies the cables as which to run. Business will bite, and keep biting til it's just like TV and the majority of radio now.


'Nuff said.

9/11, finding out the truth once and for all, considering the amount of manipulation and rules the 911 commission had to abide by and things left uninvestigated.

I will agree with you on 9/11, there were a lot of unanswered and avoided questions that the 911 commission failed to address. I won't go so far as to say Bush and Cheney orchestrated it (to do so would be ridiculous, since you're getting on the 911 commission for accusing the hijackers with so little evidence), but there is definitely something fishy.

Crap that have been pushed through the legislature. PATRIOT, LOST, etc.

Will also agree with this-- PATRIOT should have died when the sunset clauses expired, they shouldn't have renewed it. And the suspension of Habeas Corpus-- ridiculous.

Foreign policy pushing us into even more debt.

It's not the foreign policy, that's just our excuse. Its the fact that we're contracting out most of our work. My dad was offered a job as a contractor after he retired from being a PJ, he would've worked 4 months a year and been paid close to $400,000.

Sacrificing liberties for security.

Ties in with PATRIOT.

The Private Federal Reserve.

Draw you're own conclusions on alot of these topics but this world is becoming a psychological, emotional, physical, and metaphysical time bomb.

Is becoming? Son, it's been one for hundreds of years. We just live in an era of connectivity now, and so we have the tools to recognize it more easily now.

As beautiful as you try to picture the world (Yes it is a beautiful place), take a closer look at what IS making it less beautiful, and take a closer look at what YOU can do to make it stay beautiful.

I just have to remark, it's funny how you say "the world," yet you only relate to US-based policy. Branch out.

(Fucking quote block max)

We are standing on the edge of something, nobody knows what it is, but it's creeping closer and closer, all I want is everything to be good in the world, everything make sense again. Everything work in harmony, with no treatury, no twofacing, no backstabbing, no death, no starvation, you name it, better in every way.

(/end fucking quote block max)

The sooner you realize that's not going to happen, the happier you will be.

(Fucking quote block max)

I'm not insane, yea the ideals in comparison to what we have to work with may look insane.. but if you really think about it, it's not.. keeping up some of the stuff that we are doing.. is more insane.


(/end fucking quote block max)

You're not insane, you're naive and delusional. The things we do are only a drop in a lake compared to things that have done before us, we just feel we're entitled to a better lifestyle because we are more "civilized." Like I said, the sooner you stop trying to change the world by yourself, the better off you will be. You will not succeed, and you should know this, since you claim that you know the power structures at work here. If you seriously developed a voice outside of an internet gaming forum full of teenagers, you would be shot, and you know it. Let it go, and pursue something meaningful in life.

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Guest Fohacidal

Your still a queer. Stop posting Bill Hicks videos...

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This is sexy, big words turn me on. I could read this kind of stuff for only about 5 minutes due to creaming myself and loosing interest. I find much of life is like that really. I also find that no matter how much I want to change the world or the things the people upstairs are doing to my life, there really is not much I can do about it besides flip the hell out and kill them or something stupid like that. So rather than theorize about could be conspiracies and talk trash to the people I know on the internet, I prefer to just ride with it and do what I please. Understand that just because I choose to ride with it does not mean I'm going to do whatever they say I should and go about life blindly following my "leaders", I'm saying that I will change the things I can and leave everything else alone as far as my life is concerned as there is not much I could do about besides what you guys are getting so good at doing right here. Talking....


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Who wants to see a picture of a girl who fucked herself to death with a broom?

Not real baby, me and a friend disproved this awhile back. Dead chick, shooped broom.

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You are mistaken on the posts Junzou. I didn't even ask you to respond, don't act like it's your obligation.

The initial Flouride intake isn't the problem, it is the build up of flouride within the system that doesn't get washed out, as the same with Aspartame. Yea I got some docs somewhere in my 30+Gigs of shit, and 50+Gigs of other shit. You act like I was crediting all my information to the half-baked flouridealert site, alot of the information is true though, and it's not as big of a risk as some claim. Long term effects are the big deal, take a baby for example. It is now considered "bad parenting" to breast feed a child, it's formula formula formula, formula powder + water = flouridula! Now that it's completely proven it's bad for you and for your teeth, why is it still being pumped into our water?

Saying and proving your going to help Net Neutrality just for a lay, though she might be pretty hot, I've had better, and it's not really the best approach, have you ever seen her in the videos happy that she's doing it? Boycotting is the best way to go about it yea, along with the occasional legislation and protesting. Yea Athenes youtube is entertaining.

9/11, probably not the whole thing, but whatever, check.

PATRIOT and other dumbfuck bills, check.

Yes it is Foreign policy and such, we play daddy to the world, and we take out extensive loans from THE PRIVATE FEDERAL RESERVE (that we do not own or moderate) the only place we can get our money, and when we borrow, there is immediate debt tacked on, do you understand how the financial institution works?

The Planets been a powder keg. Only lately has a clock been put with it. Don't call me son, son.

Junzou, I was talking about the world in general that's why.

Why say fuck it it's never going to happen. What has "fuck it" ever gotten us? Our slavery, our debt, our rights removed, our retarded (literally) school institutions, a fascist/corperatist government that doesn't work? Yeah, I'm right. I won't stop what I'm doing because I know it's right, you can sit there and defend yourself for whatever choice, or defend others, or defend country. I use to be like you in SOME respects, I've found what's right.

Damn fucking straight I feel entitled to a better world, everyone is, and everyone should fight for that direction.

Not sit by and watch people die in Iraq, Tibet, Darfur or anywhere in the world for that matter. Not let big money and big government walk all over its people, and sell them into slavery conditions. Not sit by and watch humanity destroy its self and rape the planet like they fucking own the universe.

I'm Naive and Delusional? You are the one that has no idea the power of humanity, you are the one that thinks nothing can change. I am right, and I am justified. You are the one on the wrong end of humanity.

Junzou, you atleast can wax intellectual, and put up a good debate, but seriously wipe your ass of Foh, get off each others balls, and seriously rethink whats best for your life, whats best for the future, and whats best for humanity. Your direction is selfish. Glad we still have the 2nd Ammendment, because if you cannot add positive to humanity, you are no help, and that 2nd Ammendment is your best alternative. Do the world a favor, work towards the best for humanity.. or put that gun in your mouth.

Foh, next time you TRY to insult me, wait til you have more than a gerbil pellet of brain matter and your balls have dropped. All you can do is call me a queer? Jesus man come out of the closet pretending to be a homophobe. I understand what the white stuff coming out of both your gifs mouths is now. Your insatiable love for the cock, you douchebag.

Appologies to the rest of the Forum, Thank you, I'm done.


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You are mistaken on the posts Junzou. I didn't even ask you to respond, don't act like it's your obligation.

[Probad: Important bits taken out for being too fucking long]

Appologies to the rest of the Forum, Thank you, I'm done.


It would've been faster just to write "fap fap fap"

Peace out, yo.

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Guest Fohacidal

Fuck you asshole, dont come in here acting like you deserve the same respect as everyone else, because you dont.

And by the way your flouride argument is flawed because it is assuming a majority of Americans drink tap water. It is also flawed because even the CDC has reported only 66% of homes use fluoridated tap water, and increasingly in the past 2 years more people in the USA (and worldwide) have been drinking more and more bottled water which is free of fluoride, only very few come with it, and it says on the package.

Also, people who do drink tap, usually drink it though a fridge or expensive filters that connect to the sink, further reducing the amount of ANYTHING that passes with the water.

Please dont assume Im ignorant, I just think your an ignorant bitch who has to much shit in his mouth to deserve a decent argument with me, and for the record Junzou isnt sucking my balls, he is the only one here who tolerates ignorance such as yours.

Correction junzou actually does literally suck my balls <3

no homo brah

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Identity, you come off as a pretentious asshole. Doesn't matter whether you are or not, because that's what your percieved as. At the same time, you seem to believe everything you read, no matter how garbled or untrustworthy the source.

You're a kinda cool guy from what I've seen, but all that just gives everyone a bad vibe. Chill out and relax bro. Acting like your better than everyone else just cause you watch Fox news doesn't help anything.

And Foha, you ain't helping shit. It's like you two got a personal vendetta. What the fuck?

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Guest starscream

I dun want to read 6 pages of bickering to figure out what the current topic is, ergo, what is it

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I dun want to read 6 pages of bickering to figure out what the current topic is, ergo, what is it

It's Identity being a prick and saying that all he knows is fact and if you don't agree with him, then fuck you.

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Guest Fohacidal
And Foha, you ain't helping shit. It's like you two got a personal vendetta. What the fuck?

Look I dont mind people having opposing views, but this guy is acting almost EXACTLY like mike powell (to those who were here) when he first got in here. You dont just waltz in here and expect everyone to agree with you, and if they dont they are below you, you just dont pull that kind of crap in here. You can oppose me, but dont try and force me into thinking that because I do it automatically means your right, it doesnt.

Basically anyone here is entitled to your own opinion, but not if your trying to subject people to what you believe, or make them appear as people of lower intelligence because they dont agree.

Either way I dont care what people really think about me, and for those of you who know me WELL know I put up a very good argument, but Im not going to contribute to a discussion where in the subject it says "Knowledge is power, I'm here to make you stronger." This basically compromises a simple syllogism where the end conclusion is "I have the knowledge". I dont tolerate pompous assholes, simple as that.

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*Fap fap fap* :lol:


Not worth reading, unless you're looking very little educational value.


How does the percentages flaw my Flouride argument? Yeah, I know 4 Billion dollars a year go towards bottled water in the U.S. Check facts there Foh.. it takes special filtration like reverse osmosis to remove things like flouride, chloride, etc. from tap water. So "special filters" and refridgerator filters do nothing besides filter larger contaminants.

Claiming "No Homo" doesn't change anything lol, though it is funny.


I do have some what of a mild defensive stance, all the extra "Fap fap fap" going on is my analytical side. I don't believe anything that is truly insane, I have facts, and then I have educated opinion based on all the facts I do know. The world isn't perfectly bam in your face. Elements within the world we live in manipulate because they can. Other elements believe it's their right.

I'm chilled, have been, never got uptight or frustrated. Some have simply misjudged my disposition towards them, note on other posts (besides mine where I am slandered by some of these people) I actually try to get along with everyone, even Foh. My approach defending myself from overzealous opinion is well within reason.

I am strong on my opinions yes, but the only person really even trying to participate and maybe understand certain aspects of what I'm talking about is Junzou. I don't harbor any hate towards anyone in this forum, I may have a distaste for some, but hate no. Alot (not all) has been misconstrued, I've defended where necessary, I've elaborated where necessary. My brand of defense might be taken harshly when it comes to "Zero vs Foh" because Foh has been here longer.

Thanks Jinn for being alittle more neutral on the subject. Like I had asked from Foh, Meh and Junzou. You guys want to knock whatever this is off (this goes for myself as well) Honestly, like I said, I like my neutrality, and defending myself isn't my idea of neutrality. I want to be like Austria when the Nazi warmachine swept across Europe. (No not war profitteering, just neutral, the Nazis will come after me later.. wow, that almost sounds plausable.. ANYWAYS..) So how about it?


*fap fap fap*

P.S. I hate Fox news, no spin zone my ass. O'Reilly hums the alphabet on the Republican Party's balls. CNN is just as bad sometimes.. Lou Dobbs for president!


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Not real baby, me and a friend disproved this awhile back. Dead chick, shooped broom.
that doesn't mean its not funny

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Guest Fohacidal
and like *I* said, you knock off the aura of superiority and you have yourself a deal


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that doesn't mean its not funny

This is true...... ah fuck I shouldn't have said anything, these assholes will believe anything.

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