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My weight loss progress so far [COMPLETED!]

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You can be lazy and lose weight, over eating is what makes someone fat. 

That's half of it.  It's a combination of what you eat, how much of it you eat, your activity level, and genetics.


On another note, I'm not really trying to lose weight as I'm pretty happy where I stand in that department.  I've been focusing on improving my cardiac output and overall strength.  Compared to where I was a year ago, I've made a lot of progress.

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That's half of it.  It's a combination of what you eat, how much of it you eat, your activity level, and genetics.


On another note, I'm not really trying to lose weight as I'm pretty happy where I stand in that department.  I've been focusing on improving my cardiac output and overall strength.  Compared to where I was a year ago, I've made a lot of progress.


Nah that's actually pretty much it


You can eat only pizza and lose weight (of course isn't healthy) it doesn't matter what you eat, calories are calories. Your activity level factors in how much you can eat per day, say you want to have an intake of 1200 calories per day. You can eat 1600 and burn 400 and be fine sitting at 1200 at the end of the day OR you can just sit at home doing nothing and only eat 1200 calories and get the same results on weight loss. Going to the gym is a way better way to do it but it's not necessary whatsoever when it comes to losing weight.


Genetics play a role, a smaller role when it comes to losing weight. Your genetics decide where the fat goes when you overeat but rarely at all (if at all) goes against the number one concept of losing weight, burn more calories than you intake = weight loss. Some people do have RARE conditions where it increases their appetite like cushing syndrome but SOOOOOO many people like to blame their genetics on why they can't lose weight rather than blaming themselves because they can't stick within a certain calorie deficit a day . Certain conditions make them have an increased appetite in turn gaining weight, they overate even if it's hard to control they did overeat.


There is no way you can't overeat and gain weight, if that was the case you would have seen plump prisoners in auschwitz but that's not the case. Everyone can lose fat. As far a I know if you don't go to the gym you have to eat certain food to try and reduce muscle loss when losing weight. (30% of your daily intake protein?)

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great work! it's amazing what getting off your ass will do for you. glad you are hitting your goals man! 

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Well guys my journey has officially come to a close. I have successfully gone down to a good 165lbs losing a whopping 56 pounds! Thanks sG members and others for your praise and encouraging words. Been an awesome 6-7 months but now the chapter comes to a close and I start a new healthier one.


Thanks again guys!

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You need to bulk up now, broski. =P Which... if I recall is what the next step is in your plan right?

Yep, currently I'm pretty skinny, kinda feels weird being on both sides of the weight spectrum but I'm starting my bulking cycle (even though people usually start in the winter). My brothers been lifting for a couple years so I'm getting some good advice on how to bulk


Having a broad chest and smaller arms makes it look unproportional, there's no way I'd stay looking like that :P


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Yep, currently I'm pretty skinny, kinda feels weird being on both sides of the weight spectrum but I'm starting my bulking cycle (even though people usually start in the winter). My brothers been lifting for a couple years so I'm getting some good advice on how to bulk



Awesome! Yeah, try to go for the lean gains rather than just eating all the junk food and trying to turn that into muscle.


If you need any more help feel free to ask me and I can ask Josh. =P Since he barely is on the forums anymore. But he went from like 165 skinny to 185 pure muscle and is still gaining muscle. He has like around 11% body fat so.

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Awesome! Yeah, try to go for the lean gains rather than just eating all the junk food and trying to turn that into muscle.


If you need any more help feel free to ask me and I can ask Josh. =P Since he barely is on the forums anymore. But he went from like 165 skinny to 185 pure muscle and is still gaining muscle. He has like around 11% body fat so.


Forsure! I plan to clean bulk and try to get lean and get around Josh's current for now as my long term but I'm setting smaller goals along the way like I did with weight loss. How long has Josh been lifting to gain 20lbs? 

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Forsure! I plan to clean bulk and try to get lean and get around Josh's current for now as my long term but I'm setting smaller goals along the way like I did with weight loss. How long has Josh been lifting to gain 20lbs? 


He started in the beginning of December. So like.... 6 months.

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Good on you man, you took the journey most take for granted.


I've been pretty underweight my whole life so I don't know this struggle.

(I'm scared of the day my eating habits get the best of me)

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He started in the beginning of December. So like.... 6 months.

Wow nice genetics and diet! I wish I can gain 20 in 6 months :(

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Here's a better pic of me now, currently 170lbs. I've got broad shoulders and a smaller waist, i've began my bulking recently thanks to the help of my brother










You trying to lose weight? 

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Here's a better pic of me now, currently 170lbs. I've got broad shoulders and a smaller waist, i've began my bulking recently thanks to the help of my brother






You trying to lose weight?

yes my fellow asian

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