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help building a desktop

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So I'm thinking of getting a desktop, should i build one or buy one?


How much is the average price to build a PC? I know its usually better but still :)

Is the razer equipment good for gaming?

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I'm warning you now before it's too late. Don't spam to get your 25 posts. Either spread the 25 posts over the remaining available days to apply or wait until next month. If you spam you won't get into the clan.


OT: around 1000$ should be good for a gaming PC.

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Again, don't spam make topics and reply to the ones you already made instead of making a new one.


As master chief has already said, ~$1000 usd is about how much a normal desktop will run you when building it for gaming, assuming medium-high end on build quality/power.

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Is the razer equipment good for gaming?


Their stuff is okay, they're kinda the Apple of PC products. They're overpriced, but look nice. For a first PC, don't get razer products, get cheaper stuff.

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