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We are a whitelisted server in a version of the game that is broken and never going to be fixed. We get 20-30 players during U.S Evening Hours and on Weekends all day/night. Those # are fantastic, so I have no idea what you are complaining about. During European Evenings we also get about 8-15 players. We get the most players out of every Unturned Server for 2.0 that isn't public. If you want a 46/46 server that crashes every 15 minutes (due to server breaking hacks) and has a bunch of hackers flying around that is the alternative and I refuse to do that. During late nights on weekdays and early morning hours we have a low population because people are sleeping, at work, or at school, nothing will fix that.


The other alternative is we whitelist everyone regardless of their account age and activity and deal with 5-10 hackers a day trying to break the server. No, thank you.


I see you constantly complaining about this and you complained when there were 25 people on the server. PEI with more than 20 people is a fuckfest. It is fun for a while, but then you will get tired of constantly dying. There is no reason to complain. If you want more people tell your friends to whitelist on the server and be active, so when new players join they see players online. 

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I didn't mean to be negative, more so as a way to compile a way of getting people on to the server. I've brought a few onto it, and I've been here for less than a week. The problem is those players I brought on to it found it impossible to get established. Basically because of certain players killing the same gearless person, over and over again. (Not that that is a problem, but it was for them, and they stopped trying).


Personally, I like this server, and I'd just like to see more activity so that it stays alive. For as many votes on the server list we have, you'd think there was more people.

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